Show The Best Attested of All Bibles I I The Liberator h the title ole mutual published In Melbourne Australia losepli Synus beng the editor lie I inn skeptic In I religious matters The following fol-lowing occupied page la a recent Issue ol hit paper The Dook of Mormon li lire boat at I rested of all holy books or Bibles I I may go further and My tlut it U the only I Bible thtt It attested at all e cept perhaps i per-haps the Koran I must explain I Joseph Smith the lojmli of the Church ol the Iitlerday Saints was born In 1803 and murdered by hl Chili han contemporaries 1844 Hit history I has lull of Interest M that of any tellR Ions leader cer known and time success = ol his movement Is one ol the mOIl rat I matkable facto in the worlds history Windsor Joseph was born In Sharon I County Vermont U S Jjtd December I Decem-ber 1805 Ills I father was a firmer and Joseph was reared to the dole occupation I II I tion When I about fourteen the boy reflected re-flected upon the Importance of preparation prepara-tion for a future life 1 mding so much I tllsigteement amongst lellglciui sects us to the plan 01 salvation lie reflected that all I could not be right that God I could not be the author uf contusion I and so resolved 10 Investigate the nut J her He relied upon the passage In James II any man lack wisdom let him ask of God who glveth to oil men I liberally npbradleth not I Here Is the first result of hits rcsohve at penned by himself I retired to n I secret place In a Ion and began to I call upon the Lord While fervently I engaged In supplication I my mind was taken away from the objects with which I I I was surrounded and 1 was enwrap In heavenly > lilon and saw two glorious personages who exactly resembled 1 each other In feature and likeness surrounded surround-ed with a brilliant light which eclipsed I the sun at noon day They told me that all the religious sects were believing In Incorrect doctrines and that none of tt them was acknowledged of God ns 111 Church and kingdom And I was expressly I ex-pressly commanded to go not alter them at the same time receiving a 4 promise that the fulness of the Goipel should at Homo future time be made known some The blues of the Oospel1 came to Joseph SmIth I some years later In the nl I shape ol the Hook of Mormon and lien t Is his own account ol It On the even I Inc of the list ol September A U S4 while I was praying unto God and endeavoring to exercise allIs In thin precious i promises I ol Scripture on a sudden a light like that ul day only of a tar purer and more glorIous l appearance rh rel ance burst Into I the room Indeed the first sight was as though the home oat Idled with consumIng lire The appearance I I appear-ance produced a shock that allcclod the whole body In a moment a personage stood belore m with a glory greater than that with which I was already surrounded II sur-rounded messenger r procUimol htmstlf to be an angel I of God sent to bring the joyful tidings that the covenant which God made to ancient Israel was at hand to be tulflllcd that the preparatory prepara-tory work for the second coming 0 it the Messiah was speedily I to commence n a n 1 also was told where there were deposited Iulna plates on which urn engraven on abridgement of the record of the ancient prophets that had l existed on this continent The angel appeared to me three time the ama night and unfolded l lie ume things Alter having received l many visits from the angels of God unfolding the majesty and glow ol the events tint should transpire in the last days on tho morning of the I aand II September 1817 the angel uf the Lord delivered the lloofII oJ records into my hands These records were engraven on I plates which had the appearance uf gold 1 each plata was six Inches wide I and eight Inches long and l not quite to thick 01 common tin They wcio tilled with engravings Kgvptlan characters and bound l together a olumr as the j leaves ol a book with three ring running run-ning through the whole The volume was something near six Inches In thickness thick-ness apart ol which was sealed l The characters on the unsealed I tart were I small and beautifully engraved lIme whole book exhibited many marks of amluulty in lit construction and much kill In the art of engraving Wllh the records was lound II curious Instrument which the ancients called Urim and 1 Thummlm which cammed ol two transparent stone sit In tho rim uin bow fattened boa breastplate Through the medium of the Urim and limo mmmmmiimm I translated the record by the gilt and power of God Such Is Mr Joseph Smith own account ac-count ol Ihe sources tour which he derived the IlooV of Mormon and the means by which he rendered It Into English It li I not my purpose now to deal with Ihe contents that curious book or Ilible but tu note the external evidence hulls favor I Tne story told above U thoroughly caiulstent I with Itsell and In Iseblect keeping with thin leading doctrine uf the Ilible No Christian cm consistent 4 relutc to credit 2 It ii quite as likely that God should reveal hllllnll Oil pUies ul metal us on tablets ol stone lu Joseph Smith us lo Stoves III America us III Vintciii Asia Here the platen arc dmcriUd the klones Moses received l mire now lit re described Here 1 dates urogiven In the Ilible impoitanl and I necessary date are lIevo gIVOII 3 As no one knows what the Urim and Thummim WAI nu Olin can prove that Joxiih Smiths description and me ul It rj Incorrect ur improbable To hi positive and detailed rutcriout what can the Christian nimbi 01 4 U must be admitted limit the world reijuhedu divine revelation in Smltui day quite ns much as it cvir did and Inertlore a compassionate Hod 1 nn as likely to reveal himself to Mr bmith as to Mr Muses Mr luaiah elm In tho next place let mincer what others iclnlo in to Mr bmillis book Tim Hook of Mormon was published in iBp Here Iv I The Testimony ul Three Witnesses prefixed to the ilook ol Mormon Ui It Lon oft I ill naiinii klndrtdi icntocd inmhmic l tintu vtbuiii Hill wuik V1 l ro il jt n f thrum ii II ir uo ul Owl hi I mile unit our tI cius Clirul have wn 111 p mm ukmlm u ill iln Hill ircunl of t e f r I N I u 1 i cl iii I r inc net 1 a y i 114cc 11 11 > Oman 01 a my I in una Pm > U 110 e > lTy w t 11 E toUch art upun tb putts ftati Iby luvo 1 Uti ikown nnta us hy she power of God semi nol o < man And we tlMlan with woiil ol uliem ins that an s1sh 1 nl lad name down f mil harm awl 1 hr tironftil and Ukl heioeooe e M nina wn twhetlt sari MW Ibe plunn ash th rrurrnrtniri knees 7 sat vra know llui u mis uTlhtpaeioinitdtlM PuSher aoihsoelmmch l j Icui Oirtil bliss I wetwMd and bare renmrd sham llMM Oilnajs are one saul II I h I nsrmniemn In our epa irrlliewM nba eaton ol the hurl comnuadnlui lhal we JionlJ bwr raont 01 ll I whenton 10 lit I obntlnil unto Ihe tim mMdinmli of Oodir hear Inllirranr of lhnsa lulns > And ma know that II ne ant UUihll In Ik Chrll ma Shall rlil our mrennrn ol the blood ol all rncn ami 1 IK krund n < olk before the iu mint text ol Chrlll semi shell dnell II t t illiTmlnlbohe I rm And the honor besO I UK Miner nod ta ile Mat and ks I loir USual wblli It I omrs God Anrcn ociv m COW IU DtVIDWlllTMM MARTIN MAKHU llreli I another Intimonysigned by eight vvltneH IK It I known ads all salmon llnJrrlt tongues and peepS mono wlMm thh work lull come that JoMfih Smllh nnr the Scum laroeufthiswsthsoatomwsaianisnhspturs olwhteh hank hess spokes hich hv rho apiMMraaet 1 haJb guld ash ni manr ot the Issues no UK said Smith bath trufhled no did handle with sin bond asI I we also 1 uw Sensor inv Ihemet all of which bM the I nmmiraiKe of andent work snob ol curlew workmnnihlp And this we hear 1 record with word of sober nm that the Hid Sotllh hat ihown unlo uv sic wo Jut sas and hefudand know ol a sgrtr thai the Hid Smith ha tot limo phules of hl = = loI whhi h so nan ipokcn An1 we gino our nsoes unto he world lo linen unto the world nhutwhhuhn harasses tad wall M not UI bearIng linen of ItCimiTUN CimiTUN WuiTum JACOB WIIITMH l f Iltrii UiurMrnJuTi jives WIIIIII IlbouM lAme Jmumueuu lIoIII II See ilyansi IITII IINun II IIItIl I ash what would the Jew or Ilia Clirlilhn 1 I not give to have hii Ilible attested at-tested In time 1 above mannei ll course the Impanlil sceptic attichos no inl pullollce vv liatev er to rell lulls testimony umr lo Snlrltutlc testimony ur lu i r IIII lieoiophlc I testimony We hone tie value ol sucli evidence loo well lo bo Imposed upon by It Iliit what can Ilia Clirtilians nay Ills flute has mi nt IcsUllon whatsoever and llli pants will not bear hones investigation or such Investigation ni the Clultlian brings lo bear upon Ihe hook or Mormon f al aaJ Hut here we find a number ol men as Illiterate as Jesus and Ills disciples who produce and publish a wonderful book the publication ol which It followed by cruel persecution against bmllli and his filendi and the meal astounding social ani lllu commercial development ul 1 our century IIIll his l Is nol a ole ol past ago Ilia record ol which have gone llirou < li many vicissitudes and wire written we know nut when wheieorby whom but a contemporary development Men Ire let living who were bain belore Joseph Smith I st ores pouibly still live who remember re-member him Ills I work aid that ol his lolloweis remain hi lull llle and vigor In Utah and the Mormon mUilonjIrcn are In many lands In a lecture by Elder James II Anderson Ander-son we are Informed l that the first three wllne se ijuoled above ailetwards lell the IJIteiday Salnls but nothing could Induce Mem to change their stati lIIont 1 II wsa true und l they knew ll David Uhitmcr itiril at Kichmond Mlisouil anuary shad Wnciioii hi deathbed he called hit family amid l friends l mound l him and nude lo them a pleinii declaration that he knew the Ilook ol tlo Mormon and his testimony i thereto to beliue1 I I rhlswtimnssoever relumed the 1Aller < lay Church bul still persisted lo the last t It secnit III his testimony Tho other nIght wilnossM trmalnnl lo the Ian firm and l unfilterlnicln I I Ihtlrtestlmony I Itch bus i Systems ot the Woild and 11 IAlan don Swan and Soniicniclicinib i I need not prolong my tcniaiks 1 nm no friend I lo 1 Slomniouhsiniencept II In so far as It Is a svlem of Industry < 1 Iroiiieas llulltubmil 1 The I Hook 01 of Mormon Is I the best attested I Dibit lithe li-the world that Ihe Jewili ChiUtlai Ilible has no evidence at all In comruii son with It JunKinSvM > lime wod hen and 1clioJ I wIn common w-In lnjland soy Milr mOans lluuuigh nol In rluda1 1 nmirmngs her I no Irani I rheasma roolu lo hwrc hoary r Ic and clean lo Ill liltxl with Ui liopUuiion uf innullr wb I |