Show 0 News Notes its a a privilege to live line in 11 q lah SALT LAKE motorists will be hap iy ay this summer the federal and state governa government ent will spend for new roads and highway repair PARK mining companies ot utah paid out iu in dividends in 1928 1923 as compared to in the preceding year OGDEN weber county dairy as so catlon cation a cooperative closely allied to the weber county farm bureau molded in january pounds of butter as compared with pounds la in january 1928 or ani an nerease in this product of about 34 per cent LOGAN during january dairy herds la in the central cache dairy herd hera improvement association made substantial gains in both milk and butterfat butter tat production over the preceding mouth month according to a report just filed with county agent R L wrigley by J B thatcher association tester MYTON according to report as made at the government office in myton the thermometer registered 1 17 below zero friday morning and 24 below saturday morning indications point to the probability ot of its neing just as cold all over uintah basin asin b the same days SALT LAKE salt lake stood first among tho the large cities of the twelfth federal reserve district for the first month of 1929 in tho the gala gain of retail trade according to the report of the federal reserve system received by oscar jensen chairman of 0 the retail trade department of the chamber of commerce PRICE overhanging snow in the of indian canyon highway between price and duchesne with the constant tin threat eat of has caused the united states mall mail distributing til department depar tient at price to pursue a course of extreme caution according to cyril B D cluff superintendent of the united states mall mail garage at price the road has been kept open at ull oil times this season brigham CITY brigham city experienced perien perlen ced extremely cold weather during the past few days the mercury dropped to 10 below zero friday night 8 degrees below on saturday night and 5 on sunday and monday nights the weather is now moderating slowly are somewhat alarmed over the probable damage done to fruit trees during the cold snap DUCH DUCHESNE ESNE 1 orty three inches of snowfall with a water content of 9 95 inches was reported at the head of daniels 3 canyon ns its of january 31 by forest rangers this precedes the storms of early february the reported snowfall was nine inches more than at february 1 1923 1928 and seven inches more than the average at that date since the series ot of measurements started UTAH providing the business men the service clubs and the newspapers give their support salt lake will be scene of the 1929 junior american league baseball tournament between utah nevada arizona and Califor californi nL this announcement was made recently by dan sowers sewers national director of the american commission american legion who was in salt lake to confer with local legion heads representatives senta tives of the service clubs RICHFIELD A carload of live poultry was shipped out of richfield lUch field tor for san francisco recently by the utah poultry producers association the car contained upwards of at birds this is the third carload ot of poultry shipped out of this section during r february A car of dressed turkeys was recently shipped by the same concern from gunnison and another from ephraim A car of 01 dressed turkeys Is ia naw now being made up at st bt george OGDEN utah canners in 1929 packed cases of canned goods said a report given out here recently by tile the utah canners association it was the second largest pack tit in tile the states history the canners paid farmers for the seasons raw material and expended fil in wages the years output included cases of tomatoes cases of cases of beans cases of apples and cases of cherries MT PLEASANT about lambs tor for tall fall delivery were contracted tor for by the rogers livestock company of ogden recently py by their representative from mt pleasant sheep men eleven cents a pound was tho the contract price with an advance paid of 0 U 1 per head bead the company also purchased yearling ecea at 12 it head and rambouillet rams from mt pleasant and spring city breeders bleeders bre eders ot of rams ram swill will bo be shipped and sevier this |