Show garden city notes garden city feb 1929 on thursday day of last hit hi t principal walter A sells lett left for provo utah to visit with ills his family and friends friend u until this week end in ills his absence I 1 mr leroy pope poix Is ii occupy occupying li ig the chair bishop diaries charles 11 rope pope returned turned ic home yesterday yest eulai after nii ab absence serle of over two mouths month he has leon been looking after his interests tit at lone tree tiec wyo wo lie ile reports that the winter whiter has been very severe on oil the winter range and that sheep IL men are aie suffer sufferina sun erins inz heavy losses the school buss busa which was put 0 out ut of commission omesime 6 ago wits waa sont to the J C kith motor co of montpelier ida idaho lio for repair lepai iSa li it required three towns teams to pull it over the roads loada the theo tacio illicit ill ib truck haa bab been engaged to transport the high school children to bo while the regular buss bua bu a is being repairer repair ej bear lake is filzen over carry t lil a coat of about 12 inches of ice ILL ice harvesting hai vesting Is in ili progress now A number of the young ounia nien men of town tire enjoying the sport of lossing crossing till lake on tho the ice they report that it requires ulios about min minutes lites to cross the lake from here to north of south edon the state road force tire nie again on the road dealing clearing tile the hitta drifts off arid and learing dealing the snow that eliat tile the roads may be passable tor for cars we who live south of st charles chaales idaho lament the attitude that tit state road Cominis slon of idaho me are jahlil regarding the highway between st charles and paris it seems to us its that this road mid should bo be cleared after each storm that alio p living south may have hae an outlet to a railroad point parla paria sir sherm lutz was appointed health superb wr of garden gaiden city and ho he haq haj been the busiest man mall in toun for the lust few days dr reay licay of randolph reported to cases of amali pox and these have been put under qua quarantine i sherm R i now known as the medicine man ilan |