Show n ACCUSE NEGRO OF STRANGE OFFENSES John Wise se 26 alias Allison negro n dining car waiter T Tent Twenty sixth ent sixth street was ar- ar arraigned ord ar arraigned before beto e CIt City Judge ft D R Roberts this thia mornIng on a charge or of hur burglary tary In the second degree Wise requested time to secure an attorney and his prelimInary hearing was as set tor for July 2 26 6 The man I Is alleged to ha hat havo o e brok broh- brohen brok- brok broken broken en tote Into the home of or Louise J John John- Johnson ton John son bon sixth T Twenty sll tet on July 20 here a here he Is said sad to hive he e killed Jellied Mrs Johnsons Johnson's Ier Per Persian sian stan cat and placed a call cill tor for Ma Madam Ma- Ma Madam dam lam GillispIe at Birmingham Ala on the long lone distance telephone Wise who nho was w arrested by Dt- Dt De teethe e t Chambers and 1 Special Special cial rIal Officer George Carey Is said sall to have maintained that he sas as called Into the house houe by a a white whiteman man and declares he hI ja is Innocent |