Show r The How of of Utah's Triumph Over OveE Cougars Cou rs I Vp 44 l h V I r s r 5 V V I I S V Vc L S c A J 4 3 5 5 V 1 V 2 k I v c 7 V. V V V 5 V IL J r rV V 6 1 5 Vl i rIf 4 t j 4 V V V V 74 V V y I I 5 t I V. V V V. V V m V 4 C 7 L Seeing Is believing in n football at as a well wel ax as a in anything Hare Hera re the Telegram staff photographer is telling a true story tory of how Utah Uth turned back the challenge of Brigham f Young university Saturday 34 t to 7 I Above Ray Forsberg tricky Ute quarterback is making one of his sensational punt returns Second from the tho ho top dug Clug Vacher Mousie 1 Cougar quarter reserve is just jus about to be trapped in one of his fruitless jabs at the stubborn Indian forward wall Farther below Bliss Hoover phenomenal a wai Hover Cougar punter is snapped napped just before George Georgo W Watkins Ute end takes him to the turf Below Utah's hitting hard backfield combination Frank Christensen carrying the pigskin and Captain Captin Ray Price running the interference piles pies through the Cougar claws for a first down I |