Show I er tailed luUeiue nr MoNTHEAt Zuobec July 17Ii CaIro the Kieuoh llbeial r pinr 1 vf I bit city lu Uiileuto of Ila atliatlori for B movement for the tupirailou of 1 Canada from Ibo empire ecys an werlus a oantemporary Dju our caolroo ImagIne Canada Ii elvrually deetlned lu be a colour and hOur Canidlani ihould be preveuluj torn dteiuilgg of 111 Jependeuci float II I a title too much at It will blot ai many I Kngllili ea French who will declare Inceloly Hint II I 110 common ieuc Uur liitumli are Kr from boll Jenllflril with Ihoie of Knglind clod we will bo lacrlflced each tIn Iho Illnu of blue coupOn aro coLcetUKl Vhllu lemaluliiK loyal aud nipecllul III Ii aurily allowed ui In think of the blurs 10 foretell dnllny of tur ouutry and to aik It au iuderuii > dolt Canada would 001 bo more moi bolOs Ihiu a Canada In luleliiie |