Show TH im I It Is n It noticeable fact that the year hits him the tho lowest record In twenty years yenn of or by hy mobs fell feli t to CO eG 6 And nd In g ren ron rendered doted dered still more by tho the tact fact that the tOte number of oJ o murders unit homicides lose lORe to tn 2 of or orthe the victims of or mob mo fury tury were negroes It IB IR probable that tho the sentiment of or orthe the tue South Houth Is 1 underlain a It change for forthe forthe the better and thIs hollid be he stilt still fur tur further tIter ther encouraged Tha rho credit for this Is I Ivery very cry largely duo dun to lay lov Montague of or and IoV 0 Vardaman of nr Mississippi Mississippi sippi who have upheld thu tho supremacy ot of the law la anti and demonstrated the pow power er or or of the Ire state siule to maintain that su so supremacy It In lit not hat n a very ery long tonic tItan since Inca n It leading Georgia paper ivr r advocated lynch law In mid and of or the United States That paper said titers there Is I Ino no need to try tl to tn stare Scare tho thu people ot of the with the tho II throat of ot the tho Fed I d oral court If IC tho 1118 Federal court that apologist for tOl mob rule added Invades tOte tin states authority anti Ilke charge of at these thes cases cau there yet ct ol remains memory and the renaIssance of or the tho Klan An tt 11 Alabama paper recently ex cx expressed pressed pre similar views Ic In commenting oil flue tha tact fact that thUl there had been en no within tho the Mate tato for fo a it year rear U It paid When certain crimes are Iro there thero Is no good In III trying to lUrK urge people to 10 be he b quiet pilot and allow allots this the law to take Its It course AH As l long nn MB its such are ant preached and anil persistently we wc cannot hope hOllo tot for n a 1 return to lo orderly conditions but hut great Arent Im hit has taken place ploce anti we wo ve hope tOils thin will continue continuo until the entire coun country country country try Is Iii teed from the he shadow cost cast upon ullon It by that onto form of or crime |