Show DOUBLE HEADER FOR LOGAN VISITORS ITO DARREN DARKEN FACES OHARA O'HARA IN 12 ROUND 12 ROUND CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST Ad Santel Will Defend Worlds World's Light Heavy Heavy- Heavyweight Heavyweight Heavyweight weight Mat Title Against George Nelson Thousands Expected at Star All-Star Bill OGAN July 23 W Mille bile many score bell bew Cache valid valle vallel-t vallel LOGA L LOGAN residents aro busy shining up their facial embellishments today and e ever eer er good lady Indy Is Ise bus getting her I euy bonnet In trim for tor the celebration the chic chief f topic of Interest was os the bIg ban double ban double bandIed died lIed athletic caid cald bill billed cd toi rOl foi Adams Adam field tomoRrow lit night when hen Dairen of ot Logan Locan Lo an will box bot 12 1 rounds with Ith Teddy Telly o 0 Halll of o Oakland Cal and Ad Santel anteI world worlds orld champion wrestler wIll 11 nr lf on the mat with Georg Nelson Cache Cacho villey iIley citizen Interest In the boxing boIng bo match I the bout or both ran rn at al pitch e evening and atI I thIs m ining with Ith the continued l of dozens of o to the celebration and especially with Ith the presence enc of a quartet of ath- ath athletic ath athletic letic stirs like bantel Santel elon Darren and 0 Hara Groups gath- gath gathered gathered cred cath-cred ered about the eels h hid hd d noth- noth inc noth-inc log Ing to sa bO but to about the ng e 1 t Pans Ians got col a glimpse of the mighty ml 0 Hara Hora I afternoon I when hen he worked out He lie looked mighty sweet s as a boxer boer bo er but to s s lr he didn L I look I good except e a as a good food opponent opponent ent Cot fOI toi the Utah welterweight el er eight I led todd l Is a labs class boy with It the glo Cs gio loves es and will Ill iii size up III to Darren I In such a wa a that to select thel theone 1 one who ho has the edge as they enter the tha ring will 11 be a I problem He lie Is fast swings SIngs S Ings a hard right and left and e exhibits I good footwork lie Ito II appears to be beall beall all that ho he was as touted to beThe beThe be beThe The other vIsitor upon whom hom tIle tans fans ha hat have e glued their spec spec- spectacles spectacles Is the mighty S lIe br in Tuesday reads for or any any- anything anything any thine thing Ians Jans were ere astonished to see ace such a tine specimen of man mall malland and ono who ho weighs within fI fie c pounds hounds ot or his opponent Geol Geouge ge geon on Santel is confident of vic Ie victory ic- ic tory 0 el the local ScandInavian despite the fact tact that he hc could not nol throw Nelson In a handles p match held last winter Inter In Long Lone Beach Deach The local bo boss bou q Dirren th the er boxer er and Nelson elson the grappler are both ciger Olge tor for action Both ha hae e trained hal haid d and anel religiously Iy In preparation for the tussles with Ith the t touted and much heralded nI n ion lOR MILL Darren has lost lot none of ot his speed and anI his Ion long lone I string of III adent dent supporters praised him highly after watching him toda in III hl his dail dalli dalh dozen after thea the had 1 also o looked over oser 0 Hara fare He will III enter the th lIng line with Ith odds against |