Show REBEL MOVEMENT GATHERS STRENGTH 1 I IO MONTEVIDEO July 23 W The captain o of the Greek tamer which arrived from Santos declared the tho Sao Pau Paulo lo 10 revolution Is gathering and apP apparently triumphing denials by the tho Brazilian government The Tho captain said he ho was unable to finish unloading his vessel vesel at 0 owing Ing to the bombard bombard- ment bombardment o of the Brazilian lInas Gerae by rebel aviators II e said Bald ho he was 81 obliged d to port as ns some of ot the tho bombs fell ell near his ship He was not O tain certain t the MInas G was a aO hit The captain added that had arrived In the o of Santa Maria In Rio do Sul Sui and that the steamer teamer olan- olan Man Man-du du had arrived at Santos with lIh r mat and horses tor or the Santos |