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Show Utahns Presented Proclamation By Sociology Professor Doctor Jalil Mahmoudi, professor of sociology and the Persian language, lang-uage, and chairman of the Salt Lake City Baha'i community, presented pre-sented four Utah educational and governmental leaders with copies of The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah Friday, May tenth. Those receiving the book were Doctor James C. Fletcher, University Univer-sity of Utah president, Governor Calvin L. Rampton, Mayor J. Bracken Brac-ken Lee, and Doctor Manford A. Shaw, President of Westminster College. 31essages Of Peace The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah is a compilation of messages given to world leaders 100 years ago by Baha'u'llah, founder of the worldwide world-wide Baha'i faith. In these letters, Baha'u'llah asked for recognition and requested world leaders to work for peace, justice and righteousness. right-eousness. Among those with whom he corresponded were Napoleon III of France, Alexander U of Russia, Queen Victoria of England, Sultan Abdul-Aziz of Turkey, and Pope Pious IX. Baha'u'llah's call for world peace incorporates such principles as the oneness of God, religion and mankind, man-kind, equality of men and women, the alliance of capital and labor, universal education, harmony of science and religion and freedom in the pursuit of truth. Visions Of Future Baha'u'llah had envisioned an integrated in-tegrated worldwide communications system, a world language, a uniform uni-form and universal system of currency cur-rency and weights and measures and the organization of economic resources. Because of his teachings, teach-ings, Baha'u'llah was exiled from his homeland of Persia, and was imprisoned in the Turkish penal colony of Akka. During the past century, the Baha'i faith has spread to 311 countries coun-tries and territories; reaching a total of nearly 30,00 localities in the world. i |