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Show Swing out Again this year f J A-GO-GO P C THE YEAR'S ( v. r 7i s tel - most - -TP' EXCITING jpp DANCE MAY 20th BLASTING OFF GREEK WEEK I FESTIVITIES NEXT MONDAY-DON'T FORGET , 8:00 P.M. -FREE J Street Dance on First South ) BARBARA MCKAY DAVIS, teacher of -Piano and Organ. 1155 First Ave. 355-8864. 355-8864. JOBS UNLIMITED . FOR COLLEGE GRADS BA BS. Security Employment Employ-ment Service. 201 Felt Building, Salt Lake City. 355-4674 or 355-3692. ALL STUDENTS! We repair and service all import cars. "Expert VW mechanic service" "We offer student rates" MATES 1357 So. Main 486-0735 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES AT lowest low-est rates. Specialists in wedding, copies, portraits. Call and compare our low prices. 322-3242. NEED SUMMER WORK? Sell Fashion Fa-shion 220 Cosmetics. Three consultants consult-ants wanted full time summer: part time immediately. Commission basis. Earning power very good. Phone before be-fore 10 a.m. or between 6-7 p.m. Wagner, Wag-ner, 292-0692. STUDENT fare cards. 40 per cent discount dis-count on Frontier Airlines. Confirmed Confirm-ed reservations. Card is transferable on other airlines. Call: Sharee, Campus Cam-pus Rep. 484-6457. FOR RENT $60 NEAR "U" furnished, newly painted apartment. Available immediately. imme-diately. $75 unfurnished, available 8 June. 355-2665. NEAR "U" Spacious apt. 3 bdrm., partly furnished and you work for part rent. In shopping shop-ping center. 1280 East 2nd South. 355-5124. SECRETARY SERVICE TYPING, reasonable rates on term papers. pa-pers. Manuscripts, etc. Bountiful. 295-0883. Some pick up & delivery. TYPING. Experienced in manuscripts, term papers, theses, etc. 487-6566, 485-5177. EXPERIENCED typist has IBM Se-lectric Se-lectric for theses, term papers, reports. re-ports. All Greek letters and most math- symbols, italic print for scientific sci-entific names. Call Mrs. Helen Cox, 466-5572. 20 YEARS experience. Expert typing & printing of theses. Custom Letter Service. 2023 So. 11th East. 466-0115. EXPERT, quality multilithing of theses, dissertations, term papers, etc. Call 295-9558 or ask for Dick Christiansen at 328-1313. '67 FORD, 4-dr. $1650. Call 278-4421 days and 364-1783 before 8:30 a.m. TWO tires, 700-65013, Goodrich 770. 4 ply nylon, 4000 miles. 364-3798. 1964 CHEVROLET Belair, radio, heater, ai rconditioning. $1395.00. Call Paul, 467-0087. (Red color). PORTABLE electric typewriter. Smith-Corona. Smith-Corona. One year old. Call 322-8221 after 6 p.m. K GHIA for sale. Very clean 1968 model. See at 2276 Wyoming Street. 484-0892. HOSPITALIZATION and maternity benefits. Low-cost high benefits. Mutual of Omaha. Call ART, 359-1966, 359-1966, 466-9262 or Andy, . 322-1019. AMERICANA Encycyopedia Set; dictionary; dic-tionary; annuals through 1968. Will consider payments or cash sale. $90. Ph. 295-7869. SALE 'ii CLEAN ONE-OWNER ;j:1939 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. In the pink of condition. A vehicle any car buff would be glad to own. 2990 E. ' 7000 So., 278-4577 after 5 p.m. ''"'65 TURBO-CHARGED Corvair Corsa. All extras; excellent condition inside and out. Call 355-3934. $1095. ZENITH console stereo. $90.00. 328-0473. J 1-OWNER, 1961 Corvair Monza, good shape, make offer. Call 322-6171, Alec , Shewell. S'64 VAL. Sporty $1250. 4-spd., hdtp. Bucket seats, vinyl top, w.w. ; 467-r-: 8426. jjtfTWITTERPATED? Sharp 1960 TR3 , (J works every time. $660. Call 363-4865 1 r. before I leave for honeymoon. 1 v . ft 'A STEAL: 1957 Hillman Minx. 4 door sedan. $100. 355-4138. FURNISHED APTS. MALE Roommate wanted for nice 9-room 9-room apt., half block from campus. $45 plus utilities. 359-5864. LAW STUDENTS! Reserve your rooms for summer at the Gavel. Across from Law School. Air conditioned. Low summer rates. 364-0024 ask for Bob. SUMMER sublet 2 bedroom apartment. 553 First Ave. Furnished with Hi-Fi and TV. Summer Ford Foundation Travel. $95 per mo. for 2 people. $80 per mo. for single person. Call 355-0379 355-0379 or 322-7174. ENTERTAINMENT NOW FINANCING private pilot courses as low as $26.00 per month. With good credit contact John Stoddard, 322-1651. Trans West Aircraft Sales. Municipal Airport, 2382 West 5S0 North. PERSONAL P. Je t'aime. M. M. tu es une Schatzlein. Rendez-vous au vivier, samedi 7:00. Mais alors C. ? SOCK it to me baby at the Phi Sig A Go Go, Mon. nite, May 20. NEED GRADUATION CREDIT? Call 322-6485 or drop in at the U. of U. Correspondence Study Dept., 1213 Annex for information about summer vacation or year-round home study. FREE BULLETIN. THE STUDENT Education Association will meet Wed., at 3:30 p.m. in Milton Bennion Hall, room 303. All Ed Majors Maj-ors invited! WANTED WANTED: A tutor for Geology I. Pay is $3.00 per hr. Call 322-8886 after 7:00 p.m. LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB? $500 per month guarantee if accepted. Part time now andor full time this summer. Call 484-4121, 9-11 weekdays only for interview appointment. SECRETARY to work afternoons in law office. Shorthand and typing necessary. vCall 328-2024. NEEDED 'Males to work Scout Summer Sum-mer Camps in High Uintas. Must be 21. Contact Bud Boulton, 364-3663. WANTED People for a workshop in people. A leadership seminar sponsored spon-sored by LDSSA. May 18, 364-65G3 and 3S4-6554. MALE HELP. Teachers and students start now part time, full time in summer. sum-mer. Starting salary S2.36 to $2.91 per hr. Call Mr. Thomas. 359-1676. V- tf:66 TEMPEST Sports Coupe. One own-by own-by ' er. Excellent condition. '64 Chevy II Nova. Good condition. 355-6721. )Vi'- 3 958 VOLVO. Good looking, clean inside jjjj-and out. Make me an offer. 466-2133. 67 COUGAR, cinnamon-frost brown, excellent shape. Radio, tinted wind-peP wind-peP shield, whitewalls. $2400 or best offer. epj 363-9474. aIi947 FORD 2-dr. Runs. $10. 363-1877 el after 5:30 p.m. or flgVOX Buckingham Amplifier. Call 355-U'jl 355-U'jl 0489 after 5 p.m. OJSi'M YOUNG and have a lot of "umph", , t I'm a cute little conv. triumph. $1600 ' is a groovy price for me. a '66 Spit- . fire . . . come and see. I'm in excel- lent condition, economical too, and ' my color is a very light blue. Con- tact my owner after 6 p.m. 359-0583. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN. Good condition with radio, extra snow tires. Asking $400.00. Call 322-7174 or 355-0379. SERVICES WANTED furnished 3-bedroom house (apartment) to rent for visiting faculty fac-ulty member this summer. Call 359-4849. 359-4849. V STUDIO WEDDINGS 355-4842 Professional Quality Student Trices NEED A ROCK GROUP Call 486-0114 Whistlers Mothers Joke Book Alias "The Jaquars" REASONABLE PRICES REFRESHMMENTS, MUSIC PROGRAM McCarthy Happening Phillips Gallery, 9:00 p.m. $2.00 Donation TRAVEL JET TO EUROPE from $235 Round Trip for information call HAL CANNON 363-7509 'AMPEX 800 Stereo Tape Recorder, with ! accessories. Worth $640.00 for $320.00. j Call 277-1084. 11964 FIAT Spvder. 40.C00 actual miles. ' Like a new car. 3940 South State. J 277-0411, 266-2011. r 1 PRINTING PRESS and equip. Platen, k Prints 8x10. Everything for your own. business. $150.00. 295-4689. i Don't Wait Enter Now! NOTICE TO ALL MALES AT U. KAFFY MITCHELL HAS A DATE ON MEMORIAL DAY |