Show It r LIVESTOCK MARKET j I I S 'S S NORTh LAX LAKE NORTH SALT LAKE Oct 1 IS 1 no l Receipts Including 11 for Cor maket market l S direct to 10 Los La Angeles market and 24 to Los Ll AD Angeles packer Load Loid ad good light and medium weight but lut butcher hu hers 1010 part put load medium Ind and 1010 I Ol few Cew packing sow iT S Cattle Receipt 2 32 In Including six for tor market makel and an 26 Z to San an Francisco market maket Load Larl good good- goodlight light IZ about two made loads young Toun cow 0 cowL U. U with two t out at Z odd lots lot mixed mind con co cowl package e common steers steer lue odd heed head hed bull For or week Receipt Receipts 1293 IU top steer steen tur grass eras ra fed fd feeder Ceder t type e good and aD hole choir feeder feeders mostly oo aleer stere ster 14 00 nu medium anti and Rood good heifer load lond lot loll Mil ciui 11 lot lots lots U. U 57 good cow owe tIO cows conn os downward ad o to 1200 OO best but ellen 16 00 common and medium medium S 00 bull bul bulls 84 Sheep Sheep Shel Receipt 2098 OI SIS SISto to 10 Utah f edea and d 1282 1283 t to Los L. L An Angeles tIO packers packer no no early Carly sale sales ln omE I OGDEN Oct J 1 18 S USDA USDA Re Hoss Re 1605 48 U for market maket U direct 93 U to Ieno 96 II to Swanston SO 0 0 to Oakland klan Il to Ran a Francisco 1 I packer anil anU 21 2 to San gan Francisco mar mar- ket kat Two packages good gool and choice trucked trucked-ln ln SO odd heed head hed packing sowe S 90 20 0 for CattIe Cattle Receipt 10 Including market and 30 0 to S Sn an Francisco Francico market ane market weak eAk For week Receipts Receipt n to So lower decline mostly mOlty on she e to stock hulk good steers steer load Jo gOod feeders feeder mostly most moat choice feeders fuden feeder I ly iy below Y GI common steers steer downward to lo and below medium and good goo heifers heifer moty mostly lower loer VI grades gredel t f. f mixed young joung oun rows BOW BW and belt ers en hulk bulk buit good goo cows IO around 1474 S1 common and medium lower grades grade downward to 00 bulls 84 00 good and choice vel en 9 0 common cormon and medium Sheep Sheep Receipts including 67 for market 67 to Omaha Omalia yesterday foT two O decks deck pound 75 tnt fat lambs lamba IAmbs nOO 10 with 35 25 feeders lound weighing 62 n pounds pound out wih at For week Receipts 0 several loads mixed fat and And Ce feeder lambs lambl lodl lambs and few decks deck heavy fat ft mixed weIghts weight and ani g grades r du Including Ins drive 0 few lots ewes ewe CHICAGO GO CHICAGO Oct 18 ii 1 CAP AP USDA USDA USDA- Catl Cattle Cattle Receipts 1000 Compared week AgO ago agol Fed yearlings steady to Ic lower down stockers and weighty steen eters feeder steady to eak losing early advance advance ad ad- ad 25 5 50 60 cents higher vance Vl fat cows COW cOW to 10 cent cutters cutler strong to 50 higher heifer SOc Oc or cuter more mon lower lowe bulls about So 50 up antI and vealera SOc iOe lower r about we Western r ener and stockers stocken grassers In run Tun mainly feeders feeder grer selling at lt s. s OI with best but yearlings at practical top fed yearlings yearling 1300 at close extreme top however 3 not many weighty weight bullocks bul J Poo locks above 0 i extreme top I 1250 r 50 predominating In steer receipts at for tor strictly grain feds cel with vh Ih and snort short feds fed at a 50 5 10 Sheep Sheep Receipts 14 U doubles double from feeding stations and direct today's market steady steady- ad nine nine- loads IDala Washington ton lambs lambl U n to packers five loads load held at itt un unsold ol for week uk 23 U doubles double A from front feeding stations direct generally gen gen- gel very little change from Crom weak veal url earl led ler iamb lamba cleared cleard before full tul upturn upturn up UP- bulk turn d desirable developed r range on lf final raa lambs Iambs J session W closing 5 latter price also weeks week's top native Uve ewe and wether lambs I 85 bucks bucke out 0 Ia fat ewes ewel feeding lambs lamb 60 7 HO Hogs Hogs Receipts I 2000 1000 Including 1000 direct direct- steady to to une enly lower loner top a a. few loads ISO to 0 pounds compared week eok ago ao mos mo U t. Uly ly Iy 25 5 to 40 cents cent higher pigs pig and packIng pack pack- Ing sows cows up morel morer eu took holdovers holdover 1000 light light I II good and choice holce to ICO pounds 89 60 GS light lightweight weight ICO to lbs Ibs medium weights weight 00 to ISO iiO pounds heavy huv IGO 1 I 5 V to 10 50 pounds packing JOWl lows medium malum and good to COO OO tb lbs Ibs U 15 II IiO slaughter pigs pie good and ch choice C to to o 13 10 pounds pound KANSAS KANSAS S CITY Oct 1 IS 11 USDA USDA Cat Cat- Ue lie ue 00 calves calve OO For wC k Better r r c-r grades du red M steen ateer an and yearlings t a. a steady to lb 20 lower choice yearlings mostly steady medium heifer heifers 2 a 0 or orm m other oIlier killing classes cattle alady trade however very spotted on grass fat steers r. r and anti calves calve steady tEady to to SOc lower good to tn choke choice year year- link stockern IS 15 to c 25 e hUli r oll r 1 Tr- Tr Placement stock mostly Itell steady teady y Weeks Week tops top Yearling steers dee 1309 heavy alln rs vc- vc veal ve l- l cr sri ers Sf bulk bull fI western tern grass steers fed Ced stockers and feeder feeders G 00 0 85 several stockers up to 75 stock steer 4 up lip to 00 and stock heifer calves cain up to Snoop Sheep Kor week Fat and feeding lambs generally steady trady to SIc So lo lower er us na lives oft off orr more snore sheep strong to to lIe Se higher top range o lambs late bulk H top natives better bOlter grades largely larcel best ewes ewt most mot sales Ie te feeding ln lImbs lambs ml mostly molI l 0 to top 87 JOOl 2001 steady to strong with Fridays Friday's clo e. e or mostly Z SIc C lower loner than titan beet beat time top tap 50 on or 00 to 30 pound bulk bulle desirable to O pound might at odd picking sows mows lii average cost COlt Friday T. T 31 n weight eight lU pounds I OMAHA OMAn Oct Oel 1 II 11 flogs CUP UP Hogs R u market marlIt 10 to to SOc Oe higher top I. I ao bulk to 20 0 2 00 09 0 Cattle Cattle Receipts 00 market steady 0 lower bulk fed steers and rear year lings S 1200 bulk heifers helfers OS 00 practical top veal 1160 I Sheep Receipts 1 market today's supply consisted of or fed ted lambs lamb l bought to 10 arrive at U 00 and fed Co M 1 T flipped Iambs at 17 compared with seek eek ago aco lambs lamb around J JOW clipped lambs 10 JO to to lOe SOd O lower f Zed foci higher sheep U 25 to SD 50 cents higher dosing closing bulks bulk follow oUo Slaughter range lambs lambe top Iambi 1740 S SOUTH SAX SAN AN SCISCO lU SOUTH S. SAN FRANCISCO A Oct 15 11 I U U.-DA U. USDA I For or direct too mostly most n lower lo top 1115 bulk ICO no t to 00 pounds packing sowa sowe at Today Today's s re ye- 2001 Q IC Irati J 1 Hi IIi pound California HO n Leday Receipts for wick week 2300 direct i 75 15 steers and che he stock steady good ISO 0 to 1013 pound steers top bulk mcclun in to good 17 lIesl mans ans noo n. Rood roo cow COW cowd S H. m medium young cows cos ami 1 1 II 1625 good cows COWl medium Hullt 55 common com mon lon low cutters an and cutter cutlers medium bulls bull le II Ju n. n r. r li t direct 10 two ro JolI loads bails to t. good goM d u ElI to O Idaho steers fi Calves Oln n for Cor week eel ItO tio mostly moLly 25 5 to SOc Oc O. higher top tor f Co 36 n CD D d deck k goul to choice 73 pound 1 good roo l 36 G 6 to n 71 pound lound California III and anti n 70 lio bulk common to medium I. s O ewes ewe steady to 10 weak week two decks de Ji yearlings weak two decks mt lum U. U O. O Today's receipts receipt 8 63 undertone steady F. F KAST T ST. ST LOUIS lA EAST T T ST ST. LOUI III Oct 18 AI APi USDA n HolO Hogs Receipts lIDO market t IS 15 to ISo 0 lo lower r pig pigs and MOWS showing decline bulk hulk ISO to a pounds 1000 ISO to no pounds pound U. U to lo pounds packing sows largely Cattle Receipts calves cahu compared com corn pared with close last lut week lightweights fed steer and medium flesh kinds kind lIc Sc higher weighty steers IIleen alron strong western steers 25 s to tOo higher mixed yearlings l. heifers and medium bulls bull steady steady uh all nil cow stuff higher tops top for week 1034 1014 pound yearling steers steer 1265 1234 pound matured steers Iteen 1240 Gi 46 pound mixed yearlings 1130 COI GOI pound heifers 1160 western teer steers teer 11 medium bulls vealera I U 1 LII bulk for we wick sIc natita n steers 8 SS 10 10 0 t 0 00 W- W U fa fat bilge vIa ts anti and heifers hetter 0 1100 medium flesh binds cows cow SIO lo low cutters cullers 31 i clos clos- lOw mtr dealer top lop 1300 Sheep Shee Sheep Receipts 1000 compared week a SRO go fat fit lambs lamb Sc Ic lower throw throw- outs out and Ih sheep p steady weeks week top fat limbs to butchers closing bulk to tt packers packer bulk lamb common H. H O f fAt t ewes 7 RIOUX CITY SIOUX CTT la Ia Oct IS 11 UP Ar USDA Cattle USDA Cattle Receipts 1000 calve iO 10 for the tho week wuk fed yearlings SIc higher her matured stern steer steady stead to t. Sc lower grass Krana R. helfer-R. 50 off oft other she hf I lock k strong to tn 1 up stockers an feeders feeder Hili fully ISo ic higher hulk beef ter teem steers and yearlings yearling top medium weigh h impey Vt 1240 heavy Y bullock 1225 few fed Tf helff heifers r 1100 hulk iSO most cow cows 0 stIll TrifU lorly feelers feeders S 23 top lights 00 heavy feeders feeder feedIng heifers heifer IS SOO 00 down best but tock stock calves 1000 Receipts I 1500 noo light nJ Int steady dea with a r few fe 1700 to tn pound butchers butcher 10 Ct extreme top top- few few- to 1711 weights wll I. I 0 Ino 00 cows OW mainly ml few fw smooth light extreme heavy sown mows around 1735 Sheep Receipts 2500 today today's trade full two to loads load natives native anti and two tw loads lends we westerns lern to 10 packers packers' UG market markt for tho the week tek all classes lItI steady to 15 11 higher most t late Inte sales f ft tt lambs SR 00 OS 85 IS to top on natives nall fed clipped lambs Iambs saas fat e ewe lop top JS bulk feeding lambs Iamb top SOUTH ST fiT TACI ST. ST PAUL lInn ISbn Oct 15 IS tAP AP USDA USDA Cattle noo SOO for week wetle steers steer yearling and anti feeder find and stockers stockern mostly steady she stock tock an and bulls S ft higher weeks week prices top lop car lot Int light steers 1160 medium weights weight best but range ran steers S 25 top grass eo cows top range heifer noo 1300 00 bulk fed steer steere grans u cows cow heifers low cutters cutter cutter cutters 00 4 0 bull bulls buU fJ tM i 6 traders fH 1100 00 feeding feeding- CW tit Calve Calves R Receipts i I Il mostly UG J u Hogs Receipt flogs Receipts 1700 tight sj iN butchers butcher steady to lOa be lower than thau day Ilay average bulk t USO packeT packer top nto pigs piKe mo mossI OO light lights lIs light 0 sow saws lOW ar aro SIc lower n 50 U S SheeP Sheep t. t for slaughter lambs lamb unevenly steady lead C f aes fIT more lower closing ne bulk native ewe w w s wether t lambs lamb 1775 common grade 1 84 sheep steady rang nominally strong tron to 0 or lOS S LOS ANOLES Oct 18 13 USDA Receipts none non for the thee 1500 steady bulk eastern 1110 11 U. 1125 top topS 1125 grain feil felt local feds packing pl cows sow Cattle Cattle Receipt none for week wuk 1300 killing classes ir HiO hl higher her good fe j I 00 IGO bulk MexIcans Mexican heir cr lOr 85 but bent cowl cow to medium common 57 all JI cutters cutter S 50 4 0 bulls bull 1650 do down CaHen ReceIpts Calves Receipt none for week l' l SOI higher lilmer m medium to good 1 oo top toll 01 bulk cal 1000 |