Show IAlM AM i runii ru aoipa In 5 ltooaobue Slosh 050 u NKW Yoiiit July 19A Midrld dlipilcli to aba Volld iiyil lIe Hpiulth Koverniuent It It I learned loilllvely dot but Intern 10 adOl the uUIIOIi 01 Ilieopiotlllon nor yield lo I the po ulir oliraor for at alliance 1 with Fiance and ItjMl Bpiinli diplomacy lot liund in again lhal both lue piweri would arcettHpalu willingly an au ally on iurotan mod African IIIIIU but neither Ituil toot Jtleo would IIh 10 go0 10101111 Ibo mlideil iud moil pltonlo meJI sIlO brtwieii Hcaln and me UuiloJ Hutu In rntJ In Ibo Culau qucitlou Tae MaJrld KOTdinutli will lake II Oooa1000u lIe ite 111 ii under Hood lo solIcit JlJuropean turpoit ai long ta it coo keep up appearance 1 ot friendly relalluni with tile Uullud HIMix blu allheiamu Hun It will try tuanaugu conceited action by all the Uuroieiiu txiweii ti put ptewure ul > OO the Dulled tilalei elIot way Ii II huulJ be hoereSit3 i to let ripainnlile her dill euro with Cub on lIe undeiiandlnglhal ho hall kite to bloc lutuuiii Iwet5 ibid tho Uullcd Ibtule itt explicit I HI till aeiuiauie of her Interllun lo iraut autonomy boo Cub and 1ottii Itlco aatllto qua uoucouailloutf lbs moral luppouui the Lurol tao owerr ON A SATItFACIOHY U1INI IXJMUUN July Ib AUIaloli from Madrid ID Ibo Huudard nyi los lela IbIs btwt Hialii aud the Uullrd Hlalv ire IIoW ouaiillitactoiyfjullog Ihodlipilch uddi boat uu final action will tu lakeu In the Uoni tllor Ollbua leri1 ceo and on American claluii vatlouilndernulllu until the teilon of IbeUollia II le I butter reported that Ihe United Ulalti will recoil all Captain General Wvylei4 tegulatloui ruiulilug Ihe reglilritlou ol forelgiieu bluie lie will allow them Ihe privilege ot their ION ollju clllieubin outy 10 Oar a they do Hot dull wllli Ihe rJpauliUAmellcaii Unity bf Ib77 |