Show 0 1 I LOCAL LC 0 L BRIEFS BRIEFS I The Tho annual meeting of or the Salt Hoil Lake ii I t neal foal will wi bo be held to toI I Burn aV v afternoon The Vie Bt St HI Anns Ann Orphanage society won entertained nt at lt luncheon by hy at the th I episcopal residence The hioe Utah Uth Independent Telephone 4 company C effected entrance yesterday itri tutu into Park City and autol tho the line lino Ino Is II now open OCI between the tle two tO cities The county officer Including the thi county decided to toWa use two Wa the catchy phrase See Soe America Ural first fral on their official stationery Tonight at nt the Commercial club cub OP oc ot curs ur time the of the tho local life Ufa ICo un underwriter U unI I n A banquet j speeches and ant music mush will 1 bo be tho ten tea ri Ii lures u res ji Peter lm h hots closed nn au ni option I ho lie took tome conic time Ile ago UBO 0 on the il feet fell ju just t north of tIme tho tho Elks 1 club on Oil I ii State street und lull time tho lot from 01 k i W A A er for Cor 11 1000 00 Suit has hag been beem tiled flied In Its the time district court by AI Mayer Mayrs against Allan lun 1 1 Set Iel Seti i lor lot to recover to be bo duo dM I s i on oil a 1 promissory ory note ot timid nud ud for Cor merchandise 1 Il k die dise sold Hold to defendant by hy plaintiff 1 ii i A masquerade haIl ball will viii wi bo ho given Riven Ien by bythe bythe bythe the It W V of A and mid M W V of A on Wednesday I evening Just Jan 10 In iii Foil fed federation FoilL ell L of oC Labor hall will wi bt I In given tot for the tho boot heKt sustained charac 0 IceS a I I The Tho members of ot tho the hiitt t church will wi hold a Jubilee 1 Sunday morning IMming When the on ontie t the tie church will wi be le burned us as 18 the lIon same tI ilIJ lm Sins been heen liquidated und ul l thu tihit th church i t Os Osa a iIi mv free tree from debt I No coal loan haa ha been Iwen received from Wy Wyoming W 1 oming clIng for tor the tile lust hist day or two but It It is I from tm time the fields field fieldin received I being steadily feld feldi in 11 the part of the state ann nna nn j i r C orders order are being en taken subject to two IWO two weeks delay by hy most dealers i Ii I At yesterday afternoon on meeting of hf tho the Postal Tolor ph ft Cable company 1 of ot Utah A I 3 i Thomas rhomas was chosen 1 W S B I president find and I treasurer and atul director K E l l I P Gaylord secretary anti and T O U Webber director i Judge Joshua Jo hul Greenwood of the Fifth I district court held a of his court courtIn I In this city yesterday for fOI Uio the trial of at attl 5 the tl easy easu of teor l Jones against the thu Mining Mining company Most of ot the lie witnesses In the case held loom hei heins helI loomas In this city cly hence gourt was wail wal ns as I u a matter of convenience The Tue trial was nl concluded yesterday km At last evenings meeting of o thu 1 1 1 Western Loan Lal SavIngs company compan Ufa t iii following were elected Pies President l dent V P 1 W V Madsen vice vico Ica president Ir I nt U it UW I tI W oV V Madsen secretary Dr John T TI Tf I f White treasurer It II W iv V Madsen These hes I I with Samuel Paul und and nd James Ingebret t I will wl constitute the board Iward of oC directors I of ot cents I torts tors torl A dividend t per ver I J oa declared on Oi the general generl stock |