Show A Kailhlul Man KlwirJ Taylor uuo of the cUril I rant Irutletl and faithful tmploycio he NEW tiled at 2 tcl ck title after coon JU was born In 1JDJon Lou IlIi 1 on HeptemUr 19 1829 ccmln 10 little country suit arriving lu Iblicll 10 1SH lie uJulOlI Ibo bardiblpt 01 lull virly day lu tilt valley find has I tvod a laltblul mud houolvU lilt Uyln lu full Wale ul tbo llmiol Tlio out of Oinlll was V Octal pirltoullli lulling from oUtiuctlon ol 1110 koKiir Brother Taylor ties bun njflojcJ m n 1 nowi oallior for lun iu > vr for the put Iwenttfou I r year > citijiiit his l flu route In 1872 r All Von teclud with the NEWS have loatuiJ to Iou lilui Iho younger om taking I upon Was with vineritlou and tit field IF deserved II Funeralivrvlni will Lo held lu I the Tenth ward mtutiuf house nt 4 pra lujnrow riuuoiy All floods lite lu Tiled to pay their Iml I ttrpucli |