Show i him because e of the recent reeo d dof of 0 Hala Is dyers of or Po atello and cleaning up man mans mani fast bos bo s on Oh the Iho coast and elsewhere Nevertheless the gi 1 J rankle lo Is detel mined to come home with lIh at least a u w dr and It If lr lie hes this ho he will III feel pleased Nelson on has been the th mat matIn matIn matIn In the Smart gm to good athan- athan I tage late laid I He lie h his lIld every available husky around town to 01 him out and with hi his other condition conditioning In processes se ho he feels I that he was as nc nes never er better botter qualified to meet a worthy opponent The fighting 0 Hara llara has a great d lIe He has In battles and lost but three these were to 10 Joe Jo Benjamin Jack and Seaman but he ne later came camo back ind nd won from Reaman Among his victims are such reno renowned ned boxers a as Eddie bite Bob Soul s Mike 0 Lac Lacy Geol Geouge ge Dick Hoppe Joe McCabe be Bobby Ward ard Young Drown Brown Sll sn Salvador Salador Eddie Dig Dig- DiggIns Diggins Die Eins gIns Johnny Bobby Michaels He lie bested Darren Damn last winter Inter in Salt Lake ind md beat Miers Ers In Pocatello July 4 of this ear car GOOD D has beaten such elas boe as Johnny Lucas Luea of St StLouis StLouis StLouis Louis Abbie George Soli Is rrankie Reagan Rc gan of Pueblo and In his last battle licked Dick of ot Los Angeles In a a 10 round 10 round bout So 0 largo large I Is s the crowd expected that the American lon Lesion com coin com in charge chargo has enlarged the big open air arena on Adams Adam Adamsfield Adamsfield field lights ha has have e been Installed and e c every cry ery o other detail has been attended to Tho The bouts bouts'S III S 'S ill be called promptly at 7 o'clock Thursday evening Hardy Downing Do will referee the I Darren OHara bout and Han v Heagren will win officiate In the big I match Doth Both are Salt Lae Lakes Lake's most not popular boxing SaltI and andt t promoters respectively I |