Show y W N PROPER FEEDING REDUCES F FLAVORS it milk containing offensive tastes Is rejected I 1 prepared by the united states state department 0 ot agriculture while milk producers tire giving considerable sid ald erable attention to preventing losses duo due to sour milk they too rarely recognize that other flavors and odors also cause no aw annual loss probably as great as that from sour milk milk containing abnormal flavors lasurs lav urs and odors Is rejected by dealers and consumers abnormal flavors result mainly fro from m four causes according to C J babcock of the bureau of dairy industry united states department of agriculture ri they may be due to tile the physical condition of the cow to big highly flavored feeds and weeds to tile the absorption of odors by the milk lifter after it Is drawn or to biological clinn chunges in the milk due to the condition of the cow or to feeds tile the objectionable flavors and odors will bo be noticeable just after milking nill king but usually will not increase with time those caused by absorption develop only when the atmosphere mo sphere Is permeated with pronounced odors whereas those due to biological changes become more apparent after some time tins has elapsed feeds and weeds impart flavors ant and odors to milk mainly through the body of the cow although feed tainted barn air may have some effect the time of feeding therefore la Is an important factor to consider in preventing undesirable flavors in the milk according to babcock in most cases feeds do not flavor the milk except for a few hours although some feeds lucli as cabbage when consumed in large quantities may still be noticeable in milk drawn 12 hours aate feeding for this renson reason lie he says highly flavored feeds should be fed immediately after milking never just before when fed as short a time as one hour before milking such feeds as silage made from corn alfalfa sweet clover claver or soy beans bean s and such feeds as green alfalfa cabbage turnips rape and kale seriously affect the flavor and odor of milk green rye green cow peas potatoes dried beet pulp and carrots affect tile the milk only to a 11 slight degree whereas green corn green oats and peas green soy beans pumpkins and sugar beets have practically no effect on the flavor and odor of milk weeds eliat cause abnormal flavors should be eradicated from pastures until this Is done cows should be removed from infested pastures as long as possible before each milking it Is necessary necesS tiry to remove cows from pastures four to seven hours before milking to eliminate entirely the garlic flavor from the milk |