Show ONE RA RACE CE BURNS pin PIERCE or BOSTON HOLDS HIS OWN ite ile wins the contest but tails rails to beat his own record frank waller was second new york july 23 the ralle mile raced bicycle i lace ace at Ilan manhattan haltan beach track today was won moil by burns pierce of 0 boston the present pre hold holder erlof ot the mile american merle iiii record he however to beat ill his ou record of 15 45 1 4 5 finishing in the stilt stiff breeze blowing bloing aarnos the ha trac track ic probably lessened the champion cham plona a speed frank Iran lt waller was second in 1 1 3 1109 15 1 5 there is afie four our biart cru lor for tile 1000 purse purer burns pierce of 0 region poston harry ellys elkes of 0 glen falls N Y tile the middle distance dla tance champion of 0 america chat chaales lea W miller ot of chicago long distance ham plou of tile the world and flank waller of boston the start was witnessed by value some persons elkes 3 vas mas tile the inside man and hill had a the best of 0 the start pierce waa on the outside but from the moment ho he left the tape lie hung hune doggedly to kikes elkes until he finally overrode him and seat bent lidin him ott off the track elkess pacemaker dom the start was tile the motor quad engineered by clocks ireland allen alien and fournier Fourn ler at the end of the first llast lap mites hikes was in the leid lead with pierce peerce close cloe up walter waller third and miller lost last willer miller succeeded in remaining last both elites anil and pierce overlapped the others in tho the afta mile and they repeated repealed the per foin foi mance nance it at intervals 0 of every tew rely miles ali al the end of 0 the sixth mile elkess pacing quad suddenly gave out and throw threw him out somewhat but he speedily righted himself with kent and steenson steering the double seat seal er pierce however had gained art an advantage which lie he made the most of and he was leading at the seventh mile in the next lap elkes was wag again ahead mith ith pierce relegated to hla hill old position of 0 a traction fraction of it a second ascend behind I 1 pierce fierce made several despe hite lie atte attempts milts to pass elkes succeeding only in tile the twenty eighth mile at the finish ot of the twenty ninth mile elkes dike 3 was again leading having overtaken still and pierce alerce in less than a 9 I 1 lap ap all this time lime nobody was bothe with either IN waller tiller or miller they were still on tho the track and that was wad all at tho the twenty fifth nit allo Is they I 1 were ere three in miles iles behind and at the thirtieth miller had P added two miles to the bad at the thirty third mile waller looked aa if i lie he aa was getting fagged bagged ire ho fell ell behind his but again got on stearn steam elkes finished tho the fifth mile lit in 35 3 5 pierce led him again at the thirty seventh seven til mile but lie had re taken his big old lilac in the next mile when lie passed the thirty ninth nila mile maik pierce made another fierce spurt but did riot not succeed in passing elkes they were now traveling at a record breaking pace bikes finished tile the fortieth mie hinlle point in 15 1 5 miller cr had then gone eone thirty seven miles and walter waller thirty six miles elkes made the folly fifth mile in 1031 15 45 1 4 5 after this there was a t herce fierce struggle for or the and tiller hen they had finished the forty tony S sev ev elith rune rier c a shot ahead ahli 1 I time w with I 1 t h marl marked ed advantage which lie he continued to improve passing the III f cioth mile n 1 lap ahead ot of eklics the ot of the end had come pierce continued to gain caan and WIT was s evidently as fresh freih as when ahen he st started arted while rakes elkes showed signs of 0 giving givin out jut tile boston man ment wc nt ahead at r a furious url pace at the bilty second mile nit le he was a lan la n and ii halt half ahead at the fifty fourth two laps nad lie he made the laccy sixth mile with elkes elites three laps one anllo behind elkess Il kesa condition had bad now become apparent to everybody and when nihon pierce started on art the fifty seventh mile likes dices loft left tile the track ho was then it malo and it a lap the loser rakes returned however low when pierce alerce waa ims coursing into ilia hla sixty second mile clim pierce finished the sixty third tit mile lie the furore stood elbest 67 milso 3 laps waller 67 miles I 1 lu lap bikos improved hla his position by beating waller by another lap and waller bikin began bi kin to play at running rings around miller at tile the end of 0 the sixty ninth miller allo in to for pierce kikes elkes again became played out and quit waller was nag then six miles behind clorce elkes waa a go however how riot not yet beaten and av 1 with fill 4 pluck the III boy was 0 out again bagain by tho the time pierce IV was roandl rounding n ig u up 1 hla big seventy seven ly second i mile n ile ile hn had th then sit ot of course tie no chaleo of 0 WI winning nning thu the purse purge tz and n d at bist bi bt st bt could play for fop A percentage of the recounts recel nta kven even sillier miller was nas then ahead ot h him but he was not eia long in sending the chicago man t to 0 the rear pierce finished tile ninety first folio w with ith waller second at the elphey fifth while hile pikes was third with 82 miles mile 11 2 lapo to hla bin score from this on it w a n 1 l only a matter ot of waiting for pierce to finish and to see pee old man waller make tile the best of it for second place pierce retained ids his fre freshness allness to the last and looked at the close as it ho be could easily havo have gono gone on tor for another miles from ill tho eldh mile he be had bad however yone gone of nt the record waller showed allowed uri un splendidly tor for an old rhan hap and elkes bikes wits was round roundly li applauded for fat his pluck time at the alie finlof hal fin loh h burns burds pierce 29 2 9 frank I rank waller 03 I 1 harry kikes elkes aa 37 26 25 2 6 5 chaales W lv uhler miller 25 BIG FIELD OF professionals grand cycle meet meat at asbury park brought them out N i 1 yik july 23 29 at the ahr grand brand u h I 1 ty A t ILL at abbu asbury ry put pal k li 11 I 1 I 1 I dl di clion 11 of A A amm i tred in fu tho the lilt I 1 ill up ill v if r h brought out in bi III 14 a 0 in ili dt df incle I 1 all tp p 11 1 in n luhn eaton Q r r arf r i land r i n uld ini sll sit pr I 1 din und J hip one mile rn 11 II 11 won ty by 0 1 I ottonia Ot tunia a ll II 13 freeman portland or fremond fre cond lt lamon chicago third time 2 it 1111 46 4 6 1 H holc alf m allo il e pr professional of s s i 0 n a i h handicap a n dim w won on b by Y 1 hardy lar y t sow 0 N n nine 1 n x 8 san n n jupi jaw e cal 45 yards L C E D jack 40 maids second charles charlei hatfield newark 40 yards third time PADDLED OVER LINE edward ten eyck rows hows away from Hs his opponent easily boston july 29 the result of the tha three cornered championship single scull race between young edward ter ten eyck joseph maguire maguyre and joseph whitehead which served to attract over people to the banks at 0 the charles river tills this afternoon was scarce ly y a feature in the second and final day of t the lie na national t tonal regatta t ta ten eyck lowed away biorn his opponents anil and merely ki paddled over tile the line at al thi ili finish 1 I 1 lengths ahead of 0 and allot nine ahead of 0 whitehead SUP still ten L eyck ack came within a tool foot of 0 losing fie race on a loul foul tor for lie bo turned thi eions vions mon buoy and maguire ids baliell by n a short toot foot maguires subsequent protest ling not allowed the tia I 1 ft a 0 eight oared events the senior milich wits was mon by tile the pennsylvania barge club and the intermediate it v hach was waa won by the dotton Ath athletic leth asso asao i lilion lation AN ere both hotly holly ton contested tested v m hill the intermediate doubles Jou blee and tile the tour four oared races vre nvere fully as exciting the new york athletic club mon tho ilia tour oared and the Jef ferles point raw ing in or f et east bonton the dou bles it fille tile intermediate bingles and ad the association were won wait by frank B greer also of 0 tile the point and john rumohr lir of 0 rat port age BROKE BICYCLE RECORD eddie Me meducie Duffle lowers the maik at new bedford now new bedford mass july 19 2 mi McDuff lc champion middle distan vo rider ot of the world broke the worlds mile record on oil the buttons cycle track this afternoon alte moon making the mile in this Is the first mile evir evell evi r ridden under motor paced tho the first quarter was made in 23 seconds the second quarter was a trine trifle faster 22 seconds while the third was in 20 soa seconds the rider could riot not quite hold this ihla terrific pace and in the next quarter dropped to 22 2225 25 2 5 seconds but ile ha had clipped three seconds and a frac traca uon from the former recoil another worlds record broken brohen fall river mass july 29 A worlds wor lils record was as broker broken at tho the fall river cycle track today when a 2 quint manned by joe rood ot of fall river joe china chars 0 if taunton Taun lon L 1 0 bechler W F chester and J 11 I Hard laon of 0 Att attleboro leboro did rold two wo miles in 4 OS oi clipping tour four seconds secand seea front from the worlds world ree record ord |