Show fOR UTAH CLAY BEDS Indiana Concern May Buy DC De posits at Fairfield and Build a Plant Here INVESTIGATING FREIGHT RATE Company Manufactures lut N Insulator I Brick Pipe and 1111 Por 11 celain Good The Tue freight department of at the Salt aH Lake Route In Is figuring upon a special pedal rate ralo on Ire fire fre ulav chI and alit RII from train Fairfield where wh r there ate ue exten extensive sive Le deposits of or this character po so poto 0 I ui to foster foiter fOlter nn un Important Industry Last LIlt week seek a u carload of ot sample sampie clay was as sent fent to 10 ii lx IM laos s Angeles Angell In hit II order that thata a I a local firm lInn might experiment with It with lh thin tho object In view of securing I a constant If I It Is I found to 10 b what Is claimed tot for It ItIn I itin In addition the Peru I Man Manufacturing Manufacturing Inn company of ot Peru lemu lel I ml which turns out 1111 porcelain and electrical supplies Is I anxious to get Ge a I sample cample car enl carload load iotti Should It I provo prove satisfactory Ia titer will be he weekly shipments both and west ivest and a 1 low rate put In to se s euro dire CU tho tie bu hu business ln Bs I But what wha I will tilt wi bo to better beter news to Suit Hal t Lake nn Is that R n H II I the secretary treasurer and Ind manager malinger of or the hue Peru manufacturing concern Is II seriously contemplating the building ot of ota ofa I In a n plant Ilant here for the manufacture of ot Insulators tire fire tro brick pipe and aud porcelain porcelain orce lain good gootis At U the present limo ho Is I la In 11 correspondence with wih the depart department department ment of the Salt Sai Lake Inko Route In connection connection tion with the tho mutter matter muter ton The lire clay dW nut and deposits which are am situated In II the vicinity of oC are gre le owned by Homer hooter J 3 Ken Kell Kendall dall dati dal of Lehl Lohi Preliminary negotiations Ion on tho the part of oC the Peru ler Manu Manufacturing anu company are now non no said laid td b h bunder hunder he under way wa for tor the purchase of at th this the property with wih the object In II view Ie of de developing d I to good advantage tIm tho holdings hO and turning turninG them |