Show A S 8 CAMPBELL I Stock Broker D P Walker J S O Stock Broker Tel Id Jell Hell S s HI 8 Si Main St lIt CANNON t CANNON w nIl Buy and IiI flank and Alt All II Corn Com om i rn flock 21 4 1 1 r 1111 Fit t I 3 if II I Why buy a Five Ii round I And boil it for hours when you youcan youcan can C ln buy at half the price a jar of j ARMOURS Extract of Beef which requires no cooking and gives s the soup a beefy flavor that no can give Armours Extract of Beef has no equal as a broth for the sick an invigorator for school children and a n sustaining stimulant for grownups grown ups It is ready for or use simply adding hot water and seasoning makes a delicious drink This is one way of using it but there are over other ways How to Avoid Pneumonia We s e have Ino neer never heard of at n II g IIII In Instance Instance stance of ot n a cold c resulting In Pneumonia I or other oilIer lung trouble when wilen Hon y yand and Tar ban has been bren taken It not only stops atop the tho cough hut but lion Is and arid tim tho lungs Af Ak k for Kol ys Honey lIone and T Till Tar r anti and refuse any nn offered Dr C e J 1 of or ARiew Mich writes t I have hare hl used n Honey lIonny and UNI Tar In tn thre litre very er Ivere cases of ot with 1 re remits r lulls mits In twy overy ra ue ease c Tor sale by K P 1 J S Hilt Drue Dru I Co EXCURSION TO MEXICO via Sort Line Only from Loean Ogden Salt S lt Lake and Intermediate points point to 10 31 o 0 Cit Tickets Ticket on ort ae lIe 80 to O days a A limit Diverse DI re rOlIM allowed p to 10 Denver n it e Short Line agents a City elt tty Ticket Main St I Rigger Bigger better beter hou o than you yet ou live In Inand inand and anel a n small smal fanci and ful fril hc the rental ads and Inest lat n a f fawl w I If I you 01 are arc a I Captain of o Industry even In Ii n a small mal way you ou wi t need to recruits fre or your 01 f frank ranks rank of fl r workers w wIl rov thin an nJ blood j Want lull bring new MW 1 I CO WORKS I Outlines of ot Ecclesiastical History 7 me ho Gospel 1125 50 New IW Witness for tor God 0 Succession In the Presidency dency SUe Mc Rise flee nse and Full of ot Nauvoo I 1 25 32 25 Missouri 21 Mormon Morlon Doc toc triM of Deity Dell 00 1125 12 end and n Deseret News ew Rook Hook Store Salt Sal Lake i irl rl lIt Tt I ITHE M o THE BEST DEST ALARM CLOCK MADE Jno Joo and nd Sons 20 Main St Str I r Where Theres heres a Will aWill Wi Theres a Way Own 0 wn your own owa home loine homeI H If I not why not I IThe The joys jos of independence are ac not yours you do doThe The These e joys joyl joys will wi be doubled dooMed if f you use tue Romney Dur Durable aWe able Lumber se cc selected for lor tins this climate GEO CEO ROMNEY LUMBER CO 65 N First West 0 O I 1 l ROIE Manager r I Never Neve be at sea about the safety of your property real realor or personal Protect it against fire with witha a policy in the HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF UTAH HEBER J GRANT GO COI aE EnL AGENTS TS 20 1026 South Hauth Main Bt St NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO 10 At n a meeting of the Hie Ih directors of or the Ih Company held helI on the Iho th day cA of r f December 1995 10 nn an In a nf ot 1 l cent CIn t tier I r hare thare was levied on nil all 01 the Iho outstanding shirrs ah rr of the capital C stock of ot this to hi I be Ie pill In In us as lS 11 tf c t a 1 cent cont pall pail on the tho first day ilay tay of or February I lp and oi an of or a 1 c tent nt ent to 10 i t tl on the Iho mat first day lay nf or April Apri onet of or A n cent to b 1 be s paid pahl nn on the tho th rt diy dilY nf of It Jun Junr And the Ih remaining of or a I cent rent to tob tob b be on tho tilA Ih lira day clay of AUgU t 1 U nril art th Ihl tim of ot this as a ne fuch that any An stock alock on o which this one cne fourth curth cf ti Li I cent In Is not paid on nn nr or b bet before forn Mch date ns A IndIcated In this notice flotie ruch urh rf ef rt I ck will wIl become d delinquent nt 1 M be to m nt nl Ant anil he hI nd od to to ray fV urh In together ll r or IR anti sale of ot all I remittances to 10 I h b mart mad mar to J N Mellon Se at ft a No HIT M Ii City CI 8 uth Utah Vh Seventh I ft Salt Sal Lake J X N MELTON S SI y Trel I New Private e Wire Service I James J e A APolo Pollock k Co I flANKERS BANKERS an nn rant I t 0 o W Second South Street halt bale Lake Lako City Oly Utah Ulah Orders Order Promptly cut d In Blocks Black Donds Cotton Coton Grain Orall Leaned Wires Wire With and Bryan Corr Corresponding Members lan New York Ke New Now YIrk York Cotton Coton Beaton Stock Block Ex Exchange cheese change Chicago Hoard hoar luar of ot Va a handle All Al Prominent Utah Ulah Min din Mining MinIng ing lag and Commercial Stocks STATE BAN K OF UTAH Sal Salt LiCIt h Cit Established 1 ISM Ii 11 Solicits accounts account of o flanks DAnk Firms Fn and md n Individuals an and nd extend to loc oi tomel every ever reasonable courtesy and sad facility Joseph F Smith Wm B D Preston Vice President Charles S 8 esMer r rII H II T i Mowan wan bt Aest Th SAVINGS BANK HANK BANKW i iv W v V W s President Moses MOle Thatcher Vice President Ellas Elu A Smith Ca I J L S lI mil John K It lUrnes anu John C Cutler Cuter David Eceles A W CarIson O 00 oso 5 r J n U Winder Vinder B 11 n 11 ldredge mout W SV F p 1 James Four Vet Per Cent Interest P Pad on en enU U S DEPOSITORY Deseret National Bank Bat Uk Lake City Cl Utah Uh Capitol Capital Surplus B 1 too Y DEPOl r BOXES fO I Ht N NI U I fi S Hills President Thatcher a Vice President 11 31 1 8 S young Chier Edgar Eliar a 8 1 Asit Cashier W WALKER l f BROS BANKERS K Established ltd bliP mCa Ca pi I Soo Surplus S A TUB ThE TU SALT CITY OF OJ WELTS Wl FAHOO 4 c eos COS LINK ANK lANK Safety po lt Boxes oxe for tor Rent Bent Travelers Letters of ot Credit Issued Available In All Al Parts of o the World WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT j 3 E i H J I P CLARK CLAnK President Cashier OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Commercial National Bank An Exponent of ot Conservatism Com Coin Combined with Enterprise A II n Aul Aast Cashier McCornick McComick Co COA BANKERS A ERS 1 SALT BALT LAKE LAlm CITY CIT UTAH UTAI Established 1673 1173 13 National Bank of The Republic U B FRANK ANK KNOX President JAMES A MURRAY Vice VIc President W V v r ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL AND SURPLUS O A thoroughly modern modem saving depart depal meat ment conducted In hI connection with wih the Ihl bank sa deposit depolt boxes for tor rent Established 1811 Utah Commercial Savings Bank BankC Capital C m WM VM F P IY nON Chier Commercial Hanking In alt all al Iti II Branches Four our per cent rent interest p paid ld on savings deposits ACCOUNTS SOLICITED R G C Dun Co of new THE AGENCY ACENOY George Hunt Bust Manager Ila Nevada levada Utah and nd Wyoming Offices In ta Sal Halt Lake City Utah j 71 0 WHAT IS L YOUR w on oas MOTIVE r r ne ll ku rt POWER TRY TRY 0 THE THE i NEWS |