Show r Service S 'S Above All Ail I 2462 6 86 35 E. E South f I J Josh Joseph u b William Ullam Grant Grao nt l ral services for tor Joa Joseph ph William aur sut au 31 Browning avenue venue will be beIS Id IS Sunday Sunda at at 1 I p. p m. m In fn the Hawthorne Ltd ird chapel Bishop Ta Taggart officiating lends lendi may view Mr Cr Grant at the rest rest- I see ace of ot hi his br brother E. E R. R Grant of Od Cross Crots Utah Utah Friday an and l Saturday I lAt at the real residence ence au 49 Browning av ave ave- t S. S Sunday from 10 a. a m. m until services will be bl in the Wasatch Lawn rial park parle under tinder direction of ot the Deaf Des Des- rt f mortuary Thorn Thom Thomas C. C Robinson nral services s for Thomas Thorn C C. Roben Rob Bob en IOn will be held Sunday at 2 p. p m. m in tJ Jefferson ward chapel Bishop er r officiating Friends may view Robinson Saturday evening et at mory morand mor- mor y 7 and Sunday at ther th residence 35 15 t So Interment City cemetery C f Mary Blary Ann Ana nerd metal s services for Mary Ann nn David David- nf at C IOU 1018 East Third South Seuth will be a held beld lay day ay at In the rose ro room of the therit ret rit mortuary Rev ns Goshen Gohen k- k Friends Friends' In may y view low Miss II Davidson Uy iCy 7 evening a. a and d Monday until seri ser ser- i S. S at the mortuary Interment will Trill willa n a the Mt loU Olivet cemetery Amanda JO KJar services for Amanda Josephine r Pt pf pC an West est South Temple Templo street be beheld held M In the tho Fifteenth ward chapel chapela lay 17 a at 2 p p. p m. m Bishop Kasteler r oW- oW tig I C. C Mrs Kjar may may bo be viewed r at mortuary Saturday evening and Sun- Sun is t the residence from 1030 2030 until time Interment in City cemetery K- K direction o of the Deseret mortuary I La Lar Johnson an ral services service for tArs Lars J Johnson of ofray ray 7 y will be held Monday londay at 2 3 p p. p m. m le me e Murray Second ward chapel Ip p P. P P. P officiating MrIon Mr lr Ion on ion may be b. viewed at the church hour before before- services Interment ay ly l' l ICH City cemetery under the th of ot the Deseret Delnet mortuary |