Show SAN FRANCISCO WAKING UP A love to SIdle Here Pmenger Traffic From the Orient Iuhoelsui loer eoo f 111101 00l 5 estu hIs mII Os b hid BAN FiiANCttcu July ISAllim coiunl canftreno of railroad and ileamiblpofflclali will bo I held In Ihli oily on Monday lo daub milD lo iccure a larger percentage ot thus psi linger Irafllo from lbs Orient Ibo Hiutbern I 1iclllo company wIllIs will-Is repreienled at lbs coulennce by Vice Ileildenl Hlobbi and lotus of Ibe under ofllcltl lu hue piutuger depart incut Tbo Union 1aoiflo will be rep meulud by B I Liiuax gennl pUIr Kol who srrlvsd IrOll1 Omaha on tbo Central overland train lash ovtulug Ibis lutiretli ol lbs Chicago and Norlhweilern will bo looked after by W II Kulikirn gsn erala iigeragent IHohwerlu vie priiueul ol hhuo 1tcllla Mall HUainiulp company and levrtl other genllumeu prouilueully Idmilled with lielllo matteri wIll also be preionl al HIM coulirene Among Ibo iiuuititr will bo T D McKay won li coming all Ibo way from Ihe Orient to belji itrilghleu out Ibo quiillon Involved iigbleeu uiotilni ago McK > y then LoclIoCusst PoIlDl ocoul of I lb e llurllnglou Utile waienl to Japiu lo work up te bigger i iieuger builuen for lIon Fraocuco Plus 1iclflo Mall and Occidental nod Oriental itiamiblp companies Houlberu Ijciflc Uulou 1aclllo and Noithwe > ilern nadi pooled blues Iso Ibis litnlo light agalni the Canadian 100100 aud all I Jollied lu d fraylmc exeo a of hoc oriental ateucy over which McKay wai itnl lo Japan preelde McKay was lo bo lbs iatiuier igetil ol all lbs Hun and comi anlee meulloood lu Japan Chili and India I wllh betdquarien In Yoke bauia Duillig tb hsst year and halt ho hai tucceeded lu dllrclluir a lirmr amount it luilueai to Han 1ranilioo tnau wn enjoyed by the lines men hluouoil bolor Ibe Kaooy WOO nalolu limbed but II hai bren currently rumored ru-mored of lite Ibal thu icbemewii not working 10 Ibo rnllreiallifacllon of all Ibo Inlereita concerned Tbo Can slIm I 1010 liii rod solaosnIIlnos lo enlarge In auingir t a tratllo Irom the orleut and hbo more recently organized llnei running out 01 1orllaud l and Iba bound furls limO hustled to divert a largo amount of liuimeii III U sold I Ibat lIons Inlireiled lu leelu tbe luuuIneo cahIll 10 Dan Franplico nave oboef sod wllli uonildenble alarm Ibis combined ellorli of the Norlhuru llnei logtlbuilueia away from tboCallforula gatuway |