Show PAULINO UZCUDUN WHIPS FRENCHMAN PARIS Oct 18 IS AP AP Paulino Uzcudun the Bound Bounding inS inS' Basque of Spain technically knocked knock tl out Maurice Maurice Mau Mau- rice Gris lle French h h heavyweight ht In n tho the fifth round of ot their scheduled scheduled sched sched- ten round out bout out here t tonight Francois Descamps manager man mall ager ger stopped the fight by throwing a sponge Into tho thio ring Paulino's Paulinos American experience evidently ha ling has made a new fighter of at him since his last appearance here lIe He battered Descamps' Descamps bat bat- hattIN battier tIN tier with tremendous tremendous' wIngs swings to the this body x dy which burst a L blood d vessel l in chest The rue French rench fighter fight fight- er er spurted blood from tram his lila zio mouth th In such volume that It ft appeared to to cover eo the tho ring floor won von won only the second round but put Tut ut up one of ot the ganie L fights seen acen In Paris j In many years |