Show south rich high the following teachers from rich county attended the regional conference of the utah teachers association held at coalville Co alville utah saturday F february 16 R D law president of t the rich county teachers association kenneth muir chairman of the finance committee charles rex chairman of the publication li committee carl stuart chairman of the legislative committee and the misses lucille corless clara clawson annie stuart and wibora tin gey mondy monday of this week was the birthday anniversary of miss mary Wo ozely in the afternoon the physiology class staged a peanut bast in lier her honor and that night some of her friends gave her a suz surprise rise party the party was sponsored somerby by oreta morrel vera lee kearl conj and mrs R D law it was held at the home of the latter tuesday february the public speaking students held an assembly for the purpose of arousing interest in the school play pego peg 0 my heart by manners monday trouts tryouts were held and thelast the cast chosen competition was so keen that the judges mrs R D law mrs M S rely reay and mrs geo wilson needed a full afternoon afternoon to listen to tryouts and arrive at a decision ke keep ep the memories of your fir first st year at S K R H S by buying a year book the first ever published at this school the staff under the direction of miss kearl and miss are working very hard to make the annual a success the students are given iven a c chance h ance to name the annual and Z the student submitting the best name gets a one dollar reduction on his year book the south rich high will go goto to lake town friday february 2 22 to play clay the final aie tie game with north rich high the b boys 0 r first and second teams will play a and n yd the girls first team south rich has already won the county champ ship class meeting were held monday to discuss plans for the coming spring festivities tivi ties the evanston high school team will play a return game of basket ball with the south rich high school at randolph wednesday february |