Show THE ATWOOD ESTATE t Saprtnj Court RewH Its Decree ol the Lovtr Court IIIi I I I I A sew TRIAL is J 0111I111111 The List I IIr llolUlrc ITinU IMO it l I Ilarlng lilts 114 L14POft 4 r Ill Cliffs Heallll I The Supreme court today lnnJeU I down an opinion In tire matter ol I the I delete of Mlllin Atwood rfeciaied I The dolloa Df the lower court li le varied and a new trill ordered Tbn record tu Ihe neaihowi that The I lite Mlllin A IwooJ aside lite Not l l will on the Mill day of IlrnmUer 1901 In II I i which ha deviled all till real 1 metals I and buiuetthed all file xrionil I > o I petty after the piyineil ol his lull j debt and Mussel exponents lo till Wile I i tlillef C Atwood mill II big three I children Mlllen M Atwood AIU I A n netto Herman and llwallo Litnei I Keleii and flint tile IIloJ on I too 71h day ol Decembfi of 11 lh iiroosev Imemeswilof rial ixlala and I I 1 i troplr find that tile I wldowHillef and life rhlldlu named reillllllvlUK 1 I II all apliall I mat is tilt will wai duly I in > Ulj find that Florence Altwoodby rrKuordllnIII1 I lift elltloti lu Ibe clllto > it Ibo clerk 01 the pffbate court on Ibu 30H ol Miroh uv In which site alleged with other facto lint file Was III tile < isgo of 16 ieanjlh b a was a dauliir t and I bell of Ills II leitaloi that Le omitted to I lodo lot flat Ift JI will and thai II did net atsler flint much emission will fV U intentional I I Upon final I distribution I 01 The to entomb played I that Uilime lortlon thereof nitnlft bo a wai Jo I to i art that ADS would bar at del to rr 00r I lithe testator hid dld Inttitile The extculoir ilrvlirei and leKHen named In life will filed an answer to tile petition of Floliun AIWouddoy Ii I P ir IlIlho uatttlal facts nllejid V Upon trial ol the ciio In Iho court below Ibo pillllin ol Florence was I iirantei Town < Hupreme court toverins flI r ul = ibadeclilonand I I Instruct taut anew I trill I lniaultd |