Show elaboration cut out of chinese weddings the wedding of the chinese couple was formerly a very elaborate affair consisting of six rites which covered almost is as many jays days and part of the ceremony was the transportation transport of the brido bride to lier her future home in a flower dower decked sedan tills this vehicle was a gorgeous affair but recently it has been displaced by it compromise inthe in the shape of a glo glorified rifled nu to mobile this is not quite so resplendent as the old tittle time sedan hut but it answers nil alt purposes many of the features of the six day wedding retained by the ceremony have recently been abbreviated it Is quite common for the wedding party to stop in at a movie show on oil their way to the brides future home it Is also not unusual for alie lie couple to adopt the western vestern idea of the honeymoon trip A few years ago such it ii tiling thing was unheard of |