Show Jil nF THE SEMI SEMIWEEKLY r rJ J i WEEKLY Y iI NEWS kL THE GREAT I COUNTRY PAPER OF THE WEST WESTI I Is I Il Mondays and anti Ii and nd Contains Contain All the the Cream of the tit Daily Daay and Saturday News New 44 t J j H 1 Zon Savings Hank flank and Trust Com Corn Company Company Corni i I pany has on deposit tour four our million dol 1 Have Ilave you an account If U not net netI I open ono one of any amount to 3 1 Joseph F p Smith President l George M Cannon Cashier t I jj C S 8 MARTIN COAL CO COi i i Rock Springs prIng Cumberland Castl CatIe Oats Oat and Clear lump nut and slack alack Rov Carlisle Carllile P B Martin ULD Of Texan Tex OC Of ft ii 1 morn mon monni Ing In ni when first I often otte Und n a trot troll I collection of ot phlegm l which pro Iwo ro duces n LI cough and Is Ss wry Ir ery in to dIe dis dislodge lodge bilge but a n small of It Horehound will at onca oneo dl lod o it nl the tho la l I over I know of ot no that Unit li l I equal to n It and It U la l no 10 o oto pleasant to take I can call most nH st cordially recommend It to all nil persons needing a 11 medicine for thront or lung trouble sic e etc We tc t mid IM Sold by b 7 Y C C C M 11 I I Drug Dept mue Main talu Street li II DOB SLEIGHING OUTFITS W v Richards 1933 S Ninth hill Ind Phone 2163 SLICK AS GLASS Ice nt It Rink Fifth Wet West and Fifth North streets tOTi CE CEWe Wo We wish with to announce that being belll en entirely without coal conI and with no pros peet of or o securing n a 1 further supply for tor forat forat at vast 30 wo so Ore rc forced to retire from tram the coal cOlli for Cor the present pr We V will fill nil fill orders on hand ns as best we wo can but cannot accept n new lIew w orders D J SHARP SHAm COAL CO for all itil 11 makes of machines at Five Cents per package and everything else per taming to sewing machines at greatly reduced prices Look ook for Cor the red S 43 n South MaIn Mala St Salt Lake City Utah This This Day D y In History Histo JAN AN oth 1757 Ia 1 Trench philosophical writer died born hOrn 1 l 07 7 H Herschel rach l astronomer died born bern 1731 Myra lyra Ira Clark Gain s sIh the Ih famous litigant In the tha New rew ew Orleans Orl claims one case In New C Orleans Orlean born 1807 The Tho property claimed wan WItA va In po of ot the city or of New Ness w Orleans Oriean and anti amount amounted til ed rI to tn In Ml JS lp Ip to 10 1871 1311 Mrs lames had hall recel received ed fl I OO died I born ISO Gen act clwell 1111 in San Ian Francis Francisco co born John H II Gordon noted Confederate rate veteran I rn r of ot and ani former senator died at ot fin Ia n horn born 18 l Michel I Trench t and revolutionary died hi In Paris born JWO 1110 DONT LET THIS DAY DA IN YOUR HISTORY Pass laM Ia Retting an Excelsior Diary for tor W lOO lOOI III h I CHURCH NOTICES I stake Priesthood meeting FrI day next the ln Inet t at nt p m in Twentieth meetinghouse W V YOUNG JOSEPH JOgl IH S 8 WELLS I I JOHN M KNIGHT KNIGHTS S Dangers Dangen of a Cold and How to Avoid Th Them m More Ioro fatalities have their In 01 ot I result from n a 1 cold than front from an olho cause e This fact rt alone should make pet peo people plo III more moro ns ol there Is III I no dan n whatever ha lover fr from m n II cold when it Is proper ly treated In iii tito tho beginning For many years yean Chamberlains Cough Remedy ha hai hab been bren b cn ns u the tho most prompt anti In mo for tor this di enit It acts nn en plan loosens l o tit thi conen relieves tho the lungs Ol M the HIV so and aliI outs naturu In restoring tho th system to u it healthy condition Sold by byall byall all druggists Every Evory Movement ment Hurts Hurt When you have rheumatism Muscles focI feel stiff and soro oro and Joints nrc pain painful ful tuI It does not pay imy 1111 to suffer long Ions lon tom this thin disease Ill when It may Inn be bo cured 10 Co o promptly anti perfectly by b Hood nr This loen goca right to tho spot pot neutralizes tho acidity of 01 the blood which causes rheumatism und and puts an end to the tho pain and antI stiff eLiff stiffness ness I 1 I ls Is cured by b Hoods Pills i iGe Ge 1 ONLY ON LV To Mexico City A it Return Via Oregon Short Line Tickets on 01 nily rid January lOll limited to 60 days Diverse loutes allowed up III to Denver Sel iet agents for further particulars City Ticket omco Main St REMOVED ft E MOVED Powers and IntI Law removed 1 to 10 new naW Herald Building Main Bt tt Hell phone 1860 IHO Have you seen Daniels Daniel great grAnt Rr al mill mil milend end sale aie suits HUltS from 25 2 to 40 for tor 0 All ii 11 Imported goods and remember fi fior lit fit or 01 no sale lIle Daniels the tailor 67 7 west veat South TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC P After three months rest I nm am again In III business and expect to get your trade trad for the following reasons rca ons That my nil In the Meat Ment Trade Trad extends over n it period of 30 years near Iy ly 22 2 years ars located on Main street op 01 Z 2 C M I That everything sold at my Market 1 is 19 of oC tile the th best quality That should you ou phone your orders order or calt call at t my II Market or send a n the same ane uniform treatment will Mill b be accorded That you can ran depend upon the price and weights being right That I J hale hav built a 1 spacious star spick and span on fl my rn in own premise p with facilities attached for handling hay 11 a straw grain mid salt anit That you can depend on ott prompt de tie delivery livery 1111 flOUT SHERWOOD Globe Market t hed US 1854 Roth phones and State St t Roods Goods at It your own oln price I X C L Furniture Co Removal sale pale BOOKLETS LETS Chase Chasu 49 9 Main MainOn MainOn MainOn On the tables of all first nr t class care cafes and homes home Vienna fakery MEXICO CITY AND RETURN Via Vla D 4 t R G January Ten days transit limit In both haUl lUree diree lions Final limit F Feb b An tin uti Usual opportunity to see seo the winter resort on Oil earth Thousands nr are olg from tram the tue frozen East Kast to tho the Grand Oolf Golt Tournament Party leaves Salt Lake via D I H It 0 O nt itt l SM n 8 in m and makes direct connections Se Set SetI Seb I 1 A Demon Dooly Dool Block for tor further particulars HOT AIR AIRIS IS 13 ALL RIGHT to heat your houses with this cold weather but for tor perfect telephone er ervIce ervice vice tire arc Installing Till TI I l PHONE tONE THAT TALKS TALIS MEXICO CITY AND RETURN Via D R S G 0 January Ten days daya transit limit In ir both bolh tiona FInal limit Feb An un unusual UnUsual usual to see lice tho the greatest winter resort on earth Thousands ar are going from the frozen East Kast to witness the Grand Golf Tournament Party Part leaven Salt Lake via 10 D t H It G O at 84 a n in 11 n ant and makes direct t connections See I A Denton Benton Dooly k for tor fur further further further ther particulars Goods floods at your own price I 1 X L Furniture Co Removal sale jale SALT GALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO Developing Dev Main iain and 3rd So Dr T dentist rm Bile Blk I I II SKATES I SKATES GROUND SHARPENED repaired etc ete V F 1 C Sanford Banford zu State St 81 SKATE GRINDING I GUS io E 1 2ND D SOUTH There Are Bad BadAs As sWell Well As AsGood s Good Chances A cnance chance to toty sell your proper property ty at a It is s usually a 11 ah pad bad h ad chance You can get ct your f its ite te a II fair air one by This i almost certain That Th 1 you will not it h without ad lid aJ ti li also iho almost certain 1 FOR ESTATE If It you OU have a i hous or lot lol for tor talc sale list It t with tin us hae mans matiy inquiries CO COI h l W V 2nd So St Si Phones Phon S 13 IF JI YOU HAYK A PORTION WE will furnish balance to purchase a IL home homeI homeer cr er building lot lotIf If Ie you OU want att a 11 buyer list your our property With n Rod and I will get you OU nil alt cash cah HOME TRUST 11 CO COG 6 G K 5 10 WI t Firel South St SEE SEI BE HOUSTON THE 2 J Strict I 1 AM A I noma TO 70 ERECT nr CT 0 9 MODERN OO liell on Oil Oh 3rd rd at II between n O 0 C and 1 P two to of ot them thun started Look thorn theta ov ovet i and anti tea t O If It like them was ever cyst constructed for tor sale salo in III this city M Ml prices und and term terms arc It if you u intend getting a now homo home und want t titi feCi safe afo an III to tho the construction call cat on me Inc and talk the th matter over overA ov overA r rA A 19 11 West Went est lit ht South Routh Phones GU CU WILL WUL HELL JoLI YOU AT A vacant lots iota lot a cottage nr or era a model house In any finy Rn part art of tho 1110 city Jas Jail K I Shaw under Walker lIker nr I hank Bank HOMER Here l I ito u 1 chance chalice for or n ii bargain In form farm lands 12 acres in iii County Count Another ther Davis J Ils County piece Ilece nf or ID it acre acres acres of or the tho grazing razIng land In III Cacho Cache County I ty HOMER tr Main Itt 1st So Under hank Dank HOUSES BUILDING LOTS FARMS IS and nM acreage property fur tor stile ulo by Cannon Cannons ln c s aimon 21 13 I i So Se Temple St WE WI SElL HEM IL URAL nr I ESTATE all roa red reU ball signs HO Iii Main St StIN StIN StIN IN on SELLING SEE sti THE Im ESTATE INV CO Suite Suit D Ii P 1 Walker Building FOR SALE SALEA A COMPLETE Tr STOCK lad and In one of or tho the bc t towns in III tho titu state of or IdahO All Mi that Hut class up III to 10 due new flew Improved computing ing n cat ash Iah oak count r show cisca CI CS A ilist class d up Ul p 10 to ditto date iu nm cerv stoic now 1101 doing u II nice ulce Lr toil full particular address F 1 E I Price Pa I 1 IlIe Nj JW WAY VAY TO MAKK Alm basil household C liy bis hig healthy nourishing delicious plan II an 1 Address Addles 18 Halt Salt Lake Supply 1 lug ing Co s1 33 POSTAL GAUDS Fan KOI I c GO says nys It Is hOnest valuable plan for tor 1 I Address Ardre s Postal lostal Supply Co city HOUSE AND ANI oW EAST AST Frit South Street JACKS STALLIONS S AND 0 horca for fOI enl sale nt lit Utah Ad 1 dress Estate K F D I Yaw Ya Utah oo 00 ALMOST NEW NE BLAST stove for Cm 2000 0 23 E 1st ht South CT MOTOR CIO o volt with rheostat and controller anti MHP direct current motor INd i ocd 3 with arid anti controller also 1 I rheostat anti and controller I all nil new n w at III a bargain Enquire News Ornee 45 4 NORTH SIXTH WI t cheap ch ap Hoy ney fl y Von Van lIn Cott Colt 7 Na u Rank flAnk BuildinG AT OWN FlIt r And anol ranges I t X L I Tur I lIr Co sale gale OLD OLO FOE FOll once cent per pcr pound Apply Deseret Office FOR RENT RENTA A OrlIC ROOM IN cret eret Newt News Annex Apply I News Office MAChINES rS Jt U l l Ilm nn MONTH MO TH White office DUke 23 2 9 W ht 9 S St Phone Ij VACANT HOUSES TEL TEI 27 7 S ALt 11 ANn AND Jn ns Tuttle Pros Uros IP 14 11 Main St ned fled Hall signs tI IP 11 T I 27 21 7 FOR ENGRAVERS AND DESIGNERS nn flU ENO JNO ro co CUTS ron ronall Fort all nil purposed 8 27 fl and aM 20 23 W So Temple Temp WALL PAPER CLEANING KAPLAN CL I CO ROOMS si 1 up Office ChIco v under Walkers Dank Te Tel fAno I un 1493 1193 PLUMBING PLUM DING AND HEATING D W James to James Ce Harris plumbing steam and hot water contractor M 61 t E h I 2nd Bo tb at St Phone 3 IF n HAPPENS TO T Ti TUB TILE plumbing call the Peoples Plumber ITS is West We l South Temple Templo St 81 lIeu Hell phone Ked Webb will wilt save you money mone on or hot water w t r heating Phone hones I 1 Hell Bell Ind md Sill 2474 East nat Third South Routh Street K CUMMINGS MODERN and lobbing r a n special ty tf 61 I Main Street Phone JACKS FOR SALE 0 JACKS SPANISH AND Mammoth bred from crom the tho Blue Ors Grass of ot Kentucky lIaise Mules Iules Mules Mule aro are the laId Standard the sp sell these Jacks Hors horses s token taken In exchange Write mn ma at the y House lIou OAd nn W V DUNN CARPET CLEANING WE w CALL rOK IrOIl TAKE UP STEAM i iclean clean and relay rely your carpets carpet on short notice Steam Carpet Clean log Ing In works work 63 E So Phones low lowTHE TIlE THE OLD RELIABLE CARPET cleaner E F Eynon 8 S L L Steam Carpet Cleaning Co We Ve tall call and deliver 1111 U Ind UiO IDO Eighth W I a South Temple Tempi MOVING PACKING SHIPPING TUB Im rum IAN VAN v AN CO COonly COnlY COOnly only aria In m tM city elly owning antI ana cur iu Its own etc eto van IUIS two ware luuie c oI t packets call tun to uny any part itar ot 01 tho 1110 United elates and inui save uve you yuu money of or too olk Ok s iu lIts In to oil ait the tho principal cities if It ou want torn any stIlt or ir weal see lIeo UK us UK is 1 our con Met lOllS with lIh largo laro lar o concerns maim It u possible to avo IVO you yell money and troupe lilacs et Phones c WJ J WANTED A POSITION AS S HY ENOL Iier si 3 1 yearn exponent lin and 1 can cun Ito all nil knit kinu of if 1 tun uti give K 1101 U I I CitI jno J Ito Alluvium ui wt S I II TO 10 TRADE i S tuition till lion made mado II 1 1111 t every ever muni 1 or UI locon I rIPi us 1 nt Mi oar m ot i 1 l I ulee U t U I Mr rn boutil 1 aired t btu City S S ECO ND SArE ri MUST ST BE m IN I Coot sIze In Pill I tat lit South SECOND i ND WANT WM sd d ZI Bo So 1111 0 UTAH JUN JUNK UNK co PRICE paid Lot for Ial Iron Iroll rags rag bot tin top OI brats brass etc 63 il Bo So 11 rI fit 1 0 TEAMS TE IB AN n WANT lit nt mediately ten good teams to haul coal C H S 1 Martin Coal Co I Co Cu CuI I HELP WANTED MANGLE GIRLS AT T MODEl lAUN ry r Stab Mini Street and anti Commercial Street iTon FOR on JOl JOP printing g 1379 News AN 1 EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR rod cod proposition for tho the right party En Jullo lit ut this office n FOR FOlt 10 ito small fatally family jUDd good i n t A 01 hilt Ill FOt GENERAL m HOUSE work worl Mrs lira Ir L b I i ij Hail It s 8 i U in lit N Ht tit HtA H HI HA titA I A GIRL GIHL IN SMALL FAMILY W Cd J FIRS street Str et SITUATION WANTED ItY hi II COMPETENT CARPENTER ont and millwright Addle II 1 last East South Street Hh STOCKHOLDERS MEETING NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The Tho annual meeting of the stock aock stockholders holders of the tho Salt Lake toke Los Lon Angeles Railway Co will bo held at th thi olIce nf ot tho President of the company COmpall Nn No n 69 C 13 E J South Templo Street diy dy 0 the tho liP day of January A D U ISO lj at 0 I 10 a m rn for tor the tha ii of C electing directors of oC company compan foi tOI tie Ue ensuing year ear anil for tor the tho lion lot of oC cud oth r business as ns may plOp uly 11 come before tho the meeting WM shi 1 McMILLAN Secretary Full tolt Sui Lake Lallo City CU Utah pec p c 1005 10 1 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING hi E ETI NO The annual meeting of at the stock stoe holders of tho the Beach cuch Com Corn lall Pall will 1 be lie hold helo at the office if IL I tile tho of the tue company No O 0 OK r K E Temple Street on Tuesday Tue da tin lbs th Dili II day It of Dr January A D J I 19 at nt n a m for Cor the of ot directors of ot said company for tor tho the ensuing ing In jour ear cur and fur Cor Lou the tue transaction of oC fU to h holler oilier oller ab may mi properly lo Lt fore tho the meeting WM W 1 Secretary Salt Sal Lake City CI Utah UI Dec lh I 1 3 h MOVING AND STORAGE VAN S1 lm CO 1 13 W V First South Street Both Phone CASH REGISTERS RATIONAL Tl A CASH ARI ASIL REGISTERS os as oscar ascar OScar car ar pal agent for Utah Expert rn h register ter repairing No I u 2 h Main SCAVENGERS 0 0 TI cAVEN e I lm ni co o I lent 41 i K E I Mh th If i Hell i and 2 GoodwIn SI SALT LAKE i V t ro i flee lec Atlas Allan ll od il U Vol id 15 ic In K EEN K N B A co no w 1 ii l Til Bri n Toli rl Ind md C DAIRIES EMPIRE DAIRY DAm HN H 11 N STANDISH Manager ManiKer tal rJ I E Ii I cod 2nd South St Ind 0 2315 23 Bottled not tied milk mie a 1 specialty J PIPE FEET ALL ALL SIZES UP TO 10 s I INCHES AM ALl kinds machinery and electricity J M I IG ac G South Third West Vest St AND REPAIRING lET THAT COUCH ND choIr chair reupholstered and foul recovered will wp do It I right for Cor you yuu S L L Mattress life Ue Wi Co 3 u u HOTELS LINCOLN II HOUSE u CS East F t First Firt South I |