Show IDAHO BOARD ASKS LOWER WHEAT RATE RAT POISE POISU Id July Ju 23 For Formal mal complaint against wheat heat rates rate from Idaho points to Portland sas as made to the interstate commerce commission by the o put lie hc utilities commIssion It Is s charged in iii the complaint tilt the lh present I 0 over oser er the lines ot of o the Oregon Slot t Line d com compani pan and the Oregon Oregon- Orccon Washington Railroad and nd Na lg tion com company pall are excessive 0 I dis-I dl i unreasonable unjust t I and In lIon of the Interstate commerce act net The Idaho islon asks f for r rd d nn nit i d dr r ii which bleh will stop stol these I carrier carriNO from charging these rates and further sh that that thata a et et ot of rates ratos on wheat be d that will be bp Ju t md nd reson relon rc iTOn able and nd not In e cess ele ss of ot rites l harr d according to equal dl- dl tal e bv b other common carriers tran the same commodity to Pot POI 00 I |