Show FRAU WAGNER fORBIDS OPERA I Few Am Americans ricans Attend Great Festival for Composer Bavaria Jul July 23 The Tho W The opening of ot the Ian deel de el ci- ci op d I to a I na demon demon- demonstration this afternoon During the finale of ot Die Hans Hana Sachs tt nords exhorting the the thi citizens of ot ur lt It If the tho thi hol hoh German empire should crum- crum crumble crumWe ble We to dust duet our sacr sacred d German G II art would ouid still aroused reman on an ak of ot sm on the th pirt rt of ot the tho entire I lose ose and anti vociferously joined In I three of ot Liber ber Alles Alice I II I v bile nobody Is suspected ot of o Inspired th unusual max to the l performance It I as observed that the old mono mon colors ere He liol ted oer o he al hall hail FEW oIW rs 8 American devot devotees 8 01 Wagner ho ho lent lustre to pre wr als N aele e sadly lacking her hen the curtain went ent ent up tip on th the open open- Ins Irig In pc of at tills this tho tin 1 t ent t t nt se seventh Vagn f festi- festi vat val and a survey of oC tl 0 audience established the of Germans Germane and Austrian I e consisted d chiefly of oC Americans and the th Wagner tam famil II arc d to be bi an thing but pleased with the ther r results of ot the Siegfried Wagner I tour In the United Stats States J D D DS BS S r au r to per per- permit per permit mit and Isol Isolde e to be sung In the Wagner al h ht been the subject ct of ot much discus I sian among rl ngn Rumor has It that o een t cn at the thc th ripe age of ot S 86 6 the widow of the gI eat cat Wagner alner agner Is still 3 alous ot of Mathilde the tho friend of when hen ho waa as an etile elIe exilin In who Is supposed to ha hae ha e been tho inspiration for tor forthe the opera bas based d on the unhappy lo ioe affair of ot Tristan and Isolde SC eral ot of o Wagners Wagner's mot most edo edo- celo- celo d songs e e to poems by Mad me W She Is also kno knon known n to ha hae have e Influenced influenced Wagner Vagner greatly at t the time he ho began the to 01 fot fal Cal but 11 It was not cOMpleted un- un un til long iong after aCt Cosima tia on Dulow Bulov had dh di d her IrEt nd ana nna become the wife Ite ot of Wagner agner Consequently the bhe ha hal considerable rable part In Influencing th the th composition composition tion and staging ot of thI th opera pera I nr I |