Show ul do fal ve iba nal I 1 7 F f y w headachy constipated take FR REMEDY tonight this thin mild sate safe vege tabla remedy will have bave you YOM feeling fine fina byrn by mornin orning ff enjoy free thorough bowel action nation without a sign of griping or discomfort make the test tonight AA f at 1 only 11 1 r aft famous cimbel NORWAY AND cruise 52 days day to a s sallins june 29 spain tangier Tangi bir algiers italy riviera Sm sweden reden norway edinburgh trossachs oss sachs achs berlin paris london hotels drives fees etc included mediterranean Jan frank C clark claira times bunea N T A I 1 I 1 IVING MON 3 ald is IN C twant to and vey y P planter 0 ml L COPY 0 th b bookart kw biach science ND agriculture R 04 rit nw 6 rl hi on ih h MOONS ivr paiit send your now and d b ba ajr 1 of f BEL nav ol 01 fim id 1 FRANK 1 H C tr eBry firm 10 30 porre por re B archy city michej mic hij liln COYOTE FOX and SKUNK exterminator 1 bot l t WOLF 1 H coyotes ono one night drough t 1 12 GU free freb circular tree cita formu formulas ia fas 8 and CORCE ORGE EDWARDS livingston mont montana an for wounds and sores Han fonTs balsam of myrrh money back for ant amt bottle if not rotted niad an balers A WOMANS HEAD is level and her judgment good when she puts her faith in dr pierces fa vori 0 prescription there la is no beauty fa without good health nobody expects to become really beautiful from the use of complexion bright eyes clear skin and rosy cheeks follow the uso usa ot of the prescription all dealers every woman requires a tonic and mervine at some period of her life whether suffering from nervousness dizziness faintness taint ness or general debility the prescription benefits mw mrs mary anderson of so main st SL pocatello idaho said on several occasions I 1 hive have taken dr df pierces Pter cea favorite prescription as a tonic and and tt it was very during expectancy it is so 0 o streng ung and keeps the nerves la in good condition PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Q nomo venD druit restores color and I 1 beauty to gray and faded hal hsih goo mid and tl 00 at harrot it 1 chem W wk k ff pawing tip 1 NY I T FLORESTON SHAMPOO iseal tor for use in connection with hair balsam makes the tha hair soft ot and fluffy BO cents by ml mat or ul at drug alsol work patchogue fate N yo x 0 4 quick mich A nt effect effective live syrup and 60 taiti and oz f wo two and fl cheat salm A attend tf cn d vic party parly in spite spile of cold dont despair some day your social calendar Is full and you yon awake with a miserable cold be rid of it by noon nooel I 1 you can if you know the secret popes pares cold compound soon settles any cold yes even one that has bas reached deep in the throat or lungs adv ad 7 salt lake city bi directory rectory PICKLES vor for those who want the best atall kichle CO SALT LAKE IRAKIS CITY senah hotel 4 cems stele stat oj ad W E j tj SALT LAKE CITY A 4 how hotel q of POPULAR PRICES COMMON SENSE SYSTEM SALT SCHOOL LAI LAKE OF beauty culture COV COURSE nSE per permanent a waving with our completo complete course you ean can work in any shop 37 ur IS ut so wan wa salt lake office furniture ill ral tare and sup supplies lies theater and church furniture kalson alck and supplies lies full line of stationery wrap P pint ing papers paper etc oldest and la r goat schoot supply and equipment house e in n the west UTAH IDAHO SCHOOL SUPPLY CO so state street salt lake city for efficiency GILL and service use gill piston rings ray day and arrowhead pistons king pine pina ameco brake linins GILL PISTON RING CO IS east ath south gait laka city THE physicians SUPPLY CO Is 18 west sad nd south salt halt lake inke I city TRUSSES elastic abdominal Sup supporters maternity supporters Sup portera invalid chairs canes surgical instruments and hospital supplies por IF r pool tables and supplies and anything in show cases and store fixtures work write W 1 WETHERBEE sa W so sait lake city of jewelry DIAMONDS t 0 buy your diamond now for C christmas arist mas will send bend to your bank for free inspection no obligation THE CAPITOL CO 42 E east ast 2nd and south salt lake city keep your money its in the and buy HAWK mm KANiv DR im work clothes manufactured by PYKE MFG CO bosait salt SaIt lake WW choose a profitable vocation loam the beauty culture culau ro course given by a 4 man that has taught students how hoir to earn eara bio MONEY catalog sent benti on request UTAH man SCHOOL or OP BEAUTY C lift salt bait lake city M california Cul Hornin dried and nuts trail mail orders solicited oli cited send bend tor for pries price list MRS HAZEL ARAI ARMSTRONG STRONG GILROY CALIF I 1 booklet free ra best resul ta tn promptness assured WAT 8 0 1 I K COLE rat 41 ivy lit 9 oth th st UC DC riving giving all winter hintos losty marvelous Marve loua Climate Good hotels tourist camps CampB Splendid road gorgeous Moun mountain talim view the wonderful wonder fu I 1 desert res the west write croo A chatroo ac q P ababa afi SEas W N U salt lake city no 8 you cant dye a dress no matter liow how careful you may be bc without real c color for the idea behind diamond dyes they are made to give you real service they contain from three to five times more aniline than other dyes on the market next time you want to dye try diamond dyes see how bow easy it is I 1 s to use them theal then compare results note th the e absence of that re dyed I 1 look of streaking or spotting see haw soft bright new looking tho the colors are then observe how they keep their brilliance through wear and washing if you dont agree diamond dyes are better dyes your dealer will refund your money moncy the vialle he package of diamond dyes is the original all purpose dye for 9 any and every kind of material it will dye or tint silk wool cotton linen enen rayon or any mixture of materials the blue blac package is a special special dye for silk or wool only with it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work when 7 t you buy remember this the blue package dyes silk or wool only L the white package will dye every kind of goods including silk and wool yow your dealer has both packages A aba to use f ml C starr |