Show illulu Note Contiaclortaro now flKurluie oil Ibo new tauka to bu placed lu lbs Huunino millTbo Tbo AlIcs mill looiled In llulto and owned laruiily by Ibe Walker brutben ol IbIs city will have OJ 0101010 drop IIrol IUK by Monday next Illirapoiled I that a nrefoat tlllke ol areulotloro KUlug at bleu ai tM lo Ihe ton hit lUll eucouuleied lu Ibo 1roltciiToTarlU oboe al Mercur Mtrcur Mercury U 1 Mayue bat let contract for lull t1 ol UuiborluK sod nukluic on bus la Uluale properly lu lbs Weal ivolhllli lo Waiklui < uirk and lladdlbgloll The Hon Cbarln Uraua bat Just reluiutd from luabo where bu 055 beeu lutereiiioii hluielf lu miuloK prointlei He bae gfsml ftlih In Ibo Iloue llaiin dUmiiKi sod bonded and leated I iiefal 1 proirilit lu Ibal dlilrlol while away OltiboLtlllu Mont Minor JIm lUijr lufurmtui mat Mr 40011 has a Una colJ properly Ibis Lottie tome nx mlolrof WlJoai which ulti avtr tgoMjioljaA 1 lu Ibo Iso A rulllli I to be elected burl and Mr Zno li lo pay Ibo uillltrifUa lou for wink log tueorr Hmurue from recent hlplnl 01 a car each 01 Ulau aud Ualoua orrt were lceHuJ I al Ihe coiupiuytotllc today 1 ho loirncr a fourteenIon 101 auayid I 41u per cunt boA and 131 ouocui 1 I verto Ilia Ion and brcujul a Taluo ol i M 10rlu I 1331U1 The lallr twelfa Ion tuuHvJ 101 1r cent Ittd UU ouucei tlheraud brouiUtllOSbUI I The weekt ouliut ol oru from tin I Tlulto dlilrlol at reported by the Miner It I atfolloHi From hue llulllori lltck mine 15 carhmdt on llullloo 1k mi 10 cllou cauuoulll CIIInulIIut 4 CalloUs ort A lu 4 colu Ore IIlol mill 1 clod cOIoulrllj UIb A coaloods onj Hwauta 3 cirioaJt ul Ij Houth Bwauea P ctrloadi ore Hiiulxoui I carload uu Vtnkre Ulrl 1 carload on Ulo Dragon Iron rnlur L3 clod ort Nuout Iron inlur 1 carload ore dolly A Irauicrlpt 1 of Ilieaillclet of Incur toulon ol tue Coutloiudrite MIUUK com any wai filed with Ibo louuty clerk yitterday Thu company which wai Inooitflieied Juno 0 189J hti a iluOl loUUUuO lu ouo dollar baiiiii auu lIla luoorporatott are lltnry Moody lltrrluglon M McCrce aol Wlllltni MoCree Ihu rilol l h11C5 ofbuiluelt II Cripple CIt aud operatlout are lo be carried on In 121 isis atld Arapaboe oounllei Culu Oslo |