Show An n Order I t CHRISTENSONS I T CHRISTENSONS CHRISTENSON'S I I J r Ones One's o oe e for in FRO F FROM R 0 M AN II 1ST I S T nr A A G G E i- i ir iJ D r v Phone p Number r SHOE STORE I M Merchandise ere h an d lse I Iw W Fit 10 Toe m waKing Av A 6 m iii Want Ads Vi ant ant- ants Ad s WANTED t OU man with Ith experience a petition In garage gargo or truck driver drive 2236 36 Orant 64 I IF ou need a ft housekeeper hou wrIte rite to F Worth orth W V orrest 2 Wy ty I i girl Irl Ish wishes hous orl not notI 1 I I required to Bitty atoy at Lt night Phone hone 1836 I 64 t t girl girt wants ant ant g the hour or some borne kind maid mold worl ork i Phone tot 1 3 1141 u T II Jor 63 J 7 PRACTICAL nursing and leading tons from rom 62 eIn hono 1 1611 1511 TED AJ VA TED SITUATION o erl wishes work ork rhon 8 SRI DAY JAY work ork ork Mrs Ire phone Phoi 1919 f 1919 f 4 IS ILL IL take car care of ot babies or mal 2603 Grant Ave 6 by hour I J rhonn PhOM J 2008 or dy dllY d y to todo todo lL washing and Ironing LADY wants ant antS do via at home Phone hona S J 10 ID LB L Ill Lf DO AI Doy Boy about 16 15 1 earD eara ear to 10 t I ccle celes 7 21 u l HEM HELl V WAN AI l rED Ladles In this locality locality to linens for lor us at home homo dot dur- durIng dotIng durIng Ing their leisure moments rite rito at e once Fashion 51 Lima Llna Ohio M Milling circulars at home spare pare tUne time 10 US week I n en i to fo Lame Laine 21 24 il 10 WI 0 4 j Chicago girl Cor or Drug StOle Stoic Apply between 2 and nd 6 j IE J girl eirl for or general house bouse work ork Small family No Io laundr laun lr 1 hone 1 1 nurse maid for lor two lt bt t CED o woman n Phone m RA- RA 8 28 1 SALCI Don SALEsI-Don Von O Don t waste ste nta lIm lime Ino IIno union Lowest Lowet price prices Vi e ship custom custon Collect your our e C tall I all 1 swatch line Une read rad Leeds L er r oot hl Chicago O H 8 14 4 WA D 10 Bv DC Pj S t new and anil second cond store atoro paa path the tho highest hl pric tot Cor or all kin In kinis Is 1 ot of t jewelry etc 16 11 St Shone liliu 1200 ai 1 market price paid for lor top i beet 01 or veil nl at Fox Keller I 1 0 let lc t t company Vet ft i e t St St 1251 12 prices paid for lor men nn s used use r-ew r r ew lork Clothing St nd a postal HbO to put up tip on shares pharos or cash casor r It lt standing Phone 2319 2819 R It 6 I MALL OLL U no ItO U 13 ouner Phone I J i 1110 laYl ays to 10 flu U up tot for forme tonn-n tonn me nezi S old suite sullo Phone thone H 1406 5 TO TID TO RJ l couple coulle wishes rooms in ome sorn homo borne or small furnished apart nent Write Writa Box Dox care Standard W WANT AI T to lent Int I tnt four our or five Ive room mod mod- modern modem mod modern em ern house houe Phone 2871 v OS I II Z 2 tuu nl 1 I ROOM WELL furnished sleeping Bleeping room breakfast U If desired G rag fo 01 COI rent 1144 1111 St Phone 1893 1892 i I CLASS S room and ana bearS 1 at the tho in Virginia Hotel fold 1 1 h paper cleaner point paint paint log en enamel I Johnson J 3 J W G ea c cleaning I and J tinting Gi phone 2747 2 31 T 5 furnished modern modem 28 room Ll Ll e LI Idaho town doing goo good x n on Y vr t Write Writ Will I In Bill aill I at a one halt nh cost coal Snap nap i peton Idaho OA JAsO AIo OJ u COl V f t-EW t w n cottage at ae ar Ogden cam on Phone Dr W H i Pelt T bLU my prices and quantity quantity before beCore betori doing dolg any cement work M M lark Clark 2182 Jackson oon Phone W 2249 W JoA It 1 lItO Ll- Ll LAWN mowers mowra sharpened and over overhauled overhauled hauled J 1 M 21 11 Smart St hone 1 J 1 1037 JIS I 0 plumbing b but t specialists on I er era phone Wm Win an ao au dot der Woude Woud 1674 J 1 i LEGAL noTICES J I NOTICE ON PETITION FOR DIS CHARO CHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY In 10 the District COUI t I of o the United I States Stales for or tho the District ot of o Utah I In the matter r of oung a I iru In b bankruptcy k Un No Notice Is la hereby herby given s-Iven that Enoch I oung ha has filed flied his hi petition on the Ird rd dRY day of ot 1124 praying for 4 II k ii discharge from all his debts In bank All I c and o other c per pcr- t pert tons one Interested are ord d do to tl Cd at the Smearing hearing upon said sold paLl peU tion before beCore the United States district jud o In the L Mate States court room In the tho federal building Salt Lake Lako Lit cit Utah on the day ot of August n ht mit t two 0 o clock k In th the I o and t then than and d show CUB cause If It n 1 any they thy hoe haic why hy the pra or of ot the tho petitioner should not bo be granted rante Uy general ral rule of tho the court It Is CUI ther ordered ordred that any ny gro opposing his o this a application and cM tile file ons shall I a entel lii In v riLing In opposition 1 thereto to Ith the undersigned referee in the man mannet manner net nr and at the tho time as aa provided In Inlo InC lo C eral Order No 23 Dated July J i 1924 S T com Referee In O Owden den Utah 54 2 tKO t ATh AM bUU County Clerk or the ISO for tor rU c Information r-o r t 0 of oC Charles Char Ie F decea do de cued ceased e 2 i L The fhe petition or of Anna McGregor and Alabel A McGregor prayIng for or the 10 oC of Anna McGregor McGreg r aB as ad of ot the of Charke Charl 1 P f I McGregor deceased In the tho above matter he lifts hila been set for hoar hear hearing I ing before belore Hon on Oeo Geo B Ii DArker Barker judge on Mondo the day of August Auguet 1924 at two 0 o clock elock p II m mn st At t the county court ourt house houe In the court rOom of DC Bald salil court In Ogden den City V eller eber CO Utah witness the th clerk derk of or said Bald ald Court Ourt with the th Nt thereof affixed this day y of oC Jul Jut 1924 LA LAW A VAN DYKE SEAL SCAt Clerk U Uy EDNA HEFLEN HEFLE Deputy Clerk DAVID JAVID JENSON ON Esi E 1 Attorney Attorney for Cor Petitioner FOR BENTI RENTIs RENT BENT I Is 0 iron On NT iT I 1 un LW Capitol furnished or steam Bleam heat het hot we- we Wf t ter r ran ranges r strictly new furni- furni lure ture garage Capital east ast of Un- Un coin between an and streets ta Close to busine business district Phone Phon 2363 3 W i ean cool desirable house houS house house- rooms Gaa Gns ins stoves 3 p per r o week k and up Sleeping rooms 3 2 p per por r w week el celt and up European Hotel Hotl St 2 ROOM C apartment s room 2 apartment do downstairs In I luge ge I in rl homo home mod model modem n special summer rt rates s O Jeff Ase A NICE NID clean elean housekeeping rooms room fur fur- tui or unfurnished Newly papered and painted Paino Paine Hurst Hural block 7 or ed d Cool end and S C h is Apartment Apartments h 27 St St 2138 2136 1 room 2 housekeeping room for Cor school student students nt i 2155 Jefferson 6 ROO mod modern rn home porch 2472 2412 Monroe Phone 1395 6 C ROO ROOM h house ue with lIh garage Karage furnished or unfurnished CI Ci 1 M 2411 2 63 tN cool small mall apartments 16 to 20 O 2106 WashIngton Apply cot cottage tage tal rear MODERN furnished or un unfurnished furnished St phone 1604 TV T 0 ROOM ROOI modern apartment close In no children ht St t Phone tV 2303 i m 11 I B it mortem modern room room- room Nicely ly fui fum fu Rent reasonable 1300 Ogden OgdenA e i A Ae C 8 S rOOM 11 house e partly furnished ur d gas fb og c i 1 St Call 2370 Wash Ae AeI A 11 I hone cool small apartments 16 to 20 2105 2106 3 Washington Apply cot cot- cottage cot cotI tage tag rear 46 L FURNISHED room four room our apartment gas and piano Ogden Ave Avo 2 OMED apt t furnished house house- housekeeping keeping iE iEt bath t W 22 22 2260 50 2785 5 Grant A I L nicely furnished sic ping looms D Best Bt location prices Garage St SLL Q loom cool and modern 10 a month Washington Av Ave KOOM ROO apartment ac access to bath hath l terms Close In In M Phone Phon 11 PLAZA Apts 2515 A Ave Me 0 T-cm T fu ful mo 0 I to rn ovi ool ep Ing lug pta apts by the c week iak k or jr mom mOil I i 2425 m 2 II 1 house phon phone sleeping porch c low rent call Lall 1613 1612 Hudson COOL front loom modern homo home board boord If IC J desired arage 2566 room housekeeping apartment CO C Coey Co Apts It H 5 OG LN S largest modern clon el La rantz tz Argilo Arnie St I hone 0 1217 R room furnished apartment rent reasonable at t 2220 Lincoln A e A 0 COOL room for tor or gentleman with bath close In 3 3 00 week ek 2341 Ada Adams Vl VIrU cool comfortably comfortable furnished lar larto front room for lor housekeeping Hh bt t MODI RN furnished 6 room house houe 2759 Adams Phone J OHIS O-lE room l Ap Apply ly 2nd St O ROOMS suitable for bachelors baChelor 24 24 street t furnished apartment and and rooms room close In St 14 4 ROOMS ground floor door private bath nicely furnished 2785 Grant rant Ave 2614 lOom 3 3 1 oom apt sleeping porch newly furnished ONU a and 2 clean cool i I rooms s sa St I MOD MODERN HN 2 or room J-room apartments Lights Light St LOST AD AND FOUND FOU D LOTi LOST LOST-in In Ogden can canyon on 6 5 mou months months- old fox ox terrier All white two to black ears cars Answers name namo o of oC lorry Ke Ite ward for or return or for or of whereabouts Phone 20 W rights right a LOST LOST-Dlack LOST Clack c German police c puppy 3 months old Answers to name namo Lilly d or Iso o collar collor St liAH KLOCK A pin set with pearls H I-I J 1 JT r en raced on back Lost Loet between 2050 2060 and lat and Return bt t LOI LOST thI LOST T Phi Kappa Lappa pin Name Ralph ye r-ye on back Reward Phone 1937 I I I I lO O HrAD tie pin a relic relle Return OB r A Cases 0 II Drug Stoic 3rd and Wash ard Salesman LOST LOST man B a black pictureS of o Sweet Sweat a candy Return b lB wrist watch at t L La- La Lagoon Lagoon goon Thur da Phone 43 33 Ro Re R ward ard M Package LOST LOST Package containing whito silk lIk skirt on street car cor Phone 1034 Reward Jo 3 LOST bulldog 5 B months old male 4 whito fooL foet Reward Phone LOST Brown LOST Brown bull pup Answers to toI Brownie Reward St L 64 PLUSH cape capo between and Ogden Phone W Beward Rard AVD ATh A 1 MOVING FRUNK OK freight cat cai c l hauling pac tog Ing and shipping VISON D CO Office orno r Milli-r Cigar CIu tore Phon 1057 W 2161 2157 OLn Gl M MAll All U it kind kinds of enger work eisa- eisa 18 pools poole and toilets denned cleaned rubbish hauled John ic o Lo Co 2343 LOud LOud- son son Ion Phone lI l 0 U lIt CIUI LARSEN AKSEN I L SOIS contractors contractor G Get t our s first 1810 Wash Wah A Aye Ave Phone 11 it I II G G plot picot edge dge buttons button pinking pleating new and complete 2nd floor loor Wright s a t 1 Mn Cr H Layman I r ClI 1111 Your oun old or rann taken In aj aa part payment on oa a no new tor ton or oil stove Iton nOME FURNITURE CO Corner Comer LOrd 3rd St SI and Aye ATO Phone MA IoIA MArmi 1 SS S'S Ilk Si Itt It 1 SI ATI M ii iiI mattresses I upholstered and mat mitt tresses re reg renovated g Factory y Phone 92 29 I OG G dono don Tutoring In n German Spanish and Latin Phone Phon 2723 2725 R R it I FOR FOB RENT BENT I 4 41 ron fon T JU T T r RIC E ROO i apartment modern In very every respect built in features eIo 10 glassed I Inc in sleeping porch rc l A-l eon roi d Inquire nc f D 1 fi firc H 10 Perry er I Ogdon Ogden Theatre office olce Phone i 3 7 4 TH THE N NEW W Furnished and apts apis and Hudson Hudon PIna M LO I 2911 ll 1 GI Moitt OLt Most FAS-Most PAS Moat up to-date to apartment la Lu the tho city 3 rooms with sleeping Blu porch electric ralle range 26 j 26 raDt brani Av Ave Phone J J i 1873 room five home Ith sleeping porch Inquire at 2144 43 Linford no OIl Eo room five house with Ith halt half hal acre cre ground Pacific PaLle Inquire 1144 trant runt A 1 4 rooms and nd sleeping porch mud modern lern rn 35 OU 01 per month an at M 4 I 1 Ol OR REI RENT T modern bunga bungalow sleeping porch In- In inquire 10 low Ion G 6 Groom rooms quire nd 2 St St 1 PHOM PHOI 2559 J J call lit t the tho want ant ad a for tor or an order for or ice cream 66 6 ROOM modern good condition Largo Large sleeping porch 2913 2912 Pingree Phone M 2183 OaDE OGDEN S I lai gest modern modem apartmentS Avelan La rantz ArS Argle Ie St Phone rhona 1217 R FOUR room rooms sleeping porch Modern except pt haL hLat h at h 24 and Jackson Phone Phon 1094 4 Apt pt modern f steeping sleeping eZI g fo porch steam i bent t 43 r reZI e A Phon 1499 J ROO 3 3 ROOM 1 house newly papered also summer kitchen Inquire 1 1131 1331 Mud Hud Comm aon Av Ave ROOM If modern home on oil bench ga- ga garage go- go rage rge C C Nye Oye b L Ig Phone b 5 KOOM D-KOOM l house bouse bath paved largo large lot lot rul v 1445 1645 W ROOM modern house noue between list and nd 2 trots streets on rea pini-rea avenue ave nue flue R Il 1 I KOUM and amid t will Choice ulo L L 1 I 1 41 tI I t 2 3 l bG 4 ROOM modern hou house Appl 61 Cord or phone jhOne hone W V 64 54 2 ROOMS l downstairs for or rent iW 56 l t St i i 0 U O four room roum flat lal with Ith large largo lUg porch bt bL 1 3 modern apt t at llo l St Sl t it Phone R 53 1 t 4 ROOM cottage modern Phone or can be teen seen at t VO a TI O rooms room for or light all Coil St Phone J API iT for Cor or rent remit at t time the Claremont I 1 hone J o i iJ J J 1 Urt Oit t 4 mounts looms and bath 28 2823 8 Sash h A e l C-l 6 1001 00 r cigar clar case tables and aai chairs chair hair I S q Av Ave I Apt pt private bath h AS A AI I p I it OJ J mil SI St SIAI AI Apt 0 1 4 COOt COOL roon rooms l and nd cellar and shodo ahado 1610 lt Washington AV Ave I 1 hone 1 M 7 71 1 I and bob curling j Leono C 81 li Grant Phone W 1 w 5 W I MARCEL waving ladies and drena drAm JI ew ew powder Puff Parlor Jb l St Disc Base ment National lOank 5 9 3 L SOc and man man- mani SOc Also Complete le course coura 57 1 60 2910 Child Ave phone M L and bob Soc St 1 hone 3 70 M 11 French bob bobani and round curling SOc 2863 Fo Fowler Ir A Ase APhone 0 Phone 1473 J and ard bob curling Mrs L J art arl I Adams Adame Ave R It MARCEL and bob curling 1126 1129 Rub Ruo Ann Court ourt between and S 1 hone 1763 R MARCEL waving bob curling Lillian Eldr Eldredge dge I a MARCEL and bob curl expel operator 1224 St Phona hona W V 34 l L iiiI K H-K H CLAS Uelva Wil- Wil lIam Wall Wail A Avo Me 0 Phone t ono 3 W 21 5 and bob curl curt Phone 2081 J St WI waving Soc Phone W V 2893 2993 M 51 call at tho the wont want od counter countr tom for toman or an order fl tor r Ice Ico cream MARCEL and nd bob curl SOc 2554 2564 Mon MOnroe MOn Phona roe Phone 1297 J 7 40 MOTET TO O FO 10 lU AND ANU UP 01 Urto to salaried and amid housekeeperS security Repay In IDI menu U menta convi nl nt to you courteous service 1 La- La B your credit dl with l th the and take vt u of the Lh li ap st rates lutes f nr r re lil Klonel mel 5 t LIbERAL 10 lour loaDs 0 oa on watches dIe dla- mond monds guns cuna revolvers rUI rifles kodaka musical instruments etc ete A AU AU U 8 h licensed 1 ud and b bonded loan office otc lf lUndo Uncle Sani S C m a C V H U I prop st St LOANS 10 no Al AND OU up No security or Mutual savings plan at cheapest rat rates I In eos easy instAllments Cent ConCi I- I o Mutual J lre Credit lt 1 e- e 7 IV W Au Ass II 5 II J Phone un unU 1 U 1 Ute life mooney money on OLD and V MT l V l homes bomea and apartments apartment I Long time desirable op lions Also Alo plenty local money Usual rates Kelly K Sc Ik 30 DOat 4 PEOPLE a LOAN OFFICE Mone Money Loaned on OD Valuables Z tb Street Phone 1301 1300 1298 1213 private money to loan on real te estate Phone 2029 2028 50 3 1500 1600 AND up to loan on un real roal estate 1101 B 1 J HAMPTON lAUrON CO cleaning denning renovated Vo Vom k guaran guaranteed teed tood Prompt call and Phon W v HOME CARPET CARpEr CLEANING CO For First Cia Class ork UpholsterIng and Mattress Phone 1320 K K Van Yan VanK 1 mn n IM IMI 1 cleaning color restoring Ph W 2553 Ogden Oden Fluff Rug Clean Co jolt lOR I Oft Sri S UI 11 OK OR n 1 I rooms and Iwo Yo largo large porches suitable I Ia for orr orra or family amily a or apartment r papered a and paInted A lar gain 2364 2354 h 36 Quincy IC Av Ave tr Apply 1026 6 S St St |