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Show Business Week Slated Future billionaire executives and businos world travelers may gain insight into the functional aspects of the business world through Business Bus-iness Week 1968, the theme of which is "Business . . . Idea to Reality." Craig Decker, student chairman, is assisted by Bob McMullin in coordinating co-ordinating the activities, some of which will be, prominent speakers discussing pertinent business issues. is-sues. Soundoff, an informal discussion discus-sion of student-faculty-administration problems, will also be held. Contests choosing Business Queen and Outstanding Student will be held, for which applications are available in the Business Office Building. There will be an award of $200 in cash given to the best paper written concerning the Business Busi-ness Week theme and Stock Analysis. Analy-sis. Deadlines for these papers is 1 p.m. today. Culminating the week's activities, a banquet-dance will be held in the Union Building cn May 20. Tickets for this may be purchased from any of the participating business organizations on campus or members mem-bers of the Business Week Committee: Com-mittee: Sherman Neff, chairman of publicity; Dione Charrington, dance; Greg Jensen, student Sound-off Sound-off assembly; Ken Anderson, queen contest; Dennis Burbidge, outstanding out-standing student; Charlotte, Richards Rich-ards ticket sales. |