Show FOREIGN i LIVE LIVESTOCK STOCK 1 l I By v U 0 Depar- Depar I I t CHICAGO July 23 lIo Hogs H Re- Re Receipts 1000 slow desirable grades to SOc BOc higher than Tuesday Tuesdays Tuesday's 11 rare slaughter pigS mostly SOc COc higher others dull dul light receipts receipt packers packer Inactive top light and medium weight eight bulk good and choice to pound weight 9 2042 20 ji 9 tf 35 better 20 to pound averages I 9 l 9 26 25 packing sow ow 8 35 desirable de lr bl strong weight pig pigs 8 oU 8 26 25 heavy weight bogs hogs 8 3 00 medium 9 H 00 H 35 36 light U 5 IS 60 36 35 light light 17 1 25 packing SO sows o smooth 8 15 H 5 9 60 50 packing SO sons sow rough 7 75 71 8 15 slaughter pigs pig 7 17 iSO 5 59 Cattle Receipts bettor betler glades grain fed steers teer and yen year yearlings lings hogs strong to lOc bc higher others oth and gr kind dull better belt r ship ship- shipping shipping pine hip ping demand for fOT grain td ted cattle ear eari top matured atee steers 11 30 several evral loads handy and heavy 10 00 most long early 1070 10 75 bulk ted fed stera and yearlings yearling 8 It 60 50 grassy kind generally below Inside figures grassy rasy CO cows cow and nd heifers cly numerous cry terY slow low lo about steady teady better grades CO cows 9 and heifers getting some ome som ac- ac action ac action tion bologna bulls liberal supply weak to lc ISo lower few weighty kind kin abo o bulk 4 54 SO 4 76 75 packers bidding sharply sharp lower on teat eal calves outsiders getting choice kind at 1000 10 00 and slightly abo c stockers stocker and feed feed- feeders feeder ers er or more mor numerous bulk 5 2542 6 76 Sheep Receipts 16 11 COO dull no early sales fat tat lambs lamb bid bidding diD around SOc lower loor talking 13 00 on natives sheep and feeders steady range rane ewes to killers 6 60 choice coding reeding lambs Iambs 12 23 25 2 OMAHA July Hogs Re 23 Hogs Rc-cipta Rc mostly 25 20 to lOc higher to shippers shipper and anil lard ard trad trad- mad mad- trader N er do big packers holding back bulk better grades grade 3 to o pound weights weight 8 BOOSTS 75 top tOI topI 8 16 85 desirable to 10 pound weights 9 I 50 O packing mostly 8 it 10 smooth sows sos Upward to 8 11 60 50 bulk of all Ill sales 3 top 89 88 91 cost Tuesday 38 8 11 Receipts Cattle Cattle Receipt beet beef steers and carlines mod acUte e steady to lie higher kill kill- killIng killing kill killing ing quality considerably ed bulk dry lot steers and 7 i 85 li s of ot well finished 10 40 10 top eight steers 1060 10 0 60 better grades dr dry lot cow cows and heifers fairly active strong trong stron to lOc bc high high- higher higher er en In between kinds kind and plain grassers dull about steady teal teal- enl cr ers ens steady teady bulls 10 to lc He higher stockers and lInd feeders nominally steady Ready bulk dry lot cows S cow and 5 25 choice holce hole helt- helt heifer era er In load lot lots UP al d to 9 00 grassers 3 25 canner canners and cutters cutter 2 60 50 l teal eal tOt top tt 8 8 00 outsiders outsider Ill I'll piling pasing Ing up- up upward up upward ward ard to 10 9 S 00 bologna bulls bulla bull 4 14 SO 50 ff 15 85 Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts lamb lambs lambi 2 26 to SOc lower Jo mostly Sc Ge lower lo fat Cat range lamb lambs Iambs mo mostly 12 85 13 1300 00 top 1316 1315 13 16 natives 12 00 13 00 he p and feeders feeder steady early carly sales feeding 11 00 11 25 26 KA KASA KANSAS SAS CI CITI Mo o Jul July Jub 23 13 3 Cattle attle Receipts Receipt I 8 raIses cal 1500 15 15 00 nathe teed feed steers uneven steady to higher choice handy weights averaging 1240 poUnds pound 10 SO iO 0 early bulk bull 8 60 grass steers slow low steady stady to ISo lo er bulk 55 00 ii I 6 40 Letter better grades grode she he stock stead in be- be betWeen be between tween grades cows cow dull bulk beet beef cows and heifers 3 canners 50 canners and nd cutlets mostly 2 26 25 3 15 hulls bulls strong to 10 iSo high high- higher er or bologna 4 14 75 stockers and feeders around te dy top feeders 7 75 bill bulk 5 75 best i ealer st stead l a 1 other cah es weak eak to SOC Oc 10 lower lower- er practical top tOJ teals S 4 4 60 GO 0 mediums and heavIes heavies ies lea 00 Holts Hogs Receipts 7 SIc to SOc higher now slow glow big pack packers ets e ers s doing doln r practically nothing bulk desirable 1 0 to pounds pound 8 76 75 9 00 shipper hipper top 9 t 05 01 few load Iad held higher higler bulk hulk of ot stIes sales 8 00 rood good choice Sl 1 30 1 60 pounds pound 8 00 10 desirable de to stock lock k pigs 7 r 6 85 packing 0 sews ow mostly 8 tt 40 Sheep Sheep- Receipts Receipt S 5 lambs Iamb mostly SOc to tn lower tr early parly top westerns S 13 13 16 15 odd lots lot na- na natives na tives tire up to 13 00 practical toP 1276 1275 76 sheep neep steady Texas 8 00 T laa 9 25 ST JO JOSEPH Mo Io 23 23 3 Hog Hogs Hogs- Receipts 4 35 to SOc higher top 9 00 bulk 80 9 00 Cattle Cattle- Receipts Receipt 2 uneven uneven steady to lOc lOb higher bulk ot of steers 8 2559 9 60 GO tot too ton 10 00 OO cows and feeders 3 2559 00 calves 34 00 1 18 sa 50 stockers and feeders 4 2 1 50 60 Sheep Sheep- Receipts Receipt 1500 1 lambs lower lower- sheep hee strong lamb lamboo 12 1 50 0 clipped ce ewes 55 5 50 SO 6 75 76 |