Show ADDRESS TO THE SPIRITS IrN s reports front from rum Japan describe an un Interesting ceremony performed somo some sometime time ago at III n a cemetery near It consisted of ot tho the placing of nr tablets und tutu funeral meats before u a 1 Three Imperial princes who hut hud seen servIce In tho the Will war placed sprays ot or Mowers up tip upon tipon on the shrine Among those present wore 10 tOte the ministry tOte tho of the tile army urmy and navy nay In the neighborhood of or the tho Marquis Ito Count Okuma and anti other oth r of at the elder eider statesmen men with n a 1 large throng of or potables notables and too front from the tOte flout The rite function was iOs held In honor of or ortho tho tOte unicorn and sailors who lio lost luM their lives hives In the this ur with Russia and Ad Admiral AdmOral d mOral miral Togo was Willi n the tho orator urn tor He lie nd ad addressed dressed the spirits of or the dead is as tel fol follows 01 lows The TOte clouds of tiC war nr have front from sea Rea and shore and the th whole city with a n peaceful heart like that of or a 1 thud chili KO gOt gnus H out oat to inset th m men n who ho shared life stud death with you OU and vito ho now no return triumphant under tinder the Imperial while their families Walt traIt fur for them at It th the gates or orI their heir I Routes homes Looking Inch back we ne retaIl recall how hn bear benr bearing lug ing the thoc bitter rout looM cod and enduring th flu fierce heat you ou ought fought again untO und again ol with our strong fo COt foe und anti while the Issue of or the contest was wan still un on uncertain certain you ou went Vt nl before belart us ua to 10 the grave leaving u us to envy th the glory you had won by b your our loyal d deaths th Vo Wo to Ii Imitate you OU In paying the debt to sovereign and country Your valiant anti and vehement n nays aIns achieved success In no com cant II did you IOU fall fail to conquer Through Throughout out JUl ten months month the attack on Tort lurt Ar M MI I I thur continued and th the result was wan de tie V VIii In Iii the Sea of or Japan Jaitun n a single annihilating annihilating lating effort decided the tho Issue Thence Thenceforth forth tho Iho hi hadow mcd from the face ence of or the ocean This sue vets cei ce had UH Its origin In the infinite vIr of or the but It could not nor have been achieved not nol you for tor forgetting getting yourselves a your lives in In the public service serl e eTho The Tue Or I over ocr We who return In itt triumph nee lIce of or Joy Jpy py everywhere hut we r hut wo WI cannot C t share hor It IL with it ili and mingled of ot and struggle pain for tor cr lon I The Che triumph of ut Y hUll him urea been Pun pur purchased chased td bV tit your de deaths and a I your lor l end valor r will Inspire our I navy VY rU I a g the hc th e I a i land Ia nl for tor torIll all Ill iii time lInw We W C lucre here thIs thin j I rite rOt of tf wor var or orphil phil iIi to lu your our spIrits spirit ami speaking nome t h I of lr t our our nil r II Ott hurt y you to come rind hind r iho flie off wo WI milks muke This Thin Is III a ii notable l of or If null anti therefore beautiful b lint hInt the Ih Interest t o at tile the address III IB the tho tight light It Ii throw upon t II s Oriental views ail ami rei tio e who n away To Fa them the tilt i lire are not hot only living but hUI they are taking inking nn Ill Interest In und human affairs its liS much pouch n isis If Ir the were stIlt still nn in earth or fell more Tin Tho Tit ar or said antI to 10 believe that the visible world u I governed from the thc Invisible world that the dead become gods and that every eVer oct net and very ery Impulse of t man mall Is III the york work orl of ut n It god They Tile The firmly hold that the tho departed onus ones share thu the Joys und the tho sorrows Borrow of ot the living und 1111 that they take tako pleasure In offerings matte made to tu thorn them Hence the tho loving gratitude to till thi vast past It H IH Iii Interesting Int re to notice the tho un urn undercurrent III of or truth Upon which these tit eM views of fir the relation between the post past I and present are They furnish I another proof of or the fact that truth Is 13 Isas isas as all widely diffused as us light lIht tool nul not confined to one part Pant of at the globe Anti And that Is I a II lesson the Christian world wont t la its laslow slow to learn leu rn I |