Show prehistoric WS HORRIBLE FEASTS a bones burned and gnawed furnish indisputable proof of our early ancestors cannibalistic habits vienna july 8 9 prehistoric man dined oft his big parents when tha latter lad bad outlived their usefulness he cooked and ate his friends when hen he got the chance ar A veil ell as his enemies he considered chako th flesh of infants infanta slid and of children the ot of morsels morsel a he h would punish the one who iho injured him ahra first by him lied am then by ea eating irks him all this has been proved conclusively by the dl di covery in prehistoric eaves caves recently unearthed near in bohemia of a great collection of 0 human liones bones which I 1 aich dr who n he hag bag made a careful examination ot of the relics relic declares to be the unmistakable debris of the cannibalistic feasts of prehistoric man in his report on the subject which has caused a great sens sensation atlon in scientific circles in europe dr Mat Matl leKka egita says the position in which chich the bones were found leaves no doubt that hat they A were nere the remnants of cannibal han banquets 1 1 I 1 examined many comp compartments artir it of nt the caves and in twelve of them then found human bones bone part of which comprised an the complete skeleton of a child tj culls and fragments of skulls thlin bones and arm hours holies parts of the human hitman jaw shoulder hones bones and pieces ot of llie be bones ot of the toot foot they seemed to be the remains of at least eight persons the skeleton of the child was perfectly preserved pres emed and on the edges of the bones i wore ere the unmistakable signs ot of the teeth that had gnawed at the bones ones in the dreadful feasal such teeth leeth marks could only have been made by a person perron biting greedily at the bone in picking oft the flesh on all the bones those these same significant mark were ere visible but a more important sign of 0 the use to which the remains had been put mas to be noted in the burnt ages of the bones which shoved clearly y that they had been cooked over a ere of cf ashes there was no possibility I 1 of mistaking the marks for the fire of a sacrificial burning bi a dialing the marks tainted pointed only to a fire 1 ire of ashes such auch as aa would hae haae been used for flonly slowly cooking flesh destined tor for eating purposes in one case the skull had been only burnt a g little and was in a perfect state of preservation on this skull the marks of the teeth were plainly to be ceen it may be contended can tended that the bones were ere burled buried in the usual way nay after death but the position of the remains as well mell as the tact fact that they were mere in such peculiar fragments proved this idea to be erroneous tor for the parts ot of the skulls and bones were only thoe I 1 that would have been brought to the cave for a cannibalistic least feast the small email bones that would naturally have been thrown away by those who mho prepared the toast feast were missing except in the case of tho child chose w hose b body dy was probably cooked entire abnot another her circumstance that confirms this vi view ew Is that the bones and fragments were found mixed with the remains of earthenware jars that prehistoric roan man must have used tor for eating utensils still additional proof it was as found of the cannibalistic I 1 niba listic habits of prehistoric man in the tact fact that the skulls in every case had been opened e evidently q with ith the intention ot of extracting the brains which the tha eater of 0 human lean always con elders alders a dainty the manner in w m aich the bones were broken also disclosed the he tact fact that the diners had a liking for the marrow and the bones had been broken with the intention of extracting tr this in some of the bones this ei evidence dence was naas clearer than in others but it nas in aery case so clear front from a close examination of the edges tit ot the bones that there could nt not be the slightest doubt about the breaking being done tor for the purpose of getting at the marrow so much importance ikas aa attached to this point that the bones were ere submitted to scientists tor fo r the express purpose of getting their r opinion regarding the cause of the breakage of the bones and in every case it was waa pronounced to have been done intentionally by those who were engaged in a feast ot of human flesh A close study of the conditions exist ing at the he time these bones were I 1 off as lem remnants nants of a cannibalistic feast 1 hos that they were eaten first fro from n necessity ce sIty food was scarce and the th S same arne motive that impels 0 reeked mariner to play flay his fellow castaway to allay the pangs of ills his own hunger induced these prehistoric cannibals to dine oft their fellows feitos in some como cases the objects of the fhe feast nere w ere the friend a and n d even t the he relatives and patents of the diners when they had outlived their allotted span of life and ami had become it burden upon the younger xen sn aeration it aa mag nt not at all an unusual thine for the old folks to bo be kil killed lell coohey and oaten eaten but the supplies for such horrible feasts as those of prehistoric man mere the re malna mains of 0 enemies killed in battle bathe it vas as looked upon as aa adding terrors to the flight fight ihen it was known knon that the killing of an enemy camy ft as not the end of him but that ho he would be af afterward lernard consigned to the pot or spread on the th ashes of the cooking fire and eaten ith itha aai adit edity y by thi another 1 inducement to eat cat his fellow I 1 that lal t had weight alth ith the prehistoric man an n as a eliat t bat certain portions of the iho ht human an makeup make up if eaten by vero to supply attributes that were by the enter cater kind and possessed by the eat catel catec thug thu the heart of a braxe brae man q enten by one taho ho had slain plain him or could carry one oft his body after ho he had been stain slain for the reason rea roa son that the enting of his heart waa nas supposed to she gle additional courage co to the one who aho devoured it to dine off a wise mans imparted additional wisdom to the danor and to make a a meal of a man of it mu bucl clo and sinew nave gave strength to the tha cannibal acho anho ho his hunker hunger nten the strong man a remains to those parts of the world abere cannibalism Is still in existence pome of these theories are believed in to this day which brov proves that the pre pr historic man nas acry ery little different tn in his likes tastes and 11 glnn n to the th modern savage it la Is not surprising to find that prehistoric man was nas a c cannibal the interest in the mat matter er lies iles largely in the t act that the discovery of the bones glies to us tho the actual remains of a a cannibalistic feast I 1 tit at a time lime so BO far removed as to be lost in the lie shadow e of antiquity f i I 1 10 it t g 2 Z 4 tat 9 1 r A A thoa these human bones boner reproduced by photographs taken by prof matte aka were discovered in ia a cave and plainly show the marks of 0 the teeth of prehistoric man who is pro ven by this irrefutable evidence to t i hove have numan human been flesh a cannibal the dones bones are declared by a famous scientist to b be 0 the remains of 0 a feast of |