Show j I BUSINESS NOTES N TES I A t il dividend lI ll of M 1 per t r m void tint l was declared yesterday payable on nit 01 the time Hh lust by b the Uli taim Independent Telephone company local Ical bank clearings clearing cd ed In to H I against for Cor or the r mo lust lil t your year Time The Citizens Coal COlli company zed I yesterday afternoon wih tho ett President Richard 1 1 vice president Thomas II B H rb ck J secretary K E F 11 ii 1 treasurer W WJ Sl I The Time Lift Life Lie Insurance In Investment n vestment company of this thin city lucid an annual und and special noon In UH lt it Atlas block bluck aPices When I hel the iol tul 01 lowing r were chosen President fIrst vice lee Ice Franklin vice V T 1 third vice iee dent I I It 13 n secretary C C C Wylle Wylie Wyle V S 8 now new anti and a 01 reelected lell directors director T 1 H ft Hutel Cutler John Johll Dern Bern J 1 D U 1 Wood Mr Ir Wat Iter en of ot Los ios Angeles John of ot Untie Butte Buil Ernest Charles W Howard und anti nd Georg 1 i 1 Ames Amel mes of Sun Bun Francisco o |