Show r AMERICAN FORK THOMAS THOMS BARRATT IS DEAD Honored Well Wll Known 1101 ii 70 CIoe Clo e Career nt ot Special American Fork Forie Utah Cu Co Jan 5 Thomas Thoma an ln old end coil cn much es esteemed Ia p teemed citizen of ot this place plire nod well el known throughout the tho tate tiled led at itt Mi bli home In the Third ward last night of ot diabetes from ha h had hail been 1000 he el a 1 for tor a it 1 long time t Not ot until about three ago was wal hs ho unable to 10 toe 11 e ur W and about Ut Elder DaraH was among umon amo the tho early etly dar valleys lle anti and also 1180 during the timo Ur of ot the tho tIt Black Back Hawk HaYk war ar he acted us AI assistant Is commissary ar and o tools an active e purt port In thu thit troubles with rith the Indians of or that time Ho lie 10 has been exceptionally active In Inthe inthe the Ih Church In which h h he wt WIS a devout member and all has passed pal tt through all ni the of the Church from Deacon to High which ho held hel at the time tm of ot his death H He was also one of ot the tile originators of ot the old folks parties partes that have become n ft of ot pride to the staV sin sta and an was wa waat I at cit the time lime of or Itla one of or the tho committee In which he was a I cipo dp 1 associate of has p n Savage of at atI alt Lake City In this work oboe I he ite has become well wen known throughout the state and UIl will wi be e remembered by 1 oo ool lb 31 t l X X 1 n t X 1 S Y YI I Y YX X I i i f X Y t I Y X 1 X y 1 i y J a aTHE THE TIlE LATE THOMAS BARRATT u of ot American Pork Fork and has al alJ ala J ayi a taken an no active part both In re ye religious anti and an I public affairs having many positions of or trust tr t He le served feell In Inthe t the capacity of ol city councilman for 1 number of o years and various other min mill minor millOr or In municipal affairs He lie le nc tl l I a counselor to the late Hob Rob HobIn Iowa In on for or a n number of or year Mrs Ho Ito wu WOI tit born bor In lr ugh England March 10 1830 and was bap ba baI tl I hi d Into Inlo the Church hurch of ot Jesus ChrIst ChrIstor I of or Saints aInt Aug 13 ISSa 1850 At Atthe Atthe Atthe the ego age of 21 24 2 he h left let England for tor thU country countr making n n l short hl In New ew Orleans ami anil St before coming CoinIng coring on to Utah Elder Eider Barrott Barrat was wa 1 a member of or the th erly early militia of at Utah und 11 during the raids of at the Indians Indiana In Hush and Ce Cc Cen n till nil ni the tho old people of or that organization In II the year eur ISi he hc wan vas called caled on oil Ot a mission minion to 10 England where hl e he lie hI presided pes III ell over oer the Liverpool conference r turn turning ing In In ISIS In command of or a 1 email mal of o While In Liverpool ho lie was VII 11 actively eng cog Kd In the emigration work vork I of or tile the Church Chords being n 11 most worker In that capacity He le IMol two ViveK K and anI I a 1 large Inree orally family of ot grown tona oos und and daughters and nod an ni army orm of ot grandchildren and a 11 n II score of or great reat grandchildren In his death tie the entire I town of ot American Fork as ns It loses hoses one orb le of ot Its 18 it main stays und bud Ind most moet highly respected citizens cn I The fht will vIii 1 be be ilC d ol on Oil Oi Tuesday Tle dl bt 1 in III tho the Third ward vird meeting of It this place placE and ald his remains I wi ilI ba ho Interred In the tile city el cemetery |