Show ants V f Reid jr r. r and Mrs T. T A A. Reid of en eil n announce the thc engage engage- It of their daughter Helen Br Thomas F. F Welsh An luncheon was wasI wash h I by Mrs T. T A. A Reid at t Reid eid home chorne in Ogden on day The flie rooms were rated in autumn leaves I n roses Talisman formed the lie centerpiece table with pink tapers at al each end of the table able Bridge ridge followed the luncheon the first prize being a awarded ward d to Miss Virginia McEntee for high score and consolation I prize to Miss E. E M. M Those present were vere Miss E. E M. M Mrs Ja James Ivers Jr Mrs John Ha Hasson Mrs Leonard J-eonard Brennan Mrs Alfred Giffin Miss Melba Greenwood Miss Claire Elderidge Miss Marva Man a Thorpe Miss Mary Mellon Meton Mellon Mel Met lon on Miss iss M Mi Marian n Mattson Miss Virginia McEntee of Salt Lake Mi Miss s Gertrude e Heid Reid Miss Edith Reid Miss Ellen ONeil O'Neil Miss Mis June Emley and aid Miss Alice 0 S Kingdo Kingdon Wright Mr rr and d Mrs G G. G A A. fou l an announce an- an the engagement of their s. s Daughter Bl Blanche to V. W. Wright on-of on Mr tt U and Hl Mrs Mi A. A 13 I Tho marriage will t take ke place phico In San Francisco N ber 2 e. e b Brown Brown Bron Mrs frs William L. L l-Ic l Hewlett lett announces announces an an- th tho engagement of ot be her daughter Brown BIown t to Ther Theron Thero I L. L N Nielsen s n. n The rho W wedding dd will take place October 29 Ke Keith ri teon Mrs Irs D Dan Dlin fl 1 cHU announces the ci engagement n of t ij her Je r I daughter a Ruth nut to ti s C Charles har oni ton son J of ot Mr Mi and u d Mm Frank n. n Th The announcement was wasi mado by b tHc brides bride's mother itt nt nta a a. a shower ver and nd d birthday party parly Tor ri thi th the bride b on 1 Monday n October r 33 The Thie rero er ero Mrs Frank Mrs Mr sus Susan L Cla r. Mrs Mic Fra b cr t j i d on p page g 1 up t Nuptial l al J j f Events r i- i Cont Continued from page 1 Mrs Mu William GIbbs Mrs irs Connie Keith Mrs Cliff Clift Forslund Mrs Mrs Mm George Georgo Bloomfield an and Mrs W. W Slices Silcox S S S Lange One of the very Interesting events of ot the the week was was was' 5 the tb marriage of or Miss ISIS Margaret Lange linge and Edwin E. E James in the Salt Lake Temple After th the ceremony was performed by Elder Richard R. R Lyman Lyman Ly Ly- man the couples couple were honored honor d at a a wedding breakfast given clyen In the tho residents presidents suite milto of or the hotel The Tho table ti set for tor members member ot of I the tho families and very clo cloe o friends was beautifully decorated with a n huge hugo centerpiece of ot tAll fall flowers flower flow- flow I er ers rs and nd pink candles candIes In silver sUver candlestick can can- can can- The place cards cardA were novel and attractive miniature bridal couples circled by a II tiny tinye e wedding redding ring ring- Tho The The- bride wore w wore ie an exquisite gown crown of ot black transparent velvet velve a ch charming black velvet hat hatin In n the tho helm helmet t design trimmed with brilliants black brocade slippers and a fox fur The Tho young couple left eft Immediately for nn an extended tour our of ot the Pacific northwest The brides bride's traveling costume was a R. charming harming bolero gown of gray travel print with a l tan hat hilt Following their heir tour Mr and Mrs frs James will willbe willbo bo be at home In Rock Springs Wyo S IS' IS Thomas The marriage of ot Miss Margaret Thomas daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles J. J Thomas and Paul James Cecil son Ion of ot Mr and Mrs J. J B. B Cecil will take place October 29 at nt 4 o'clock In the presidents president's suite Bulto at atho atthe the ho Hotel Utah Levi Edgar Young will officiate Tho The bride will be attended by Miss MIsa Maybelle Covey Covay and Dudley Mays Maya will m be the tho best man A reception will toll follow V ff from until 6 G 11 S S SLa La Fount The engagement of Miss lIsa Constance Constance Con Con- stance La Xa l- l Fount lount daughter of Mr r. r and nd Mrs Mrs' Harold A. A La Fount of ot Washington D. D C C. and John Scow Scow- croft son lion of or Mrs Heber Scow Scow-croll of Salt Lake was announced at a luncheon given Saturday October 11 11 by Mrs Fount La-Fount nn and Miss lIs 1 Ruth La Fount at their home In Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington D. D C. C The wedding will take tako place in November The couple will willbe willbe be at nt athorne home in Ogden after the tho first of ot January The bride o Is a former student of or George Washington unIversIty university university uni unI- and a Chi Omega and Mr lr Is a former student of ot the University of Utah and a n. Sigma Chi rho Tho couple has a a. large circle of ot friends in Salt Lake and Ogden who will vill be Interested In their forthcoming forthcoming forth orth- coming marriage Wall Hines Dr and Mrs Mu Joseph Stiles W Wall Vall Vallot H Hof of ot Washington D. D C. C announce the engagement of their daughter Frances to Frank Thomas Hines Jr son of at Brigadier General and Mrs l rank Frank Thomas Hines also of or Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington formerly of Salt Lako City The wedding will take toko October October October Octo Octo- ber 20 at o o'clock lock at the home of tho the brides bride's rJ parents 1864 1861 Wyoming Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming mInE avenue Washington D. D YO I C. C Tho The announcement was wai made October October October Octo Octo- ber 13 In Washington The approaching approaching approaching ap ap- ap- ap nuptials will be bo read with Interest in Salt Lake where the bridegrooms bridegroom's father wa was reared |