Show 11 Mil III AltllAMA rI 01 Im u eesrilos lok hi n Lii fl nIl ie 1 LAI INK Alabama July III 1890 TollielUitan The little fire that was kindled while In conference assembled by our be loed 1icsldcnt Lllis S Kimball Is Hill burnlnp In the hearts of the luenly I ii young Elders ol Ihe South Alabama conference who are gOlOg through their field ol labor pruning the Lords vineyard lor the last lime kindling I hope rlrt Ib In tit hearts I of ISo honeit whucvcr they I go rI Irutlils mighty and will prevail We are holding more meetings to larger congregations with more satisfactory results than ever before Omittaoor short vhit I I In Iowndcs county fthII II III ders Animus Millet and Ezra C Mcele In the iliort space ol too uecks tucnly five nudities ucie held I and thirteen louli added to the old ol Christ Many others are seriously glancing Into the pcrlect law of liberty with a view 10 baptism snub of wlioni already hate mada itpnllcalloii otlicrs I are not lode i ready nll Wo also have a rl multitude of little thildiin to lake up Into our aims and bless as did our Lord and l Mailer LIdcrsllcbcr Kicks and IM I fenny are doing n good uork in Choclau county hating led eleven di > clplcs Into Ilia waters ol bnplism during the pan tun weeks llicynlio I report live more applications applica-tions and Iho day set for attending to the crdimuco In Call and luring L I 1ralt report ono casu of rcpintance antI bnpllsm In llielr Tieltl n akln twenty live baptitms In lliu conkrcnco In sixteen six-teen days nnd ilo 1 or tight mort toba added n few dijj We are fully nutded that many of the Lords brightJiwcls me litre bilng polished for lliu numbering Many who themselves unwotthy of the Gospel Gos-pel are liavlni oil their coffee mud and 101 ncco through the example ol the Klders We Ictl that GJd greatly blessing us with Ills I Holy I Spirit which truly casts out all our fear and enable too lo kcp our armour bright snot tltrnil In the tickle and reel > the xolden head d Itrn ollowltiz Is a list of Ihe EloIse In Soulli Alatunu with their post office nddreMcs Asron Ilirdy ami 1 C eoren R Jarvi IlMill > ton Crenibsii county j H belmont and Daniel Christenttn Grove mr Clark I counij In CM and I L I I ° rail Monroevllle Monroe county ArllirusMllUt and IA K Netley Ilru XKS IxjwnJescoiin y IS J letter 0111 W II Had l Green llle lluilsr county D II Thonlds and II PAW tIre lel Itambla county C II Alley and J I ° Jensen Llndtn Mirinio county U ilium K Jenkins antI Charles A V rley Kingston Autnug county j I Iebwr Rich I atiol I C Ioiilsan Lush Cltoctau coumv George A Held and Jane Johnson Camden J I Wnktlidd Wllcox county nncf S It llrovui Ilrctot llttlork county s J l S Otddei and J A Tufnbo I Lapin Crinsbgil count Sore bastoroling lOoter hi l U I Tenny ha been temporarily rJcasuJ to attend ojlenal bulnen We look lot t his return Kdtr IewU I Utrney lisa also 1 betii rulws il 1 to return hoiiit on account of sickness So rocrulu J S GHUUU |