Show FLAMES THREATEN CANYON HIGHWAY Burning bru bruh h and grass on the hillsides directly below the tho th Sani Sani- Sanitarium Sanitarium at the mouth of o Ogden Og len canyon Tuesday caused a consid conald considerable erable amount of ot alarm for tor tell fear the th flames would damage the surfaced surfaced black road covering The Tho fire fir department responded to a call turned in at 3 o'clock and pumped hater nater from Ogden Olden river to extinguish the tb flames Hamo Flying FI Ing sparks park from the th tack stack of ofa ofa II a locomotive passing unde unde- the th duct ll 1 duct jet cl fire to refuse reu on the th roa road 1 nay ay at 5 If 16 o'clock Tuesday It aft afternoon afternoon The Tho Th blazo Maze was put out Iy by bythe bythe the department |