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Show V An Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Interests Of The People Ot Rich County and Lower Bear River Valley ' Volume 1,. Number 3 House Bill No. 89 By Rep. Tingey Fixing Boundary Is Most Important ".t J.U1, uic muai xuipui tuui tuiug before the people of Rich County just now is Rouse Bill, No. 89 by Rep. Tingey, fixing again defiinitely the physical boundary between our country and Summit County. This new law will restore the strip containing the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad and give to Rich County a number of miles of track yielding a yearly revenue near $14,-000.0- 0. The merits in the case are all on our side and Mr. Tingey is making a determined fight to get the facts in the matter before our present legislature. and now is the time to support him. Seei him. if you can. write to him if you cant. If you khow anyone m anv of the delegations from any, or all, of the counties and districts of the state, write them or telephone them. Get their interest aroused and the justice of our case will do the rest. A number of prominent figures in both houses are for us and a verv fine attorney in the Senate will carry it through that body. Unfortunately our district Senator is from Summit. County so we are discounting that source of aid. So Republicans and Democrats, let us' get busy. Every branch and department in our public life in this) county is handicapped for funds. This large amount which the Union Pacific will cheerfully pay into the treasury will surely help. Let us leave no stone unturned. LAURENCE B. JOHNSON. k FOUR RACES ARE SHOWN IN RANSOM Three Races contribute tT the success of Columbias Ransom. which is to be shown at the Kozy Theatre on Sunday They aue the white, yellow and black. It required only an American Indian to make the picture representative of humanity. Lois , Wilson, the star, remarked to George B Seitz, author and director, iinn as. long as he had utilized . the three groups, it was a pity that he had not included the original American in his story. An extra player came overhearing ttlie conversation, forward and announced that he was a Sioux Indian. "This might easily he called a league of races. laughed Edmund Burns who has the leading masculine full-bloode- d role. James Leong, the Chinese member of the cast, was born in Shanghai, and away from screen practices Chinese medicine. He is the creator of many native herb remedies which are much in demand. In Ransom Leong has the role of Scarface. henchman of Wu Fang, the underworld power. Blue Washington, in whose hands rests the comedy touches of the production, represents the negro race. He has the role of the watchman at the chemical laboratory. Washington is' regarded as one of the best educated colored men in pictures. He is an attorney, chemist, singer of renown and a master of six different musical instruments. The Indian extra was educated on a reservation and initiated into the mysteries of the Medicine Society of the Indians. George B. Seitz. Lois Wilson .Edmund Burns. Willian V. Mong and .Tackif Combs represent the white race in the cosmopolitan film cast. PIANO OPPORTUNITY We have in the vicinity of Ranr dolph, two pianos and a player piano, slightly used but in good condition, also a saxaphone, on which a cash purchaser can make a great saving, terms will Jbe given to responsible parties. AVe prefer selling these locally rather than have the exiren.se of shipping them. This is your opportunity. For particulars write at once to the Great AVewtern Merchants! Adjustment AsP. O. Box 083, Ogden, sociation, Utah. oo Laketowns Latest Dr. Reay our town to the younger is at Garden has been in and through Garden City, vaccinating which folks for small-po- x City. Mrs. Mary K. Weston was taken suddenly ill Sunday night. She is somewhat improved at this writing. A very enjoyable dance was given by the Sunday School, Friday night. Orange ade and hot dogs were sold, the proceeds being used for Sunday School and Ward maintenance. Mrs. Joseph Weston returned from Robin, Idaho, where she has been since the death of her sister, Miss Marley. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Nebeker have returned from their visit to Arizona and California. They report having had a very enjoyable trip. The Fish Havqn M. I. A. presented to the show, The Girl Who Forgot, an appreciative audience Monday, Feb. 18. We hope they will soon call on us again for the same purpose. We are glad to see Bishop G. H. Robinson back in our community after a two weeks visit with his family in Salt Lake. Mrs. J. Simms of Lakota is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Russel Kirk. The High school basket ball team motored to Paris to meet their f.fiends from the Fielding High. The latter was successful in winning the honors. The trench diggers have installed the water at the school house and are contemplating to soon have it at the meeting house. Practically all of the houses are equipped with city water. Superintendent G. N. Weston spent the first two days of the week visiting the schools at the South end of the county. oo FARM WANTED AVant to hear from owner having good Utah farm for sale. If bargain, send price and description.' F. E. C., Box 408, Olney, 111. Mrs. Charles J. Clipp returned to her home in Keinmerer Saturday after spending two weeks at the R G. Marshall home in Randolph. About Monday noon Mr. and Mrs. Eastman of AAoodruff, were presented with a 0 lb. baby girl; all doing nicely. Geo. Water News The following letter was presented to us for publication by Mayor J. O. Rex and is from the Utah State Board of Health concerning test made by the Board on spring water near Randolph. Sait Lake City, Utah. Hon. J. O. Rex, President, Town Board, Randolph, Utah. Dear Sir : The George Brough Spring showed 12.018 actual grains! of meineral solids, or 2ijJO parts of solids per million parts of water. This supply resembles the City Creek water of Sal: Lake City, but is slightly softer showing 8.022 grains of calcium carbonate; (lime,) 1.850 grains of magnesium cgrbonate, .718 grains of .magnesilum sulphate, (epson salts,) 1.248 grains of sodium chloride,' (common salt,) and only 1.4 grains of volatile which organic matter, could be partly eliminated by carefully developing the sipring. This spring supply is of excellent quality for culinary purposes. However, the flow from the spring is omewhat limited and could not be A considered entirely adequate. rough measurement of the supply gave us sixty gallons per minute. Taking 60 families served by this supply would give us 1,440 gallons per family, or using five to the average! size family would give 288 gallons per capita per day. and eighty-eigh- t gallons per capita per dgy is considered adequate, but I was Informed later that the water supply would be called upon to serve more than GO families. This spring it? only 3.3 miles by road from the citys main street. Many of the cities of Utah much smaller than Randolph, bring tfieir culinary water through pipe line twice as far. The Willow Spring was of similar showing ' 13.14 quality, sanitary grains of total mineral solids, or 224 parts of mineral matter per million parts of water. This supply contains a larger amount of sodium chloride, (common salt,) showing 3.174 grains. However, this amount of chlorides is not above that permitted '"by Government Standards. The amount of iron oxide in the water is the same in both supplies, showing 1046 grains. The amount of chlorides and the amount of oiganic matter present could undoubtedly be reduced, since you will recall that this sample was near the collected on the surface spring The cattle were contaminating this supply. By properly developing and housing the spring the organic matter present could be decidedly re- hatch McKinnon KENNEDY wide-stretchin- g ser-Vic- e Garden City Notes er high-pow- er Com-muica- te 3-- 4 Turkey Raisers x Chas. W. Walton, Cashier L. H. MALE, Sanitary Engineer. --- KOZY THEATRE Bank of Randolph, - - --- - t. t r, Organization Of Farm Bureau Is Movement Suited To Our Needs Two-lmnd-r- self-eviden- 1 Advance During the next few months a deand systematic effort is SNOWBALL termined ' Rich going to be made to bring in the A double wedding which will be of County abreast her sisters, , great interest to Randolph and vi- matter of organization. Those people familiar with the orcinity is to take place tonight, Friday, in Randolph at the home of J. ganization and workings of the NaE. Hatch, when Miss Thelma Hatch tional Farm Bureau are firm in and Glen McKinnon ; Miss Eltbera their belief that this is a movement Kennedy and Elmer Snowball will best suited to our needs. AV. R. Simth, be married by Bislhop Olaf Larson, Agricultural Agent for Uinta Counin a double ceremony. ty in AVyoming and part time workFollowing the ceremony a wedding er in the soutn districts of thisi counreception will be held in the Opera ty has only praise and recommenda House, at 8 :30 oclock, for which in- tion for the convitations have been mailed. tact, fine personell and efficient The Reaper wishes to join their of the bureau. many friends in wishing these young State director1, Ephriam Bergeson, people much happiness; and prosper- has been appealed to for aid in ority. ganizing a county bureau with units oo in AAoodruff. Randolph, (already orand Garden Laketown. ganized.) City, (not organized.) Mr. Bergeson has consented to come here about 10th or as soon as his activiGarden City, Feb. 20th., 1929 On March ties about the legislature end. He is Thursday of last week Principal at present making every effort to get AValter A. Sells left for Provo, Utah, a move of equitable distribution of to visit with his family and friends the tax burden which is distressing until this week end. In his absence the agricultural sections of Utah. to all disCallsi are going forth Mr. LeRoy Pope is occupying the tricts for men and women to carry principals chair. on this work. Laketown and Garden City have a cordial Invitation to join AAr. Pope returned in this movement, which will be anBishop Charles home yesterday, after an absence of other step in making Rich County a over two months. He has been lookand better community. Out of bigger ing after his interests at Lone Tree, this affiliation will come many AVyo. He reports that the winter has nleasant asociations. and been very severe on the winter range friendships, much profitable cooperation. and that sheep men are suffering AAoolgrow-er- s At this time the Utah losses. heavy will meet with us and organize The school buss which was put out an active unit affiliated with the National. of commission sometime ago, was State and AVatch the columns of The Reaper sent to the J. C. Rich Motor Co., of Ii for later announcements. A real Montpelier, Idaho, for repairs. of community leaders is required three teams to pull it over the roads. planned. Leaders, let us aeceut and meet our responsibilities. The physiThe Thao. Hildt 3000 lb. truck has cian- is for the sick, not the well. been engaged to transport the high oo school children tio Laketown while The management of the Telephone the regular buss is being repaired. company wishes to advise its patrons reason the Evanston, line is out Bear Lake 'is frozen over, carrying of the commission is on account of an elecof 12 of a coat about inches of ice. Ice tric motor and transmission harvesting is in progress now. A line near Evanston. This motor has a number of the young men of town are leak of current somewhere that gets inenjoying the sport of crossing the to the telephone circuit some way, and lake on the ice. They report that it causes the noise we hear, which makes requires about fifteen minutes to it impossible to converse over the line. cross the lake from here to North of We have taken it up with the owners South Eden. of the motor to have it putin shape and are Working on it but the trouble The state road force are again on they is hard to locate. the road, clearing the drifts off, and clearing the snow that the roads may Wanted, an experienced woman for be passable for cars. duced. general housework. A good home and A modem water system affects a We who live south of St. Charles, fair wages for the right one. with B. F. H. Co., Kemmer-er- , in citizens its and lament the attitude that the many Idaho, community AVyo. a Such are different ways. State Road Commission of Idaho system: the highway bedis- takin" regarding 1. Protects from communicable tween St. Charles and Paris. It ease. seems to us that this road should be 2. Increases comfort and conveniencleared after each storm, that those ces. living south may have an outlet to a 3. Extends useful lives. railroad point. Pari,A 4. Aids growth of the town. Mr. Shenn Lutz was appointed 5. Increases property values. LOOK WHAT IS HERE health superivsor of Garden City, and pres- and he hasi been the busiest man in 6. Develops civic pride tige. town for the last few days. Dr. Reay Some fine young Toms that Pure water and plenty of it is the of Randolph, reported to cases of will weight from 20 to 25 lbs., necessity of civilization. smali-poand these have been put greatest of from one the famous Golden Bank water is now ill impure Sherm Conversely, under quarantined to known as the Medicine Man. . thq most dangerous menaces! strain, from Bird Brothers, health. Every home should make prooo Meyersdale, Pa. If you are vision for having water in the houseMrs. Geo. Ewer, jr. returned to her looking for a young Tom you hold. home in Evanston Friday morning after cant beat them. First come If surface or underground drain- spending several days in Randolph carfirst served. age from human wastes reaches a ing for the baby daughter of the writer water . supply, which is quite prob- and wife. Thanks mother. oo ably when surface vaults or cessFRANKU. FRAZIER Sl SONS will disease attack many pools exist, Subscribe now for The Rich unaware of the who are entirely Utah Woodruff County Reaper- $2.00 per year. oo There, will be a big dance at AAood Fred N. Smith has completed lay- ruff, Feb. 23. Confetti, aprons and ing the new floor In the donwstairs overalls, Music by the Woodruff, orof the county court house. chestra. daHger. The need of water in the home for other than drinking purposes is alWe are clean most as people by instinct and education, but without running water the facilities for maintaining cleanliness and enjoying it are never readily available. The' modern bathroom Is more than a mere convenience for the entire family. In the kitchen running water for washing provides; ample supply and cooking. There is no excuse for dethe continuance of tails .of household labor when-- , pure X water may be had within three miles of the city. tell its customers that Ave re WISHESxto take care of 1 A town without a water system you if you need to get does not attract people as a good more feed for your livestock. Dont be afraid to place to live This utility is offered by too many many other places for ask. This is only one of many ways we try to help most people to consider living in a our customers. ' town without it. We recommend that you consult a reliable and competent firm of engineers and. have them submit a report Now on the cost of the installation. Is the time to get the system in, 'and x .. enjoy its conveniences. , Do not hesitate to call on thi3 office if we can be of help. Tours very truly, UTAH STATE BOARD OF HEALTH t $2.00 Per Year In Randolph, Utah, Friday, February 22, 1929 : GEORGE BARKER, Proprietor SATURDAY, February 23rd Carl Laemmle presents, Lya de Putti, in Buck Privates ! The funny side of the War Last of the Collegian Comedies Admission 10c and 30c SUNDAY, February 24th ' Columbia Pictures presents, Lois Wilson, in Ransom Oh Boy! What a' drama! The girl could love and how! The man was unmerciful, without soul, cruel, capable of the most dastardly of deeds, but what a lesson he learns! Its the kind of drama youve been looking for. x . Comedy, Flirting Hearts Admission 10 and 25 X I |