Show WES OF COLOR this th molt nicest ronalo wot wat I 1 here Is I 1 KO go MII mae to lilt Salta aJr clar 1 in their th lr on high arni RICO friend ell daubl cur cor on oart Q arc k it 11 J Is altric an all invitation annir arid tho the are cro illy rout RILL after berat bc it in A rerat rm treat tn to 0 next to the agh alvo the dos a do don hand d rhaen to the mall maiden eat badir ladir and pull the blinds blind tawn down to no inn kir mamo cant bazo on olt tile tho fair and wco or of iho illy it la Is nil lit fully lovev in ILY othol pitr in 1 it I 1 a dram 1 c curd rd for for I iff ht aili ben baah h bit bal L t alif iv wa way Y ell j i log of alio llio Is ot 1 re I 1 were fill auit I 1 L be I be b forr tire miollier 1 U L d daul li fill i sul know knew to ho he tou too en con mid cand ile kap 1 at a je at tough in it A onna birtle thorn I 1 t fit cowl boughs color ironi around or ansten to bo be lit 1 and conol them I 1 woj wed like smi inn 1 to KO go inith hh us in to llah taft lah lian 1 I a IL bocok ark wed I 1 junt lavo ova to havo 0 o ayi SAW file noil iloilo lien itol delighted anything Anilli lne to ill dilner diky tr is Is 14 not the iho sons of englem 0 club 0 V o have ft a car where 1 ou or go fro unit talk to 10 nice people nil ail tile N tany lo in life lio beach Y cali ye unit it if ou care to yon mav bathe i elili un its lint but of or coll yoiiro I 1 aca you wont PO palo ill kiich licit ol 01 ditc itc us urt rard that Is 1 ashile dancing I 1 iou car maly however ming mingle 10 us laic on in I 1 lie ho dancing 11 fletr r 1 dollar dofter dear that thai will bo be lovely manglo nit vilh ili you mid arid fill yoa yes it U will only rol ro l you ta 1 1 four doll tirs 11 9 a 0 no o it an k 4 plat just tile ILI but if eipl t I 1 in aar afraid t 11 1 1 1 1 j L in ml inga nf suld gaii teclo jef john will ami oo file 00 I 1 ancl i C dent wan closed cl oil S a laxity 1 I have eved evad still bort boast regard land many a time the harmony uc of their tongues both into ia brought my too loo delighted car T wonder r if looks year acara land into tile future whon when ho he wrote t hat if ft ho he now new a room full of ioune ladles in a city near a graut greut tic alund ai kia IN ull nil and talking and smiling ith lhoir pretty pink collell jam full of 0 hop chopo it if I 1 lio a did lie ho saw dw our nevo list or gardi cation the trousseau club cluba irewin i for or a aliat cli cist at talking of that best thinking ot of nothing tout but that casl cla ost honio naive havo that hat cht or as ai lo IA 10 l o gal cal flaurie fayat aya 1 that that bottom draiser draft or nearly full oth om luo 0 ju junt mt bo x i n ii ln g some aro are tn Ragel c 1 l ot tic ru n oro ro li v i n g 1 in n iloilo edg ile hait L flioy 0 gj all to juin the iho cl club I 1 ili or bo be lead allow so HO tako take tho the tit lip they aro are prier pral nR arid and working for you just rim nf smother mother ua to work now you mako make the mutt mun like rather vied to mako make and wo we can call ll 11 up sove r 1 full ca by it clift ELLY ay nut isn L lt it strange strai that tho alto girls land the ho fellows hrc here ate to riot not marry each other they nearly IEH rectory mairy aco lilo ill in 1110 gamt nat or sliest eal und and KV go assay or IHO bring brine them here to lo live what ti 14 lite matter cant they appreciate ono one wi an or r ho haeni lnor dmn a up too lher to they know their friends too well thit that th it oems to ho be ahn only solution lint I 1 L taio late ot of does not als itou furuki ruKi tile tho rc club it L still does ul at tho the vo lanct old raised aland 11 wok well il 14 ifill lik ali hat it N going tile tho roii roe ml ad abi about t IL certain plen sarot binl plen iv bv a lula til gent u h ho I 1 of up in a night bubl ilke aku tiny ny t bell old mirola mushroom room imply bramo h f found e it a 1 eco of bonev jt it seems that mr air dl loin mOn dUAs i ivl his gel ge anft sla L ill n MI 11 om 1 awk wit bult and at dh clity ty negil geo ahlai nud u leanch each ent entered red ilia iho bior amr alim a lim uha 0 ou I 1 look logic ILL HL tile tho housto now or havo have sonic some till ihan n 1 veat furl Natu naturally rully this ft as it tor theme aho ft ho all buirt of after Is acan ac ro ln an rv cai caien i lx alx ihm h 0 t 0 lo 10 i nai al N no r nt n t i of f s burti ti li a novel ond end eina orate tiler lifts bern been malin lit tile hut but fit it adiole lint no old mo mn wo c wont 0 n t le let hern overlook sou civo a no I 1 bic r at ph at P poor r kwil was onla 11 1 ignorant not a benr or ilk like another or the th nani me stamp d hilther poso than do 11 mait AM thing aiva worms hi ills vav nv to tile of oll m on still awl ramp ht knien further drmic 1 I 1 1 hari A I 1 chroal it rest than mini rm lil M ingrum strum ever fit if doing ish alio coille if alic willam ditc will itc dM nu and I 1 lukl n ff tin lit inn bottles lioni front their h hurls L d examines tile iho lahan to w if they ment ulah till hla his the table manitorn min of lallon were not lint iff I 1 bud all in n cap boutil havo I 1 awn een am ed t to alno it with ills his nibs suit aai aillo aboul boull 11 alvo ht linor joint A lite if eek in I 1 alio llio I 1 ca let uso vf of a knife und frk fork hut it in ilin world in IK there to in walli fth pilot IKI filings nothing not hi n except ic member what 11 pling stairs T talks hal oa n n laven been J hoy lort atoll in arft NUNN dint li op iho ih o 0 u ile cirl to or else clao rho elo ui or trang to aft L uio b a real real L tacal hearons a dunio all j A golf still and ail worse a stiff lial hat ft arock colt coil an and truck duck trousers 1 ill I oil blu blondi l leau tl if ac you only know what shat IL a con conil if cal mak up you nil are arquint arra unit in 01 ol i it hop rite Is over ilia tl ev u on L want freaks at act ali 1111 still for file two or thren ivock go lind motion aft larryl and bildo you uro ore holl bad factors J T G |