Show TIIOIIOUUIIIV nrouiiiiizri Tb U suns IIolIloy slog Inlclol 00117 1oitiIANI Ore July 18Cbs Urigoii Hallway and Navigation company com-pany U I tbcraughly leorgaultid Tbe folUwlui dlrectori have been Kleclod I U t Ftlrchlld of Now York W W Cotton 11dry railing HW Uorbiil VM LoUd U 1 lewli W 11 Ajeri AUMIIIi K H Hpencer it MtjNUII J U WuiUworlli and V1I 1lo y1 of IorlluJnud MIlM U Mcore of Vull > Walla Waihluglon The newly eltctod Ulreclori bell a meeting and electd Ihe followIng oOlcont iruiltleul K MoNelll genera gen-era audllor K H Demon treaunr Uco IC Wltblnglon Tho uUcllon of vice preildiut and cbalruiau 011 the board ol illrrciri wai poilponed until a lulure meutiug |