Show LAUGH FILM AT ALHAMBRA PANT AGES VAUDEVILLE r N 1 The theatre has hIlS certainly been lining rp 11 a great lot o of pictures tor Its patons No Now comes the an announcement the tho booked Second S 'S her her- heralded her heralded in big and antl to north eat east south aJ west t o as 9 one ot tho elest Cle treat treat- treatments treatments ments of ot the mode modem n woman ques ques- question question tion ever put on tho Sec Sec Sec- Second ond Youth Is ono one of ot Ih tho funniest screen pia 8 le but It presents some Ie s on life lite today which hleb will III make the flappers Clapper the shop girls tho theoffice of rico WOI kers and e even een en the tho so- so so deh woman Jill Hie h er mch worth Ih In tn tho til cast a aie e Alfred Altred Lunt Wal all ir r Catlett Catrett Herbert Corthen Job nil Ho How land landL I L nn Lum Lumden Hare Sinney and ed Allen Alien Albert tills this pic picture lure ture lor Distinctive es or cor corporation from John Lyncha Lynchs o of the tho famous amous no novel el by AI- AI Al Allan tan lan In line with Ith th the Alhambra of at giving a big show sho product has been book bool- booked led ed for or this theatre which will the finest productions o the year Second Yeu h is the feature of at the new neV releases I Ithe to bo shown nand and TV 1 ill III be a ot the vaudeville Rude offer offering InS ing on Thursday iy Frid-iy and Sat Sat- SatI Sat Saturday I This picture 18 Is one of or the and most funny tunny co o the year P n nI I I I r r I TOMORROW I I 1 r P an t ages 6 1 or Vaudeville Including Francis Renault Sonia De Calve The Slave of Fashion Songs a Violin I I and Rogers Dancing Granddaddies Hart and Helene Billy Wells and Eclair Twins I Mirth Modes and Melodies and Hermann I I L- L LI I II Feature Picture Attraction Heres Here's a laugh fest that everybody can count on for real entertainment Its It's a picture for the whole family If you like clean fast fun in a beautifully produced motion pic- pic II here ture-here it is tJ 19 John Allan Novel I Alfred Lunt Mimi Walter Catlett l Herber ell Howland Lynn Fontanne I U ALHAMBRA Thur Fri Sat k Doors Open 2 P 1 |