Show Utah O County Onion Onion- Crop Damaged by Freezing Nights PROVO Oct Utah lS 18 Utah county's fr freezing nights la last t week ek did considerable con con- damage to the th 1930 1030 onion crop accor according to Anson B. B Call of oC tho the Utah count county agricultural de de- de Five carloads of onions in th the county W were rc r rejected J Thursday because be he- cause they hd hid had 1 been damaged d b by frost ro t. t Most of ot the onions that were affected by the cold weather were already ady pulled or soaked arid and left led standing in the fields during th the cold nights night Continual rains during during- the latter Jatter part art of ot September and the e early part of ot this month prevented pre the farmers rs tr from m harvesting their crops The Tho onions mUst mUl t bo be dried out be fore tore they are sacked I |