Show ACT WI Cl liEOU Cincinnati Jan lna 9 The ease Inse of t Homr lom ing agaInst tho the United States ing lit tho the Chinese exclusion act tel was 1 de lip decided ii In iii favor of ot tim the States In itt II the Staten Slaten circuit court of ap at peals In II this city ely tho tile court holding thai thal the tho net art of April 7 i 1501 lOi l QI continued thug th exclusion nit act In lit full force fill power to do w II s Homr BOli Wing Is Onus one of ot six mix Ix in who had hitti been ben ordered deported Tho rho decision was ivas 1 announced by Jude Judg who staid that the tl Ito main point presented to the court was wa whether Its act of April Apri 7 1901 continued thin th Chi Chinese uric nese net act In Iii force and suid tim tho court Wes was 18 that It hid did do without reference to any ny existing ties te or returns The net act n t was V IB 11 pawed pained I it i iview C view iett of the tha tro treat treaty expiring and amid U It I hal hual continued the lie provisions of oC the treaty lea t Congress line has the titus power to tu rt rc f or concur III In treaties It Il lu hat i idone I done donI what was wholly hol within its It I pun PC Ci In irs passing this thi act ct The Tho decision of ot otho s f 5 the ho lower oler court was wan WR therefore sus sustained HUt i and Illi the hue appeal dismissed |