Show house bill no 89 by rep fixing boundary Is most important by fiu fal tile most important thing belore before the people of rich county just now is house bill no 89 81 by inep the physical bout boundary idary between our country antl and summit colin county thia thi now new taw law will restore the it strap con coll laining tile the main line of the pacific and give to illch county I 1 i number of miles of track yielding it a yearly ie venue revenue near ail 14 t the merit in ili the case are all 0 on ol 01 conr ir side and sir is makins 1 2 rt a determined fight to get the facts I 1 in tle me inetter before our present loyis logis lature and now is the time to support him swi him if you can write to litell it if you cant if you know anyone in 10 adv of tit the delegations from any or till all of the counties ronn ties and iid districts of the state write them or telephone them got get their interest aroused and the justice of our case will 10 lo do the rest resi A number of prominent figures in hoth both hoimes are for us u till and it a verv verr fine attorney in ili the senate will earry carry it through chilt body our district senator is from summit county 0 40 o we are aie discount inu ins that source ace of aid so tans ins and democrats let imset busy I 1 berv very branch and department in out our public life in thi taij county is handl cupped for funds this largo amount which the union will cheer otilly aay life into the treasury will arv ly help belp ret ket us lelve leave no tone stone III unturned JOHNSON |