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Show THE RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH, UTAH THE RICH COUNTY REAPER Bernard H. Ewer, Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTION $2 00 Per Year in Advance Application for entry as second class matter at the post office at Randolph, Utah, pending. ii Headachy, billon. constipated? Taka M Nature's Remedy tonight. This mild, safe, vegetable remedy will have you feeling fine by morning. You'll enjoy free, thorough bowel action without a sign of griping or discomfort. c77ie News Notes ;i to Line in ! ft'i a Privilege Salt Lake City Directory Girl at the Top in Health Test PICKLES Millions of boys and ARROW BRAND those who want the best girls all over the UTAH For FICKLE CO.. SALT LAKE CITY. world, thousands of them right here in ! SemloH Hotel the West are being Corner Sut and Make the test tonight to health restored Second SonthSu. SALT LAKE Motorists will be hapand strength by the SALT LAKE CITT tonpy this summer. The federal and vegetable purely Hotel of Smiles A state government will spend $3,000.-00ic and laxative known for new roads and highway repair. as California Fig Syrup and endorsed Hospitality ot POPULAR PRICES 50 over PARK CTY Mining companies years. by physicians for Children need no urging to take it. Utah paid out $18,507,975 in dividends COMMON SENSE SYSTEM in 1928 as compared to $15,463,013 in They love its rich, fruity flavor. Clarf&'s Faassoits schoolboy Beauty Culture Nothing can compete with it as a genthe preceding year. PermaCOURSE. WESTERN AMD COMPLETE NAIMViY mediterranean tle, but certain laxative, and it goes nent Waving. With our Including complete course OGDEN Weber County Dairy tone and SJoe Crntse, ss days, UN toJuno a cooperative closely allied further than this. It gives 29 s Loncastria sailing to the stomach and bowels to the Veber RiCounty Farm bureau, strength Spain, Tangier, Algiers, Italy, so these organs continue to act nor- Office Furniture and Supplies. Theater and molded in January 79,000 pounds of viera, Sweden, Norway, Edinburgh, Mimeograph of their own accord. It stimu- Church Furniture, mally, Trossachs, Berlin (Paris, London). and Supplies. Full Line of Stationery, Wrapbutter, as compared with 59,000 pounds lates the and Oldest etc. digestion. included. appetite, helps Largest School ping Paper, Hotels, drives, fees, etc., in January, 1928, or an increase in this Supply and Equipment House in the West. Mrs. A Kansas Dana mother, Jan. up. CO. 9600 SUPPLY SCHOOL Mediterranean, 29, 1930, product of about 34 per cent. Salt Lake City. 610 Monroe St., Topeka, says: 155 So. State Street Prank C. Clark, Times BUg., N. T. LOGAN During January, dairy Bonnie B. Is absolutely the picture herd3 in the Central Cache Dairy of health, now, with her ruddy cheeks, SlOOOcRf From Herd Improvement association made For Efficiency T7 eyes and plump but graceful bright OF EOHFAlEOIt M LIVING FROM substantial gains in both milk and little body and she stands at the top Hants Eui i th, Mm Mmber of and Service CYUR dm (An Med but Ruled At butterfat production over the preced- In every health test. different intervals of lb, Gill piston rings, Ray Day and Arrowuse gOON'S ing month, according to a report just Much of the credit for her perfect head pistons, king pins, Emsco brake lining. filed with County Agent R. L. Wrigley condition Is due to California Fig GILL PISTON RING CO. by J. B. Thatcher, association tester. Syrup. We have used it since babyEast 4tli South Salt Lake City IS MYTON According to report, as hood to keep her bowels active durmade at the government office in ing colds or any childrens ailments THE PHYSICIANS SUPPLY CO. ' the .thermometer registered 17 and she has always had an easy time 18 West 2nd South, Salt Lake City, Utah ' to TRUSSES below zero, Friday morning, and 24 with them. She always responds Abdominal Supporters. Elastic Stockings, and Is quickly back I w ant to send evety pUnter of seeds Its Indications below urging gentle Invalid Chairs, morning.. Saturday Supporters, Maternity FREE COPY of the interesting booklet i Crutches, Canes. Dont SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE. to the probability of its oeing to normal. point and Instruments Hospital Supplies, booklet MOONS Surgical the INFLUENCE on rum reading this instructive Ask your druggist for California plant growth. Send your name now and be sure oi a FREE just as cold all over Uintah basin the coov of a (united edition. FRANK H. GREGORY. Fig Syrup and look for the word For Pool Tables and Supplies and anything in same days. GrerylFarmOFairtcreaajigMIchiiAn California on the carton so youll Show Cases and Store Fixtures work write first stood LAKE Lake Salt SALT COYOTE, FOX and SKUNK get the genuine. always of the Twelfth cities the large exterminator Capsules. Got among W. L. WETIIERDEE 9 coyotes one night. Brought. 1121 for the first reserve federal district W. Free Circular. Free Formulas and $j So. Tempi - Salt Lake City month of 1929 In the gain of retail Blanket for Soldiers' Instructions. GEORGE EDWARDS, Livingston, Montana trade, according to the report of the Is Best Yet Devised DIAMONDS, WATCHES at 50c on the Dollar received federal reserve system Buy your Diamond now for Christmas. Will send That an army advances on its stom- to your bank for free inspection no obligation. by Osdar Jensen, chairman of the CAPITOL JEWELRY CO. Hanfords Balsam of Myrrh retail trade department of the Cham- ach is not news and many will also 42 East THE Salt Lake City 2nd South agree that one of its greatest enemies ber of Commerce. Honey back for first bottle If not salted, AH dealers. PRICE Overhanging snow in the rides on its back. This enemy is in the form of weight of the pack which Keep your money in the West and Buy Overdose dugways of Indian canyon highway Travers Tip Carman, commander between Price and Duchesne, with necessity demands be carried. The announcement by the quartermaster of Crosscup-PishoPost, American the constant thiesrt of slides, has of the army of a new blanket inLegion, at a recent gathering, was caused the United States mail dis- general is a matter of considerable imporWork Clothes manufactured by troduced as a tormer assistant distributing department at Price to purtrict attorney of Middlesex couni y, sue a course of extreme caution, ac- tance. PYKE MFG. CO., Sail Lake Cily, Utah The principal features about the Massacnusetts. cording to Cyril B. Cluff, superintennew twice It are blanket contains that Mr. Carman said, Irvin S. Cobb dent of the United States mail garthe warmth of other blahkets of the had a dog. One day the dog bit an age at Price. The road has been same weight and is water resistant. assistant district attorney by misChoose a Profitable Vocation kept open at all times this season. In certain tests water was suspended take. The dog then bit a butcher and BRIGHAM CITY Brigham City ex- in some blankets' for 60 hours and did Learn the Beanty Culture Course given by a . , a junk man. The police received the man that has taught 383 students how to , cold weather dur- not perienced extremely earn BiG MONEY. Catalog sent on request. , penetrate the blankets, although report and told Mr. Cobb about the ing the past few days. The mercury no waterproofing compound is used. UTAH HIGH SCHOOL dogs rampage. to 10 below zero Friday It remains soft and springy even if OF BEAUTY CULTURE dropped atHe hit the assistant district 83X Clift Bldg:. - Salt Lake City night, 8 degrees below on Saturday tightly rolled and can be made on the torney by mistake, Cobh explained. and 5 on Sunday and Monday looms of any worsted mill, according Then he bit the butcher and the junk night The weather is now moderto the report nights. California Dried Fruits and Nuts. Mail orman to get the taste out of his MRS. ders solicited. Send for price list. ating slowly. Orchardists are somemouth. HAZEL ARMSTRONG, GILROY, CALIF. what alarmed over the probable damAttend the Party Booklet free. Highest references. age done to fruit trees during the Discouraging results. Promptness as In Spite of Cold I PATENTS Best cold snap. sured WATSON E. COLEHAN, Patent Bill and Fay were having an argu724 9th St.. Wethisgtoi D 6, social Lawyer some Dont despair day your Eorty-threDUCHESNE inches of ment about money. Both agreed that calendar a is with and awake you full, Health Giving the easiest thing in the world was to snowfall, with a water content of 9.5 miserable cold. Be rid of it by noon ! was reported at the head of I spend it. It was on the question of inches, You can, if you know the secret: how to spend it or how to save it that Daniels canyon as of January 31 by Cold Compound soon settles any AH Winter Long forest rangers. This precedes the Papes they differed. even one that has reached cold, yes, restorms of The Marvelous Climate Good Hotels Tourist February. early You talk declared: Finally Fay deep In the throat or lungs. Adv. Camps Splendid Roads Gorgeous Mountain about economy and all that sort of ported snowfall was nine inches more Views The wonderfu I desert resortof the Vest thing and Ill bet you dont even than at February 1, 1928, and seven Ancient Waffle Iron Writ Croe Chaffey wml inches more than the average at that know what economy is Mrs. Teresa Koester of Pomeroy, date since the series of measurements You bet your darn life I do! exOhio, has a waffle Iron which is 125 CALIFORNIA claimed Bill. Economy is a way of started. old, and which belonged to her years UTAH men without the business getting any Providing spending money W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Aunt Annie fun out of it. the service clubs and the newspapers Roush. The "baker is of composed give their support, Salt Lake will he two pieces of wrought iron, with the More Speed Foreseen and Romance 1929 scene of the Optics Junior American handles riveted to them and so hoi Scientists meeting in Paris recently Do you believe in love at first league baseball tournament between lowed out that they hold a cake about predicted that within a short time sight? Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California. the size of a mans hand. The back man will be traveling 750 tni.es an Yes, answered Miss Cayenne. I This announcement was made recentof each side of the mold carries ornahour They point to the maiked inalso believe in permitting your af- ly by Dan sowers, national director mental figures that were intended to in crease auto speed recirds between fection to look off once In a while, of the American commission, Amerigive the cake a fanciful appearance. 1921, when it was 107 miles an hour, to avoid getting can Legion, who was in Salt Lake to The tron is opened and closed by to 1928, when a new record of nearly Washington Star. confer with local Legion heads, repre- means of a hinge, much like the op215 miles an hour was set. sentatives of the service clubs eration of tongs. It weighs 20 pounds A WOMANS HEAD is level and her A RICHFIELD carload of live Sizable judgment good poultry was shipped out of Richfield Politeness is one of the best investwhen she puts Rather a large eagle. her faith in for San Francisco recently by the Utah ments known. It pays enormous divThats a ninety-foo- t monoplane, Dr. Pierces FaPoultry Producers association. The idends. bo. p car contained upwards of 6000 birds. vorite Prescription. There is This is the third carload of poultry no beauty shipped out of this section during without good February. A car of dressed turkeys health. Nobody was recently shipped by the same expects to be-- c concern from Gunnison and another o m e really beautiful from from Ephraim. A car ov dressed turthe use of comkeys is now being made up at St. plexion beautiflers. Bright eyes, clear You cant dye a dress no matter George. skin, and rosy cheeks, follow the usd now careful you may OGDEN Utah canners in 1929 packreal color. of the Prescription." All dealers. Thats the idea behind Diamond Dyes. They are made to ed 3,218,175 cases of canned goods, Every woman requires a tonic and give you real service. They contain from three to five times nervine at some period of her life. said a report given out here recently more aniline than other dyes on the market Whether suffering from nervousness, by the Utah Canners association. It dizziness, faintness or general debilNext time you want to dye, try Diamond Dyes. See how easy it is was the second largest pack in the ity, the Prescription benefits. use thenu. Then compare results. Note the absence of that to canners Mrs. Mary Anderson of 651 So. Main St, states history. The paid of streaking, or spotting. See h6w soft, bright, new looking the look; Pocatello, Idaho, said: On several occasions I farmers $1,250,000 for the seasons have taken Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription as colors are. Then observe how they keep their brilliance through wear a tonic and nervine and it was very beneficial. raw material and expended $750,000 and washing. If you dont agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes, your During expectancy, it is so strengthening and In wages. The years output included dealer will refund your money. condition. the nerves in good keeps 1,411,941 cases of tomatoes; 1,046,937 The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original dye for cases of peas; 147,830 cases of beans; PARKERS any and every kind of material. It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, HAIR BALSAM 75,000 cases of apples and 60,000 cases linen, rayon or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special r SIk wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of cherries. Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hail of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When About 14,000 MT. PLEASANT 60c. and $1 00 at Druggists, HIeoox Them. Wks. Patchoeup.y. Y. you buy remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. lambs for fall delivery were contractThe white package will dye every kind of goods, including silk and Ideal for use in SHAMPOO FLORESTON ed for by the Rogers Livestock comwool. Your dealer has both packages. connection with Parkers Hair Balsam. Makes the rehair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drugpany of Ogden recently by their Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. x. gists. Hiscox presentative from Mt. Pleasant sheepmen. Eleven cents a pound was the contract price, with an advance paid of $1 per head. The company also purchased 500 yearling ewes at $12 a head and 600 Rambouillet rams from Mt. Pleasant and Spring City breeders. Three carloads of rams will SIH HIR '$) bo shipped from Sanpete and Sevier iountles this month. Utah 0 ? PROPER FEEDING REDUCES FLAVORS t Milk Containing Offensive Tastes Is Rejected. Edison-Dic- (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) While milk producers are giving con- siderable attention to preventing losses due to sour milk, they too rarely recognize that other flavors and odors also cause an annual loss probably as great as that from sour milk. Milk containing abnormal flavors and odors Is rejected by dealers and consumers. Abnormal flavors result mainly from four causes, according to C. J. Babcock, of the bureau of dairy Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. They may be due to the physical condition of the cow, to highly flavored feeds and weeds, to the absorption of odors by the milk after It Is drawn, or to biological changes in the milk. Due to the condition of the cow or to feeds the objectionable flavors and odors will be noticeable just after milking, but usually will not increase with time. Those caused by absorption develop only when the atmosphere is permeated with pronounced odors, whereas those due to biological changes become more apparent after some time has elapsed. Feeds and weeds Impart flavors and odors to milk mainly through the body barn of the cow, although air may have some effect. The time of feediDg, therefore, is an important factor to consider in preventing undesirable flavors in the milk, according to Babcock. In most cases feeds do not flavor the milk except for a few hours, although some feeds, such as cabbage, when consumed in large quantities may still be noticeable in milk drawn 12 hours after feeding. For this reason, he says, highly flavored feeds should be fed immediately after milking never just before. When fed as short a time as one hour before milking, such feeds as silage made from corn, alfalfa, sweet cioer, or soy beans ; and such feeds as green alfalfa, cabbage, turnips, rape, and kale seriously affect the flavor and odor of milk. Green rye, green pulp, and potatoes, dried-bee- t carrots affect the milk only to a slight degree, whereas green corn, green oats and peas, green soy beans, pumpkins, and sugar beets have practically no effect on the flavor and odor of milk. Weeds that cause abnormal flavors should be eradicated from . pastures. Until this Is done, cows should be removed from infested pastures as long as possible before each milking. It is necessary to remove cows from pastures four to seven hours before milking to eliminate entirely the garlic flavor from the milk. feed-tainte- d cow-pea- garlic-infeste- Cruises d Milk Storing Capacity of Cows Udder Is Big Important facts have been learned recently about the cow's udder. It had been generally believed that the milk storing capacity of the cows udder is rot more than half a pint to each quarter and that the greater part of the milk obtained at milking is secreted during the milking process. That this js incorrect was demonstrated by slaughtering cows just previous to the usual milking time. The ndders were amputated and the milk drawn. , In one experiment the quantity obtained averaged 61.1 per cent of the normal yield by the same cows. In another test the quantity obtained was 76 per cent of that given by the cows when alive. It was shown that milk secretion is largely a continuous process and that the capacity of the secretory system is much greater than had been supposed, t This knowledge should help to lay a more scientific foundation for the selection of dairy ' cattle. All-gir- e, UTAH-IDAH- O Tomatoes GROWTH rTtTt TOMATO lilulli INFLUENCE. My-to- n, ') Over M). For Wounds and Sores HAWK BRAND n ! ! e w nnimsflafina l H. 1 Ms lUalixi Spring ! great-grandmoth- near-sighte- d. x Hfrfhi ' JJ ess re-dy- ed , se I$ tjg Dairy Hints A Jp A Jp AA vm t VA $ WrmWWm sudden change of feed may cause scours in calves. . ' A , good commercial dairy ration will give excellent results. A Do not vary suddenly the quantity . of milk .fed to young calves. , Difficult churning can usually be cured by using a thermometer. , k RemovesDandrafl-StopsHairFalli- Easy to V k use |