Show Asks Aks ks High Court Execute Order i ir In Produce Case Caser r BOISE Boni WC W. W C Pond filed d his his' brier brief rIet in supreme court com in support of oC a. a asuit J suit for rot an t today Y dl directing Judge William A. A order n to Twi Twin Falls Fans to approve claims bt of Pond against the produce duce Delong o of Sealer iealer bond o of Carl L. L T with fallon fall- fall pond on ca rg ch charged d Delong and ana andson oh ott a a. contract to d deliver Tiro damages of or nearly 2000 in- in indis in-dis- dis district won son on court A writ of or execution b Dc De- Delong against the bond p put t up by produce dealer a ja nl n. licensed long wal va ed on on direction of Judge withdrawn with with- but drawn awn when court action wits started start start start- ed- ed bv bY bYtho tho the bond lond house hous and b by f other creditors of oC D Delong long Other creditors d charged In a counter suit against Delong owed the latter rend Pond that cm enough Ush to cancel sancel the indebtedness appealed to supreme then court to compel the j judge d-c d tp I I s. s u a. a neW writ of execution Uon of oC against s the tho bond bondU ond |